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Author Topic: Horse saddle  (Read 9414 times)


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Re: Horse saddle
« Reply #30 on: 10 January 2009, 09:51:45 pm »
in general christians are very negative to same sex situations however something to think about

there is the vow that we give us on a christian wedding, look in the bible and the vow is spoken from a woman to a woman.

and there are many other references that are supportive to same sex love but ....


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Re: Horse saddle
« Reply #31 on: 10 January 2009, 10:29:14 pm »
tell it like it is honey....


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Re: Horse saddle
« Reply #32 on: 10 January 2009, 11:43:06 pm »
I agree, generally many Christians are anti-homosexuality but there are a lot of discussions going on now, especially in the UK free churches about accepting and embracing openly gay ministers which is refreshing.

Oddly enough, I got into a conversation with a group of Christians a few weeks ago (the circles I mix in!) as to whether prostitutes needed "saving". I sat on the sidelines and just listened but was surprised to find that the group was split 50/50 and by the end, with the exception of trafficked prostitutes of course, that they didn't. There were lots of very open minded view points and a good understanding of what we do. Quite a surprise in the High Anglican congregation.

I bit my lip though when someone suggested it was okay if the man was single but they were damned if the man was married! Very practical!


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Re: Horse saddle
« Reply #33 on: 11 January 2009, 05:15:55 am »
Im no expert but i am Christian (not a very good one i will admit), i still go to church (sometimes), i still pray and i still have a belief and i'd say we were less negative, more accepting and definately more open minded that many other religious groups out there.  (And i still havent read the link.... i will get around to it i swear.)  Infact some of the most accepting and least judgemental people i know are church goers.  And thats saying something considering im a whore who reads related forums!!  Like all religions there are a few fanatics out there spouting shit and making out we are all the same but such is life.

I also ride horses but if someone calls asking me to do this horsey fetish stuff i shall be saying no.  There are some things i like to keep seperated from my escorting. 

Actually im suprised that I have now discussed Mary Magdelaine with at least 3 clients so far (they start it not me), I wonder if that is a bit of catholic guilt coming out in them.


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Re: Horse saddle
« Reply #34 on: 11 January 2009, 08:59:53 pm »
I had posted a comment on the website for him to make some references torwards same-sex situations. I'll be looking out to see if it comes up

I don't really intend to frequent this site, but would love to hear how he responds to your comment Joey, so please let me know or post the link here if he comes up with something.
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Re: Horse saddle
« Reply #35 on: 11 January 2009, 09:04:02 pm »
I bit my lip though when someone suggested it was okay if the man was single but they were damned if the man was married! Very practical!

 ??? I wonder, would that person happen to have been a married woman?  ;)
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Re: Horse saddle
« Reply #36 on: 11 January 2009, 09:41:46 pm »
Infact some of the most accepting and least judgemental people i know are church goers. 

I don't believe religion has anything to do with whether a person is accepting or judgemental - I have come across some great tolerant, accepting loving and giving people and some very selfrightious people in all faiths and walks of life.
I have been brought up as christian, but couldn't stand the hypocracy of some people who described themselves as devout christians, donate to repair the church roof, bake for the after church meeting and help run sunday school and run to Church at every opportunity only to go home, beat their wives or kids, spit at a muslim woman, kick a drunk lying in the gutter or swindle old people out of their savings.

Your religion is not what makes you a good person, your actions and attitute to you fellow humans and the environment you live in regardless of belief, skincolour, sexuality, physical or mental capability is.

Just my personal opinion, so no offence to anyone and I am far from being as good a person as I could be, but i am working towards it.

And i still havent read the link.... i will get around to it i swear

Read the link Lex, read it and you'll see that my original lecture (  ;) ) was provoked by this guy using bible texts to justify that god wants us/him to engage in certain sexual practices and to me he is exactly one of the hypocrites I am talking about, instead of accepting that he is sexually deviant and therefore is comitting a sin, he has twisted the words in the bible so it seems god supports, no encourages practices such as lesbianism in 3somes, mastrubation, analsex etc. While I don't have the expertise to argue whether he is right or wrong I don't believe his motives are to reveal the true intent of the bible texts, but to shape them to suit his purpose, which is what I am objecting to - then again, it's a free world and the cynic in me appreciated the intellectual effort and the amusement the read gave me.

Actually im suprised that I have now discussed Mary Magdelaine with at least 3 clients so far (they start it not me), I wonder if that is a bit of catholic guilt coming out in them.
Kinda my point about hypocracy - and remember according to Dan Brown Mary Magdalene was the wife of Jesus and the Church changed the bible say she was a whore. So ...

OMG - I'm possesed - this is the last thing i will post on this topic or my head may start spinning round and I'll be spitting green goo. ;D
 Sorry!  :-[
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Horse saddle
« Reply #37 on: 11 January 2009, 10:21:14 pm »
I've loved reading your posts on this thread, you have such a wonderfully balanced view on the subjects discussed and a simple and profound way of putting it. Don't stop!

Lilly x


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Re: Horse saddle
« Reply #38 on: 11 January 2009, 10:54:08 pm »
No dont stop.  but actually dan brown got that theory about Mary M from many other theories that have existed for years about her.  its a shame really because he gets the credit for all the good theories these days  ;D  Anyway, i could go in to detail about both theories but I wont, except i believe there were many more books written for the bible but someone chose to break it down to matthew, mark, luke & John and Mary amongst others was left out (most likely because she was female, no suprises there) and im not sure if she married him but she was probably alot closer to him than she has ever been given credit for.

And your right about people being decent with or without religion in their life, it makes no difference really i just think its really easy to assume that because someone is a christian or a jew or a muslim or a hindu or whatever that they are going to have certain views on other peoples lives and its just not true.

Anyway, a thread about horse saddle sexual desires isnt somewhere i want to be discussing bible theories so thats the end of my input on this one.  I really will read the link though.  I love bible theories or interperatations whether they are ridiculous or valid so will settle down with a cup of tea tomorrow and have a good read.  Maybe next time we can discuss Judus... traitor or loyal friend, discuss.  lol

Anyway, lets discuss the finer points of religion sometime over a large vat of wine.  Its always better (and easier) that way lol
« Last Edit: 11 January 2009, 11:42:55 pm by lexie »


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Re: Horse saddle
« Reply #39 on: 11 January 2009, 11:08:08 pm »
arent you going to read the link Lexie?

and are right on with it. Tell it like it is. Thats why I like to share this stuff with people because it gets another view point, one that I wasnt able to see myself


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Re: Horse saddle
« Reply #40 on: 11 January 2009, 11:30:19 pm »
arent you going to read the link Lexie?

Tomorrow, tomorrow... i promise i will read it.  Its just i read the first few lines and thought 'bloody hell, here we go again with yet another person trying to justify their acts in a religious context' and it all seemed a bit heavy.  I promise i will read it when my head isnt all sunday fuzzy.  :)

And i will report back but dont expect much from me.  From what Cas says i doubt if i will give it too much thought really.

Did we ever get to the bottom of the horsey stuff?  i cant even remember anymore lol


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Re: Horse saddle
« Reply #41 on: 11 January 2009, 11:50:48 pm »
Aww, shucks guys, thanks.
I like to discuss things and get as many and as varied opinions as possible, as you say Joey it's good to see a another persons take on things and as long as everyone respects the other persons view and can agree to dissagree at times and not try to force their opinion as the correct one on others it is a great way to broaden one's horizons and learn to understand each other and oneself better.

...and now one has gone all posh and shall be using the royal we next! I think not, LOL

Lexie, you are of course right about Dan Brown, but it is an easy reference everyone gets these days, where as if I start going on about The Key of King Solomon or those texts found in the desert I can't remember the name of (starts with an A), I get blank stares. So forgive me.

... and you are right that this is not really the right thread for this type of discussion, but it just shows how one topic can easily seed a completely different line of conversation.

Keeping an open mind and all that  ;) - and you never know I might be able to find a bible passage to support pony play - anything he can do, I can do better...  :P if I could be bothered. (Please nobody take this last sentence seriously!!)
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Horse saddle
« Reply #42 on: 12 January 2009, 12:17:05 am »

and you never know I might be able to find a bible passage to support pony play

Do it.  there is usually one for every situation.  I'm not that familiar with the good book myself (see how im not very good at the christian thing already) but i challenge you to find it.   ;D ;D  Have fun with that one.  I bet there is a website to help with these things these days though so i doubt it would be too hard.


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Re: Horse saddle
« Reply #43 on: 12 January 2009, 12:25:03 am »

and you never know I might be able to find a bible passage to support pony play

Do it.  there is usually one for every situation.  I'm not that familiar with the good book myself (see how im not very good at the christian thing already) but i challenge you to find it.   ;D ;D  Have fun with that one.  I bet there is a website to help with these things these days though so i doubt it would be too hard.

Swine! ;D

Actually I've just realised I really need to wash my hair and do my nails - maybe some other time.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Horse saddle
« Reply #44 on: 12 January 2009, 02:07:01 am »
Wow! I have missed some good debate here... Maybe I'll read it properly when I am more awake. Usually I like to wade on in for this sort of thing :D
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man, my son!
"if" - Rudyard Kipling