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Author Topic: Tippers.  (Read 7271 times)


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Re: Tippers.
« Reply #15 on: 08 January 2009, 08:23:22 am »
Yesterday a client gave me 2 bottles of smirnoff ice,2 yorkie bars,a snickers and a mint chocolate areo!

was there a reason for this list of stuff or was he just getting rid of the xmas excess?  ;D


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Re: Tippers.
« Reply #16 on: 08 January 2009, 09:48:19 am »
ha ha.

Today i will probably be recieving the unwanted tins of quality street and a box of matchmakers ;D


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Re: Tippers.
« Reply #17 on: 08 January 2009, 03:03:39 pm »
I didn't post on this thread earlier because I've had just the two tips, on ?10 and one ?20. But yesterday my client said "there's a bit extra there"  and it was ?60 extra, for a one hour apt! I was a bit embarrassed by it tbh, but very grateful! I'm not going to expect them, never have, as like a few of you have said I think my fee is enough, but it has brightened up this cold miserable weather for me.  :)
I've been eyeing up a jacket in All Saints so I think I'll get it now!


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Re: Tippers.
« Reply #18 on: 08 January 2009, 03:43:00 pm »
Like a few of you have said, tips are not common really, although gifts can be. 

I can count on one hand the monetary tips I have had and accepted with gratitude!!!!!! 

I think it is more the norm here for a client to not feel he has to tip and not see it as part of the process at all, which is why only the few do and perhaps that is more down to individual character. 

I have to say therefore that when I do get extra, even if it is just ?10 or ?20, it really brightens up my day, as I never want to feel complacent about earnings at all, and sometimes that little extra can make a big difference. 


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Re: Tippers.
« Reply #19 on: 08 January 2009, 06:30:29 pm »
Yesterday a client gave me 2 bottles of smirnoff ice,2 yorkie bars,a snickers and a mint chocolate areo!

was there a reason for this list of stuff or was he just getting rid of the xmas excess?  ;D

I know. I was thinking maybe he owns an off licence or something. :)


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Re: Tippers.
« Reply #20 on: 08 January 2009, 06:39:54 pm »
I didn't post on this thread earlier because I've had just the two tips, on ?10 and one ?20. But yesterday my client said "there's a bit extra there"  and it was ?60 extra, for a one hour apt! I was a bit embarrassed by it tbh, but very grateful! I'm not going to expect them, never have, as like a few of you have said I think my fee is enough, but it has brightened up this cold miserable weather for me.  :)
I've been eyeing up a jacket in All Saints so I think I'll get it now!

See! Isn't that great when it happens. You can get that something you didn't expect to be able to get.

I have to say therefore that when I do get extra, even if it is just ?10 or ?20, it really brightens up my day, as I never want to feel complacent about earnings at all, and sometimes that little extra can make a big difference. 

Ditto that.


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Re: Tippers.
« Reply #21 on: 08 January 2009, 10:42:16 pm »
But yesterday my client said "there's a bit extra there"  and it was ?60 extra, for a one hour apt! I was a bit embarrassed by it tbh, but very grateful! I've been eyeing up a jacket in All Saints so I think I'll get it now!

Thanks...lets us know there's still some light at the end of the tunnel after the holidays
« Last Edit: 08 January 2009, 10:46:28 pm by JoeyR »


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Re: Tippers.
« Reply #22 on: 09 January 2009, 12:36:26 am »
I agree that actual hard currency isn't that prevalent - I get the odd tip for ?50 here and there and am alway grateful. Pressies are much better - I have had books, DVDs, sweeties (including a big box of those really expensive jelly beans whch have all different flavours) and a chess game which was lovely (even though I'm rubbish at chess). I got loads of dodgy wine over Christmas which me and a mate got completely mullered on (we decided to do it all in in a night).

I don't expect to earn more than what I'm paid - its plenty as it is! (I have also got just got 20 of those velvety red roses that look so beautiful I can hardly really believe they're real - but this one is a a cut above). The best present I got this year was a huge German fridge freezer (but I'm going to work like f*ck to pay for it -with a gorgeous client - yup, it's a hard life ).


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Re: Tippers.
« Reply #23 on: 09 January 2009, 07:36:38 am »
I got loads of dodgy wine over Christmas which me and a mate got completely mullered on (we decided to do it all in in a night).

I bet...shit, depending on the size of the bottle and especially with red wine....after half a bottle Im driving the porcelain bus :o


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Re: Tippers.
« Reply #24 on: 10 January 2009, 02:09:51 am »
Ive never been tipped but then again I havent seen many clients, im still quite new! I dont drive so I catch the train to go to my bookings, and often the trains only run once an hour or something so I end up staying an extra half hour, as id rather be inside than waiting in the cold! I think I have to stop doing this though as regular clients are going to start booking me for one hour and expecting me to stay longer lol. A client today offered to pay for the extra half hour, but as it was my choice to stay I said thinking I should have accepted it now though!



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Re: Tippers.
« Reply #25 on: 10 January 2009, 02:31:07 am »
and often the trains only run once an hour or something so I end up staying an extra half hour, as id rather be inside than waiting in the cold!  A client today offered to pay for the extra half hour, but as it was my choice to stay I said thinking I should have accepted it now though!


Personally, if it was me I'd be more worried about over-staying my welcome than to be giving the client an extra 30 minutes. But if they're ok with it, I wouldnt see it a big deal. I mean, you could just start advertiseing yourself for up to 90 minutes (up to you whether how much additional, if any) if you want to throw in an extra 30 minutes, instead of compromising yourself. I dont blame you, waiting on a train at late hour is nerve-wrecking (I did it a few times).

And yes you shoulda took the money! (but it was good integrity by the way)


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Re: Tippers.
« Reply #26 on: 10 January 2009, 03:00:46 am »
Oh yeah, I never stay if im outstaying my welcome, only if they talk about being bored or waiting around after ive gone or something! This guy was taking me to the station then meeting his friends about an hour after, so he was saying he had to hang around on his own. Plus he was a nice guy and I liked chatting to him so it was ok, but in future im going to see it more as a business and take any extra cash offered to me. ooh that doesnt sound very nice now ive typed it lol! x


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Re: Tippers.
« Reply #27 on: 10 January 2009, 03:21:56 am »
My last tip was ?80, noticed when he gave me it that there was extra there but when i counted it after he left, it made me feel fabulous. Was given after the booking so obviously I was doing something right haha! Until he gave me a 5 on a/w FR personality sec; he does proclaim accident though.

I used to get trains and it was a bit of a pain, I once had an hour and 15 minute gap between getting to the station and the train home. I told the client beforehand and he said yep, I'll make sure you get it, he picked me up and dropped me off in plenty of time (in scotland though :( brrrr)

Not so long ago I did an outcall to Surrey, I don't normally travel as far as it was only an hour but he sounded nice. Complete cunt, obviously and me being me, I assumed there would be plenty of trains but no - once a bloody hour and I had to wait half an hour. Done it a couple of weeks beforehand, another Surrey booking (nice, pretty hot too) where I was busy gabbing and missed the train by literally two minutes and had a wander about a tiny village at 6pm for half an hour :(

In a mini dress none the less.
In November.

I hate the weather.


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Re: Tippers.
« Reply #28 on: 10 January 2009, 03:22:58 am »
ooh that doesnt sound very nice now ive typed it lol! x

but it will sound much nicer as the notes go in to your

I think there are ways to string out a half hour thats not been paid for if its your choice by just chatting, getting ready to go, even having a shower etc but  I think your right to think they will assume they will always get 90mins if it becomes habit.  I dont like to rush away after a booking and when ive done incalls ive not liked to usher anyone out the door (im pretty lucky with guys ive seen and only had one person take the piss really) but (to put it bluntly) for me once the paid time is up, so is the sex.  I'm happy to lay there for a bit and to chat or to have a drink whatever, but im pretty strict in my mind that they have 1hr or however long they book for to get their jollies and thats the appointment over, even if i do sit and chat for another 20min or so.  DOes that make sense?  Its not me being harsh its just me decifering the time between why im there and the chat at the end.


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Re: Tippers.
« Reply #29 on: 10 January 2009, 03:38:09 am »
but (to put it bluntly) for me once the paid time is up, so is the sex. DOes that make sense?

It does to me...I never knew how long an hour actually was until I started doing this. so much for 'time flies when you're having fun'  :-\