AVOID like the plague. I have learned through experience MSN with new clients can be the worst thing ever. They may be genuine guys but it's just not good - and I tried it/gave it several chances etc. I've only had one real booking set up that way, no sexy chat involved just going over the details etc. The other guys I've chatted with that way always go into 'sex chat/banter', will have you on for hours just answer another question babe and put pressure on you to webcam. Oh and it'll be at THEIR convenience - so you need to get off to a booking, do some studying, get some sleep but I found they would beg, cajole me to stay on. In fact too many were simply whinging.
Whilst it's flatter guys want you to chat to them like this it intrudes into your personal space. I lost track of the number of potential clients who wanted to chat for an hour each night, just so they can decide/get around to making that elusive booking. It's even better when they insist on switching their cam on so you can watch them w@nking.
I once had someone make a booking via MSN, we spoke on phone then on day he didn't turn up. I'd asked for confirmation at 9.30am. Guess what?He sat waiting for me to sign into MSN as he thought he'd confirm that way - I was out and about doing things(with my phone on!).
These days if I get approached on MSN then like text I'll answer the odd question, usually pointing back to my website and say if they'd like to give me a quick phone call or drop me an email I'm more than happy to answer their questions.
Guess what?Most don't (in fact they all don't).
Recently when I've been turning down MSN requests I've had guys then suggest we chat in facebook - now that's about 100 times as scary, and dangerous to both parties. Plus it defeats the object. A nice concise email with dates, times, possible dress requests is all that is required. For some reason some guys are thinking they must have a text/email chat with us all night even after making a booking. The most common reason being given (and this is after they did turn up for the booking and were really nice) is they wanted to show they were genuine.
Well ok fair enough but you wouldn't bombard anyone else you were 'hiring' like that, and we often just don't have the time/inclination to sit around like that. Well not unless you wish to add that to our hourly fee.
Try it by all means but I found it was impossible to keep 99% them off the 'sexy' banter to webcam road.