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Author Topic: AW clients want to chat on MSN?  (Read 1557 times)


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AW clients want to chat on MSN?
« on: 31 March 2010, 12:23:13 pm »
God I know I'm asking a lot of questions so really hope you don't mind (just ignore me if you do).

A lot of guys on AW ask me to go on MSN to organise things, I'm a 21st century girl and am happy to do this however I have been saying no as I'm fairly certain it's a ruse to get some free kink out of me! I wouldn't let MSN be a substiute for my other checks and wouldn't let the conversation get too sexy so am I being too fussy by saying no? I don't want to spend ages chatting to some guy but then again I can well imagine how nervous some of them are as I am too. I also def won't be switching my cam on no matter what they say (mainly as I don't want to have to put make up on in my own time)!

Do you think it's ok to have brief chats on MSN to get the ball rolling (under my pseudonym of course)? It also cuts out the issue of me stuttering and stammering over the phone if can get the details wrapped up online beforehand and as a pre-cursor to a final phone convo? xxx

Anika Mae

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Re: AW clients want to chat on MSN?
« Reply #1 on: 31 March 2010, 12:38:37 pm »
The main thing that might get me to agree to it is that AW is a clunky, annoying site and I wouldn't want to do a lot of back and forth on there. Switching to proper email works just as well for avoiding that, though.

In my younger days I used to use IM with people from chatrooms and the like, but I soon found that to be completely pointless. Coming from AW the chance that it's a timewaster may be slightly lower, but I still think it's something that will appeal to those who want to chat to you without the commitment of giving you a phone number, so timewasters. I wouldn't bother.


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Re: AW clients want to chat on MSN?
« Reply #2 on: 31 March 2010, 02:44:31 pm »
Just to second Anika, and add that I'm probably the evilest of all escorts in the world but I'm not keen on clients using the nerves excuse to avoid talking to me on the phone - only because if they're too nervous for that, how on earth are they going to come here and shag me? ;D

I find going to direct email is infinitely better than AW's email system, too, and am simply not prepared to sit on an IM thingy all day replying to 'how r u' and 'do u lyk dik' ad infinitum! With an email, they can put all their questions in one place so they only need one reply, essentially, and if you have a fancy smartphone you can check and respond to emails while at the hairdressers or in the Tesco queue!
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Re: AW clients want to chat on MSN?
« Reply #3 on: 31 March 2010, 03:30:37 pm »
AVOID like the plague. I have learned through experience MSN with new clients can be the worst thing ever. They may be genuine guys but it's just not good - and I tried it/gave it several chances etc. I've only had one real booking set up that way, no sexy chat involved just going over the details etc. The other guys I've chatted with that way always go into 'sex chat/banter', will have you on for hours just answer another question babe and put pressure on you to webcam. Oh and it'll be at THEIR convenience - so you need to get off to a booking, do some studying, get some sleep but I found they would beg, cajole me to stay on. In fact too many were simply whinging.

Whilst it's flatter guys want you to chat to them like this it intrudes into your personal space. I lost track of the number of potential clients who wanted to chat for an hour each night, just so they can decide/get around to making that elusive booking. It's even better when they insist on switching their cam on so you can watch them w@nking.

I once had someone make a booking via MSN, we spoke on phone then on day he didn't turn up. I'd asked for confirmation at 9.30am. Guess what?He sat waiting for me to sign into MSN as he thought he'd confirm that way - I was out and about doing things(with my phone on!).

These days if I get approached on MSN then like text I'll answer the odd question, usually pointing back to my website and say if they'd like to give me a quick phone call or drop me an email I'm more than happy to answer their questions.

Guess what?Most don't (in fact they all don't).

Recently when I've been turning down MSN requests I've had guys then suggest we chat in facebook - now that's about 100 times as scary, and dangerous to both parties. Plus it defeats the object. A nice concise email with dates, times, possible dress requests is all that is required. For some reason some guys are thinking they must have a text/email chat with us all night even after making a booking. The most common reason being given (and this is after they did turn up for the booking and were really nice) is they wanted to show they were genuine.

Well ok fair enough but you wouldn't bombard anyone else you were 'hiring' like that, and we often just don't have the time/inclination to sit around like that. Well not unless you wish to add that to our hourly fee.

Try it by all means but I found it was impossible to keep 99% them off the 'sexy' banter to webcam road.
« Last Edit: 31 March 2010, 03:34:56 pm by strawberry »


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Re: AW clients want to chat on MSN?
« Reply #4 on: 31 March 2010, 03:55:23 pm »
I never indulge guys who want to do this sort of thing. I think that guys making genuine bookings dont need to ask a million questions and if they do then just tell them you are very busy and to write you an email. I have found that the longer i do this job the more accurate my bullshit detector has become and the same will probably happen to you. xx


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Re: AW clients want to chat on MSN?
« Reply #5 on: 31 March 2010, 04:17:59 pm »
I think there are definitely 3 classes of clients on this one;

First Class will communicate effectively via phonecall and email mediums
Second Class will struggle with communication ettiquette getting lines blurred between Escorting/Swinging/Dating
Third Class are simply out for some sort of thrill generally wasting your time

I've actually been called unfriendly and unhelpful for not agreeing MSN or Facebook instant chat. I'm sure most guys out there running their own businesses do not entertain this as a way to lure in new clients out of hours, as most Escorts do not.


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Re: AW clients want to chat on MSN?
« Reply #6 on: 31 March 2010, 04:38:45 pm »
I get a fair few popping up on msn that ive deleted after webcamming for them on AW. I  now block them too, unfortunately I had to refund credits to a guy last week as hed booked before and been blocked.
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Re: AW clients want to chat on MSN?
« Reply #7 on: 31 March 2010, 06:00:21 pm »
I shall avoid like the plague then! I thought it seemed at bit iffy hence I told them I didn't have it but I got asked about 3 times so didn't know if it was something I should've been doing.

Thanks guys xxxx


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Re: AW clients want to chat on MSN?
« Reply #8 on: 31 March 2010, 06:53:46 pm »
On AW, you could always download JustCamIt and offer DirectIm? You don't need to offer webcam services, and potential clients pay per second (at rates you've set) to come in and talk to you. You could offer that instead, because then you're making something out of it, just in case they decide not to book. x
A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesn't believe, and leaves before she is left.


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Re: AW clients want to chat on MSN?
« Reply #9 on: 31 March 2010, 07:03:13 pm »
Thanks Alexa I'll have a look at that! xx