Hey ladies,
Hoping someone may be able to shed some light on my issue at the moment!
About a month ago I got a case of thrush, itchy & sore, and the lube I was using made it burn sooo bad. I wondered if it could actually be the lube in fact as a few clients had asked if it was a special type because it made their parts tingle when I had been giving handjobs..
Anyway, it cleared up but now since working yesterday - and I only saw 3 clients - I’m sore and stingy again. I don’t know if it’s the lube (this is a different supermarket own brand now), or if it’s suddenly the condoms?! I have no idea.
I don’t entertain fingers so it’s nothing to do with mucky hands probing, I did have a lovely weekend of sex with my partner who was over visiting but i don’t think it was that?!
Any ideas? I don’t wash down there with soap either,
Anyone else had similar issues with lubes and/or condoms suddenly?