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Author Topic: The history of SAAFE.  (Read 1992 times)


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The history of SAAFE.
« on: 11 January 2009, 01:24:53 pm »
The history of Saafe.
I am periodically asked who owns and runs Saafe and how it got started, so I thought it might be a good idea to write this post and pin it so everybody can get an idea.

Saafe was started in a ladies forum in October 2003 by myself and Sarah-Jane. At the time I was the moderator  of a punting forum and administrator of said ladies forum on Puntingzone.  I was always being asked advice on various things and so was Sarah-Jane. We said to each other, instead of writing the same advice to different would-be escorts all the time, how about we set up a website sharing the collective advice and views of not just ourselves, but of various other escorts.

We tried to think up a good name that would embody what we?d like the advice site to be all about. We would also have to buy the domain with the same name. I thought of the acronym SAFE for a url but unfortunately it was taken, but SAAFE wasn?t, and thus Support And Advice For Escorts was born.
Sarah Jane, being the most techy-minded out of the two of us set up the website and between the two of us asked other escorts for their contributions to our new site. This way, we thought it could be a collaboration of sorts, escorts sharing what they thought to be the best advice, sharing their experiences of being an internet-based escort and the advantages and disadvantages of such.

There were quite a handful of ladies to start off with ? Melanie, Celine, Beth of Kettering and Sunni Tara to name but a few who contributed to Saafe. But as time went by, people moved on and it was just myself and Sarah Jane left. For a good long while we ran it on our own and wrote quite a few of the articles ourselves. Although we would still ask (and still do) for contributions from other escorts as we always thought it would be good to get different view points on varying subjects;  from ways of working to dealing with timewasters. We dealt with such important points in our own way. If you care to look through the main site itself you can see varying contributions from other ladies throughout the years. There?s a great article on copyright theft ably written by Rhia Charles.
Then in January 2007 - wow, could that be two years ago already!! - we thought  it might be a good idea to have a forum. It was becoming increasingly impossible to write more and more articles on Saafe itself as there are so many aspects to this job  it was becoming difficult to cover everything.  So, the forum was born.  We encouraged ladies to sign up and ask whatever was on their mind.
But sadly, over the last year, due to constant grief Sarah-Jane suffered at the hands of others in this industry (if you?re new and reading this, I?m afraid you will find that this job is far from a bed of roses) she thought it might be a good idea to take a back seat to Saafe, so she handed over her half of the reins to me. Seeing as she had new interests to move on to in her personal life, she thought it was the right time to leave. And she did, the bloody woman left me holding the bag. Nah, just kidding.

I?m far from on my own. To this day I?m still a technophobe, so I enlisted the help of the best webmistress in the business. She gets things done yesterday and nothing is ever too much (or too little) for her to do on Saafe.  I call her the ?Janitor?, because she keeps this place ticking over.  She also happens to be a working girl so she?s multifaceted. When the next best thing in internet technology came along, RSS Feeds (ftp://RSS Feeds), which we could attribute to our warnings part of the forum, she was the person in the know and pulled us into the 21st century and set it up.

Then there?s also the moderator and another working girl, Anika Mae, who can sometimes be the calm to my storm. It was actually Sarah Jane?s idea to enlist Ani-Mae?s help as a moderator, as she?d seen her postings elsewhere and could see she had a sensible head on her shoulders. One of the best ideas she ever had I might add. We did have another escort, Louise, who unfortunately withdrew her position as moderator, as she now has different interests.

Then there is Penny?s Buddy Scheme which she herself devised and asked us if we could set it up here as she thought it would be of the most benefit to new working girls.
I myself have been a working girl for the past 7 years now and I?ve seen and heard a lot in this business that I can share with others if asked. So between the three of us (and with Sarah Jane lurking in the background whenever I need her) I can safely say that we have well over 20 years between us in this business.

You may notice that all who are involved in Saafe are not only all women, but all working girls. We deliberately set it up that way and it?s the ethos I feel Saafe should carry on with. There is, and has never been any male involvement in this site. Not that if you?re a male then you?re not allowed to get involved. It?s just that our goal is that if you haven?t made a living selling your body your input isn?t required in the building and maintenance of this site and what it stands for. Nobody understands more than a working girl what advice to give to other working girls. But that?s not to take away from our few male members that post on the forum part of Saafe.  Ian, formerly of SW5 has been a godsend to this forum with his knowledge of the industry. There?s also an article written by a male driver who rents out his services to escorts, offering his perspective on his job.

But all that you see  Saafe is now and has become has been built from the hands of female escorts. No, I tell a lie. The male webmaster at escort agency Fun Times was kind enough to do us a couple of banners that other escorts could place on their websites to help spread the word. Sarah Jane hated building banners; me, don?t ask. That has been the only male involvement in its five and a half year existence.
So now you know who owns and runs Saafe. The names I?ve mentioned are it. If anybody tries to tell you that they?ve had a hand in any aspect of Saafe, be it the main site, the forum or the RSS Warnings Feed, it?s wishful thinking on their part I?m afraid. There is very little that I and the other ladies do not know as far as being an escort goes. And what my webmistress doesn?t know about building websites isn?t worth knowing.

If you?re new to the business then know that the women who run this site are very capable escorts indeed.