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Author Topic: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?  (Read 6703 times)


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Re: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?
« Reply #15 on: 05 July 2012, 09:31:33 pm »
Stay off punter forums as they are run by about 5 misogynists who hate everyone that is over 18, over size zero, charges ?60hr and talks.

Sooooo true. Pandora you just made my day! lol

Francesca just to let you know I haven't changed my age in the last 3 months and I've noticed that since last week my business has made ONE HUGE NOSEDRIVE. From having my phone ringing of the hook i'm getting 2 phone calls since last week. It's been like an "all of a sudden thing no explanations". The heat, the holidays, wimbledon...I have no idea! So me thinks you're getting a "tad paranoid" with the age issue and the phones going silent have nothing to do with you adding a couple more years to your profile. Half of the women in this business are in their 40's and they do really well. In fact... I know ladies in their 50's and 60's who are busy. So I would say: just relax, glam up your website/profile, study different aproaches, advertising venues, add more photos (or take new ones) and maybe do all those house chores that you never had time when you were busy. Work will come, don't worry. And if you're still paranoid just change back your age again :-) xoxo
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.

lady c

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Re: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?
« Reply #16 on: 05 July 2012, 09:42:26 pm »
Hey lady wow turning those few clients away would have got u pampered like all the lovely ladies have said its just a few little tricks here and there and remember there is someone and something out there for everyone like a mixed bag of sweeets. I am 45 do my very best to look good run pamper myself and i am not loaded i set myself little hurdles and my next one is collagen for my lips and i know it will make a difference however i will have to wait for the money to be there as  other things take priority. I would take a few days off gather your thoughts detox have hair done maybe a different look and advertise slightly different. Your being a bit hard on yourself hun.. maybe you need to put yourself first for a little while. x


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Re: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?
« Reply #17 on: 05 July 2012, 09:54:54 pm »
I had realised that there are many ignorant ageist men out there and also on a certain forum who think anyone over 22 is too old for prostitution.(get real)  I  dont read their worthless opinions anymore .  I am 44yrs and get plently of decent  regulars and new sexy guys who love an older woman too. Im just self concious about my weight but thats another matter altogether !!!


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Re: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?
« Reply #18 on: 05 July 2012, 10:12:25 pm »

1) A lot of girls, especially agency girls, are photoshopped to the absolute hilt in their pictures - both in the face and the body. Also photos can be really unflattering and make you look much worse than IRL.  I always freak out when I get new pics about how FAT I look when in reality I am quite slim.  Bad lighting can play hell with your face, also
2) Summer is often quiet, I was busy busy in May, dead in June and ok-ish so far for July but I expect both July and August to be pretty dead.  Last year was the same.  Usually picks up around September
3) You could consider offering role plays?  MILF, strict and sexy teacher, policewoman, horny secretary?  These all work well if you're mature
4) Domination?  Lots of dommes are a bit older
5) *gulp* adult baby minding, if you're brave?
6) I have a friend overseas who is mature and does great, as there are not many in that niche in her area/country - she is interested in either selling her huge client list or organising jobs/tours for other ladies.  PM me if you're interested
7) Botox/fillers/laser-resurfacing IMO are just regular grooming if you can afford it but then I'm not afraid of small tweaks.  I have a friend who is 32 and has been doing light botox since 25 and she honest looks about 24-25 - I was gobsmacked when she told me her real age.  So if it makes you more confident (which it sounds like you need right now) then don't be afraid of doing it.


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Re: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?
« Reply #19 on: 05 July 2012, 10:16:29 pm »
im terribly un photogenic  i take terrible face shots i can't ever relax enough to get good ones so i don't have them done  however i get very good boob ass and body shots  you need to know what works the best for you   
personally  i  would sack the photographer that you used and get one that you like and feel comfortable with  and one that is good with photo shops to even up any blemish 
with photos i can have 500 taken  and only like maybe 20 -30 of them 
Since may i have had 3 photo shots and probably had over 1200 photos taken and got around 100 photos and will probably only use 30 -40 of them that i really really like  its a case of numbers and finding out what works the best for you So don't worry about photos

i used to feel like that being a mixed race woman that guys wouldn't fancy me or pay  me for sex but they do and they keep on coming back    Now i emphasise that I'm mixed race  british busty curvy ect and that works for me

also being sexy isn't the same as being pretty or being a good fuck either  if it was a hell of a lot of us wouldn't have work if we all had to be a size  6 and model pretty   i wouldnt say I'm pretty but sexy and sexual yes  and a good fuck  ;D

I have a friend who is drop dead model gorgeous  she has been published in magazines and is incredibly pretty think      jessica rabbit kind of figure -  big tits size 8 figure long blonde hair  but she strugles to see 3 -4 clients a week ( she would like to see 3 -4 a day like me  we work in the same city most of the time and charge the same prices  but we are as different as chalk and cheese 
 ( but she admits that she dosnt like sex and dosnt like her work either but likes the money )
so being pretty and and a stick insect dosnt equal making money

This week has been one of the quietest i have known for ages  last week was great but this week its very quite  and its been a case of thank god for regulars  i have had three punter net reports this week all from established clients with numerou reports behind them so guys can see that they are genuine but no extra work from it which is unusual and if your only relying on adult work then its going to be even worse

don't go on the punter forums either  you will either slit your wrist or jump of a high building  ;D



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Re: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?
« Reply #20 on: 05 July 2012, 10:18:51 pm »
 yeah i agree july august is normally crap and double crap this year cos of the olympics  it won't get back to normal until september when the brats are back to school and the olympics athletes  have fucked off back to wherever they belong 
i used to when my son was small take the whole of august off  basically six week i would go on a 3 week holiday and spend 3 weeks at home  because it wasn't worth working for me in that time

1) A lot of girls, especially agency girls, are photoshopped to the absolute hilt in their pictures - both in the face and the body. Also photos can be really unflattering and make you look much worse than IRL.  I always freak out when I get new pics about how FAT I look when in reality I am quite slim.  Bad lighting can play hell with your face, also
2) Summer is often quiet, I was busy busy in May, dead in June and ok-ish so far for July but I expect both July and August to be pretty dead.  Last year was the same.  Usually picks up around September
3) You could consider offering role plays?  MILF, strict and sexy teacher, policewoman, horny secretary?  These all work well if you're mature
4) Domination?  Lots of dommes are a bit older
5) *gulp* adult baby minding, if you're brave?
6) I have a friend overseas who is mature and does great, as there are not many in that niche in her area/country - she is interested in either selling her huge client list or organising jobs/tours for other ladies.  PM me if you're interested
7) Botox/fillers/laser-resurfacing IMO are just regular grooming if you can afford it but then I'm not afraid of small tweaks.  I have a friend who is 32 and has been doing light botox since 25 and she honest looks about 24-25 - I was gobsmacked when she told me her real age.  So if it makes you more confident (which it sounds like you need right now) then don't be afraid of doing it.


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Re: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?
« Reply #21 on: 05 July 2012, 11:22:22 pm »
Good sufficient sleep goes a long way towards looking good and fresh, and so does avoidance of stress.


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Re: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?
« Reply #22 on: 06 July 2012, 04:52:00 am »
Ladies, thanks for all your comments, they're all very much appreciated.

I wish I could answer each individually but it'd take me til next year. I have a terrible tendency to ramble. So shall try to keep it snappy.

Yes, re: professional shoots-- I used to see studio shoot pics on profiles & sites and always feel jealous at how great they looked; I thought they must have special lighting & equipment in these studios to make you look AMAZING.  However, NOW having read the comments here I realise I was probably looking at the most decent 4/5 pictures out of the bunch they took, and chucked out the closed eyes/wrong profile/miserable expression ones etc. and of course the chosen ones had then been airbrushed, nip/tucked to death.

I went on these shoots because I thought they would help business, give my profile/website some variety and spice, glamour, etc.,  but infact they did the opposite, and gave me a huge complex to the point where I was turning work away and am virtually penniless. Dumb.  The last shoot I went on was a TFP, and the pics were awful.  He had the lights on so bright that even Megan Fox would have looked disgusting.  I didn't realise this until i saw the end results.
Never mind. You live and you learn.

Basically, being bored and unimpressed with my original pictures, I thought OK this is my last shot, if I can't look good in a photo shoot with all the best equipment then I am officially minging and old.  Well I've learnt differently now, I feel so much better knowing that some of you guys have also had unsuccessful photo shoots... I honestly thought I'd be the only person that could happen to.

So anyway... I think a (free) makeover is a good idea, thanks and yes a good trip to the hairdresser, and just generally pampering myself and stop being a miserable cow.

Oh, and after having said that i have no business anymore etc etc and how i was doomed ... ironically my phone ended up being rather busy today, I turned down 6 requests to see me today, (I HAD to, I was in no state to see anyone, bloated with PMS and just feeling like a fat slug), cancelled one for this afternoon, and cancelled one for this evening. 

Oh and also, having written earlier that 'none of my guys ever come back' - Spookily enough one of my old regulars who i haven't seen for absolute ages, decided to pop up out of the blue today and fill in a 2-hr booking form for the w-end.

So I have learned from this.
Firstly not to be a drama queen,
and secondly, to read these posts when I start to feel down about the age thing, as there are so many of you 'mature' ladies who seem to be doing just fine - more than fine infact;  and all the comments i'm reading make so much sense.  If I was a slim, hot young girl I would have a lot more to compete with as every site and directory is jam packed with them.  I think we ought to think of ourselves as pretty damn special.  And I should stop being a moaning minnie and get on with it, yep.

I've now done a complete turnaround, and now actually consider 'mature' as a positive; and it's thanks to you guys, so really, you've helped so, so much.

Oh and also earlier - having written that most agencies ignore everyone cos of their high standards, well, one did get back to me today and wants to meet for an interview, which was a surprise, so I'm quite pleased.  I like independent, but i'm going to give agency a shot, I feel like handing the reins to someone else for a bit, I've driven myself crazy with my perfectionism, endless promotion and tearing my hair out over my sites and ads.

Also I'm taking some of you ladies' advice and going to buy some good softbox lighting and get my poor long-suffering friend round to take some pics, and stay off punter forums. 

And I know what you mean that pretty is not equivalent to sexy, totally.  There are days where I looked like shrek and yet I've been able to 'think' myself sexy so many times but it's just not working right now so a few days off will help, as I feel I should show a client the best side of me and give him a good experience.

Thanks Ellie_e for all your tips and comments.
I don't want to start going into categories like domme etc. as I have zero experience, and i think it just pisses people off when they get a domme who hasn't a clue.  Think I'll stick with safe GFE and what i'm used to.   Maybe I'll expand my horizons in the future. Mind you, i had 3 req's for domination today, and that's more than i ever get, ever.  Wondering if they feel more comfortable if an escort is slightly older..?

The laser/botox, etc, are all on my list, they have been for AGES, was just waiting to have enough money.
I've been in such a funk so i have zero money, I will have to do loads of bookings before I have enough to live on, as well as splash out on some treatments.  But I can't WAIT to have some botox and fillers and just anything that will make me look better, even if not 10 years younger!

If you are body conscious, (and trust me, once the clients see boobs that's when they stop thinking), wear push up corsets, body stockings.  They emphasise the curves and are flattering, if uncomfortable, but hey they are not on long.

Stay off punter forums as they are run by about 5 misogynists who hate everyone that is over 18, over size zero, charges ?60hr and talks.

That bit about the punter forums made me giggle :)

Oh yes i'm very body conscious, and wear corsets and babydolls etc. all the time as I have the worst stomach, I have this godawful sticking-out pouch in my lower abs (immune to all exercise/diet in the world) - was probably a kangaroo in another life. Oh and not to mention the saggy horrible thights and cellulite on my butt.

But I love your quote "(and trust me, once the clients see boobs that's when they stop thinking)" and will repeat that to myself when i'm having a old/saggy/fat day. :)

Very true, Clover, about the sleep.  The stress, I need to work on. But I sleep a heck of a lot, it is one of my fave things to do in life, as it goes:)  Speaking of which, it's 4 am, so will say good night/morning and get my beauty sleep and thanks again to everyone who commented.  I feel 1000% better than have been feeling for the past week :)


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Re: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?
« Reply #23 on: 06 July 2012, 08:52:24 am »
    if you not comfortable with dom why not do tie and tease in a sensual way   i do that rather than full on dom i have some brilliant underbed restraints  that literally go under the mattress and have four velcro handcuffs to them you can adjust them so that they fit the bed  i think i paid thirty pounds for them from love honey

also   re photos  if and when you get some money  i have the numbers of two fabulous professional photographers that charge 150-200  and they are brilliant  one is in watford and one is in bristol they do all the photo editing  and lighting for you and are very good  the one in watford is very arty and uses lights and shadows a lot but i have never had a bad session with him  but  i had one recently and we took around 3-400 photos and i got 30 that i like and probably only 10 that  i will only use 
     So if  a photographer takes say100 pics you might get 10 that are usable and only maybe 1 -2 that you really like  so  more is better most of the time
with photos its often worth going on recommendations or seeing photos that you like and contacting the photographer as well different photographers have different styles and ways of working which is why i use two but i won't pay more than 150 -200




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Re: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?
« Reply #24 on: 06 July 2012, 08:55:07 am »
With regards to bad stomaches ect  as most suspender belts are flimsy bits of material   if you  buy suspender belts with knickers  you  can cut out the knickers ect

they are often wide  so will hide a bad stomach or scars ect   stockings direct do them for 10 pounds just google  suspender belts with knickers and stockings direct


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Re: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?
« Reply #25 on: 06 July 2012, 09:45:35 am »
Francesca, my photoshoots are always crap to the point I think I?m ugly, but this is because I?m just not photogenic and also that the photographers have not been sufficiently talented to get the best out of me. The photos I took of myself are much better so will use self portraits on my site from now on. Also, even with professional models, the photographer will take a couple of hundred shots just to find half a dozen good ones, so it?s normal to have lots that we look at and think ?yuk? (and bear in mind you and I are not professional models either).

 In a way I disagree with the suggestions of getting botox etc at this stage because your issues are probably more to do with your negative thought processes/low self esteem than anything else, and I think you would do well to start with looking at that side of things. If you Google CBT or self esteem you will find lots of potentially useful stuff.

Regarding your age, well, as others have said, many mature escorts do OK in this business (me included ? I?ve been ticking along comfortably for years and I?m now 44) so it?s a case of finding your niche. I know I can?t compete with the busty 20 somthings because I?m not like them, and I can?t compete with the ?up for anything? ladies because I?m simply not. So I market myself towards a different clientele and it works OK for me.

And it is quiet at the moment so I think it?s a coincidence that work has dropped off just when you?ve changed your age on your profile. I have a tendency not to mention my age if I can because my philosophy is do clients want me to look a certain age or be a certain age. IMO all that matters is that my photos area  true representation of how I will look in the flesh and that?s all that matters because I?m not going to get into relationships with them so what does my date of birth matter. They either fancy me or they don?t what has age got to do with it.


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Re: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?
« Reply #26 on: 06 July 2012, 10:06:03 am »
@francesca. If it makes you feel any better I am still working and I am 60 on my next birthday.

Like others have said it is just a marketing thing when it comes to who you want to see and what services you want to offer.

I really don't expect to get as much work as those between the ages of 18 and 45 but I still get my fair share of bookings and still tour satisfactorily. 

I've not read thru the whole thread but I just wanted you to know that you 'ain't passed it' - either that or I'm on the scrap heap - which I ain't.

Take the quiet times to reinvent yourself in the way you want to be portrayed now.

Good luck.
Beauty is nothing to do with having a pretty face.
It is about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart,
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Re: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?
« Reply #27 on: 06 July 2012, 06:39:54 pm »
Hey I turned 50 in May & have really started feeling my age, I am also a size 20. No boobs tho', as some of you know I had a double mastectomy so they're a bit crap.

I've found this site that does really great suspenders, quite deep to cover a tummy, you have to get the next size up by the way!! They are a bit on the smaller size. cost ?26 but worth it, they're really lovely.

Keep yr chin up & have faith.

Take care.

Luv Kate xx


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Re: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?
« Reply #28 on: 06 July 2012, 07:16:37 pm »
thats wear i get mine from  although my stomach is flat and toned it didn't use to be  but the deep lace suspender knicker on their are great and they are 10 pounds 

Hey I turned 50 in May & have really started feeling my age, I am also a size 20. No boobs tho', as some of you know I had a double mastectomy so they're a bit crap.

I've found this site that does really great suspenders, quite deep to cover a tummy, you have to get the next size up by the way!! They are a bit on the smaller size. cost ?26 but worth it, they're really lovely.

Keep yr chin up & have faith.

Take care.

Luv Kate xx


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Re: The Age Thing .... How Do You Deal With It?
« Reply #29 on: 08 July 2012, 12:43:14 am »
Wow, so many mature escorts on SAAFE; it's positively heartening to see how many of you there are and that you're all pretty upbeat and positive about the whole thing.
And am really grateful for the younger girls who took time out to post some really encouraging things, which made me feel so much better.

It all confirms that I was silly to think from now on I'd just be viewed as a sad old bag who'd never get a booking ever, ever again.

And kudos to Lady_Lust_XXX !!

Thanks for everyone's advice.

Re:  garter belts,I'd been wanting to buy a garter belt on for ages now, a nice big one to hide the offensive pot belly pouch, but I never bought one as I wasn't sure whether they'd look any good in real life as opposed to just in the photos; you know what it's like, with internet-shopping, you never know what you're going to get. 

So thanks Kurvy Kate and Paris for the recommendations. I owe you one !!

Thanks again to everyone for helping me see this issue in a far more positive way.

My interview went swimmingly well, soooo everything is looking up roses.
Time to stop moping around, clean this damn house for a change, and get ready for my newfound 'mature woman' confidence, knocking those punters out !!   :)