Hi all,
Long time lurker, first time poster.
I'm due to start Sixth Form college later this week (Before anyone asks, I am over 18 and therefor am legally in this line of work, I'm just returning to college a bit later in life to get better grades) and was wondering how to go about telling them about my job as an escort?
On the initial application form, I did put that I worked and am self employed but it didn't ask for any more detail than that, so (for now) they're none the wiser as to what it is I actually do.
I'm pretty much out to nearly everyone in my life (Parents, Friends, Boyfriend) and I really don't want to make a habit of hiding it, but I'm wondering, would they have any grounds to kick me off the course if they were to find out? What should I say if anyone asks what I do? - both in a casual chatty setting or seriously as the college may want to know for their records or when applying for bursaries and things.
I'm also conscious that quite a few of my fellow pupils will be under 18, so that could effect things? - The college may feel I'm not safe to be around minors?
I've never done anything illegal, I pay my taxes, work completely independent therefor I don't see how they could really do anything about someone working a completely legal job that just so happens to have a bit of a social taboo.