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Author Topic: Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?  (Read 5166 times)


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Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?
« on: 13 September 2015, 02:06:06 pm »
Hi all,

Long time lurker, first time poster.

I'm due to start Sixth Form college later this week (Before anyone asks, I am over 18 and therefor am legally in this line of work, I'm just returning to college a bit later in life to get better grades) and was wondering how to go about telling them about my job as an escort?

On the initial application form, I did put that I worked and am self employed but it didn't ask for any more detail than that, so (for now) they're none the wiser as to what it is I actually do.

I'm pretty much out to nearly everyone in my life (Parents, Friends, Boyfriend) and I really don't want to make a habit of hiding it,  but I'm wondering, would they have any grounds to kick me off the course if they were to find out? What should I say if anyone asks what I do? - both in a casual chatty setting or seriously as the college may want to know for their records or when applying for bursaries and things.

I'm also conscious that quite a few of my fellow pupils will be under 18, so that could effect things? - The college may feel I'm not safe to be around minors? 

I've never done anything illegal, I pay my taxes, work completely independent therefor I don't see how they could really do anything about someone working a completely legal job that just so happens to have a bit of a social taboo.


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Re: Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?
« Reply #1 on: 13 September 2015, 02:12:17 pm »
I wouldn't do it.

Telling friends and family is one thing.  Telling college is another.  There may be implications like them looking into your home life (if you are just 18 they may assume something happened at home to make you do this - there is a line of thought that most prossies were sexually abused!) also that is putting escorting on an official record that may come back to haunt you down the line.

I'd never admit to being an escort on anything official, but that's just me.


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Re: Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?
« Reply #2 on: 13 September 2015, 02:31:34 pm »
I wouldn't do it.

Telling friends and family is one thing.  Telling college is another.  There may be implications like them looking into your home life (if you are just 18 they may assume something happened at home to make you do this - there is a line of thought that most prossies were sexually abused!) also that is putting escorting on an official record that may come back to haunt you down the line.

I'd never admit to being an escort on anything official, but that's just me.

This. Also there is no reason for them to know. It's none of their business. If friends you make there ask, just come up with something like massage therapist or something and make sure you tell everyone the same thing and give them no reason to think you are lying.

I'm very open to my friends but I keep it out of my professional and academic life as it is not relevant.


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Re: Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?
« Reply #3 on: 13 September 2015, 02:43:18 pm »
Don't do it, they kicked me out for it and I was forced to apply to the local university and pass up my chance at an Oxbridge university. You'll get more leeway at uni provided you're not on an NHS funded course, so you can consider telling then, but sixth forms will not accept this as they're dealing with parents of children. They CAN kick you out under the title of it being an institution primarily aimed at those under 18 - even universities have kicked people out in the past, so a sixth form is definitely able to legally do so. You have absolutely no rights here, do not do it.


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Re: Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?
« Reply #4 on: 13 September 2015, 03:37:32 pm »
I'm going to join the chorus and say 'don't'.

As well as what they've said, ultimately the college doesn't want to know - if they do, they will have to do something, even if it is just having a meeting about it.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?
« Reply #5 on: 13 September 2015, 05:22:34 pm »
I suggest it's far from a:

bit of a social taboo.

That would be something like.. double-dipping your nachos at a party. ???
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Re: Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?
« Reply #6 on: 13 September 2015, 09:16:05 pm »
Why would you ever want to do this? I respect that you're not ashamed, neither am I, but this just seems like making trouble for no reason at all. They will naturally be worried about the influence it might have on younger girls at the college, and you will face a lot of stigma and potential barriers to your own progress.

I appreciate how you might be thinking, but is it really worth risking your oppotunities just to make a point?


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Re: Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?
« Reply #7 on: 13 September 2015, 10:21:47 pm »
Yes, it's something that could come back and bite you on the bum for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE .... And that could be a very long time.  :(
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Re: Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?
« Reply #8 on: 13 September 2015, 10:51:18 pm »
When I put down self employed for 'anything' and I then get asked what I do - I just say I am an ebay seller. That usually kills the questions, unless the 'what do you sell' question gets asked, I then just say 'all sorts'. Topic truly dead & the authenticity of my livelihood is unquestioned!


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Re: Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?
« Reply #9 on: 14 September 2015, 01:43:03 am »
Thanks all for your feedback and input; definitely taken it on board and am going to keep my work life under wraps while at college.


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Re: Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?
« Reply #10 on: 14 September 2015, 01:38:48 pm »
MissLeigh and others are right Ashley. You can say you freelance or sell things on amazon/ebay, anything except escort. Its a hypocrite society we live in, people do bad things behind closed doors much worse that selling sex for money but they will attack you for being an escort. When I had a brief civvie job, I heard girls in the office say the most disgusting bitchy things about another girl colleague who was an escort. They called her a 'scandalous whore' not something you expected well educated and enlightened women in the 21st century to call another female. I thought we lived in an enlightened and open minded times  :'(


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Re: Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?
« Reply #11 on: 14 September 2015, 01:44:01 pm »
I think the thread is specifically about the situation with the OP being at Sixth Form rather than just another 'cover story' thread :).


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Re: Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?
« Reply #12 on: 14 September 2015, 03:17:12 pm »
Similar situation for me, I'm at college this year before uni the next.
I did tell my college since they asked BUT my class is for those aged 24 and above. I doubt there would be issues about the work you do from an educational pov.  It certainly wouldn't be appropriate to mention it in class with minors though imo and I would imagine the sixth form would feel the same.

You shouldn't need to give the sixth form details of your (irrelevant to the course) work history unless you require help woth ucas, placements or employment in which case obviously you would need to tell them.

(I paid my course fees up front and I WAS required to submit a copy of my tax at the time, may want to check it matches what you say in school to avoid looking shady though, if it says escort just tell them upfront don't bs schools they tend to look badly on lies.)


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Re: Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?
« Reply #13 on: 14 September 2015, 05:46:02 pm »
Similar situation for me, I'm at college this year before uni the next.
I did tell my college since they asked BUT my class is for those aged 24 and above. I doubt there would be issues about the work you do from an educational pov.  It certainly wouldn't be appropriate to mention it in class with minors though imo and I would imagine the sixth form would feel the same.

You shouldn't need to give the sixth form details of your (irrelevant to the course) work history unless you require help woth ucas, placements or employment in which case obviously you would need to tell them.

(I paid my course fees up front and I WAS required to submit a copy of my tax at the time, may want to check it matches what you say in school to avoid looking shady though, if it says escort just tell them upfront don't bs schools they tend to look badly on lies.)

I can't help feeling your situation would be looked upon differently.  You were older and this was a further education college, the OP is only 18 and it's her sixth form college.  I don't think she should tell them at all.


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Re: Telling Sixth Form that I'm an Escort!?
« Reply #14 on: 14 September 2015, 07:14:25 pm »
Similar situation for me, I'm at college this year before uni the next.
I did tell my college since they asked BUT my class is for those aged 24 and above. I doubt there would be issues about the work you do from an educational pov.  It certainly wouldn't be appropriate to mention it in class with minors though imo and I would imagine the sixth form would feel the same.

You shouldn't need to give the sixth form details of your (irrelevant to the course) work history unless you require help woth ucas, placements or employment in which case obviously you would need to tell them.

(I paid my course fees up front and I WAS required to submit a copy of my tax at the time, may want to check it matches what you say in school to avoid looking shady though, if it says escort just tell them upfront don't bs schools they tend to look badly on lies.)

I can't help feeling your situation would be looked upon differently.  You were older and this was a further education college, the OP is only 18 and it's her sixth form college.  I don't think she should tell them at all.

I'm fairly sure the views of a college or sixth form would be similar as to the ops work life, both have mostly students 15 - 18 years old (my class is only grouped together for 90% of classes we are with the younger students for some parts). But my point was as she's an adult herself the school should have no issue and by infoming them she would receive better assistance with any extra assistance the sixth form offer (to my knowledge most sixth forms will help with cvs and the like no clue as to if she would require this help but if she did lying would not be to her benefit)  I do agree she should not tell any fellow students though.

Edit to add - I've just realised I assumed op was talking gcse or a level, I'm going to admit if she is in a vocational course with a placement the rules could be different.
« Last Edit: 14 September 2015, 07:22:37 pm by thehappyhooker »