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Author Topic: Techno Geek Advice Needed - Mobile Internet  (Read 1809 times)


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Techno Geek Advice Needed - Mobile Internet
« on: 28 January 2011, 12:00:59 pm »
Hi Ladies  :D

OK I have decided to tour for most of this year, as I really want to get away from living & working from home (So bored). So I have spent allot of time working out how I'm going to do it, & have done really well (Pat on back to me). The problem is as follows .......

(1) I have a good few friends that do shoots & movie clips with - Problem - I'll be away!
Answer - Camera/Tripod/Remote Controll & do it myself  - Problem -  I have no idea whats what!

(2) I am totally reliant on the internet for my work advertising/bookings - Problem - I'm used to my laptop & home broad band - Answer - Well here's where I get really lost - Lap Top + dongale or Net Book & built in or summit? (Rubbing my eyes & groaning at just writing this)Now lap tops & a dongale I get how it works, I can get a contract one, a pay as you go one or a pre paid 12 month one. But lap tops are heavy & bulky, no good for traveling! Now a light little net book seems the obvious choice, But! But! How do they work? I looked on vodaphone & they have a net book already loaded with their internet (No price on it though?). Then I looked in general at on line stores, & they all say built in wire less - but not how to activate it or where to buy it? I have read about dongales, sim cards & built in internet.

Also net books have built in webcam, now I did post about webcams for lap tops a while back. Are they any good?

I'm less worried about the camera thing as I just think it would be a nice idea but not essential. However the internet question is my biggest concern for making this venture work.

I need a small durable, light weight lap top or net book with the best web cam you can get built in to a net book.
I'm not too worried about memory as I have a external hard drive. Now for the internet I really want the best I can buy, though would rather not deal with contracts, but will if I must! (Just for the record I do have a email/internet phone, but need to edit photos & update website + keep in touch with loved ones).

Can anyone help me ???

If stating brands & networks is a problem, please email me it privately.

Please feel free to laugh at my bimboness  :P

I have to many fantasies to be a housewife. I guess I am a fantasy! (M.Monroe)


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Re: Techno Geek Advice Needed - Mobile Internet
« Reply #1 on: 28 January 2011, 12:53:13 pm »
As if we would...

1. It is entirely possible to photo or video yourself, but it tends to take an awful lot longer than having someone else do it. They can see what the camera sees in a way that you can't - even if you attach the camera to a TV or monitor, you end up looking at it too much. For video, it helps to move the tripod around every so often and edit the results into something less static than one stationary fixed shot for the whole clip.

Can the friends visit you wherever you are from time to time? Alternatively, find some more people you can work with.

2. Netbooks = smaller laptops. You're right - I take mine around a lot more than I ever did the laptop. They tend to be lower powered which saves battery life (mine has vastly better battery life than the laptop ever did) but means things like editing video on them is problematic. Smaller screens make manual photo editing more painful too. 'Built in wireless' = they do wi-fi. If you're somewhere with free wi-fi, great. Otherwise, you might as well use a dongle which uses a mobile phone network's data service to get you internet. Depending on your phone, you may be able to get internet on a laptop/netbook via it.

All the big mobile networks do internet dongles. You need to know that they all lie about speeds. When you're outside a 3G area for your provider, be prepared to be reminded of life before broadband. Some providers have ishy coverage - I think it was O2 who had to be pushed to make it better. They also sold far more iphones than they had network capability for, slowing things down further.

Personally, I never saw the point of getting a dongle on a contract: committing to ?15/month every month for ages or paying the same (or less) just when I used it... hmmm... let me think :) Depending on who you use for your mobile(s), you may be able to find a good deal for existing customers. If you're thinking of T-mobile, get one before the start of February as they're just about to change (i.e. reduce) the data allowances for at least some of their deals. If you are thinking of transferring video, the data allowances will be especially critical.

Which ever you go for, if you can afford it, it almost always makes more sense to buy the netbook outright separately from the dongle. Otherwise you'll end up paying more over the two years they want to have you captive for.

Built in webcams tend to be ok. If you want to do webcamming, you really want something you can move about, not fixed to the top of your screen. They're not really good enough to do video clips.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

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Re: Techno Geek Advice Needed - Mobile Internet
« Reply #2 on: 28 January 2011, 01:19:09 pm »
Oh my GOD - Thank you XW5 that actually made sense of every thing.  ;D

I have to many fantasies to be a housewife. I guess I am a fantasy! (M.Monroe)


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Re: Techno Geek Advice Needed - Mobile Internet
« Reply #3 on: 28 January 2011, 01:32:46 pm »
Hi again  ::)

Just wanted to check I've actually gotten it right - Net book & use wi-fi when available (They will give me a pin number) & use pay as you go dongale for back up  :P Should be ok to use built in web cam for live shows, but might need to up grade to a better one that I can attach to my net book  :P

Thanks for advise on the camera but I have to say my friends that do my photos aren't artistic I have to pose & direct at the same time  8) I will see them to do filming, I just thought as I'm going to stay in some nice hotels & do some traveling I can use it to my advantage.

I have to many fantasies to be a housewife. I guess I am a fantasy! (M.Monroe)


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Re: Techno Geek Advice Needed - Mobile Internet
« Reply #4 on: 28 January 2011, 02:07:36 pm »
Yes, if you have access to wi-fi one way or another, that's definitely the way to go rather than mobile internet. Hotel wi-fi tends to be either 'free' (in expensive hotels, it should be, given what they're charging for the room) or 'how much!?!' It might be worth getting a network cable (costs a quid or so). Some rooms have sockets for them, and the result is easier and even more reliable than wi-fi.

Even if you're in charge (as ever :) ) they can still see the picture is framed correctly, and can move around much more freely than you can move a tripod. At least with a digital camera, you can set it to take a photo / press the remote every few seconds, then quickly discard 99+% of the resulting batch, leaving you with one or two ok ones.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

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Re: Techno Geek Advice Needed - Mobile Internet
« Reply #5 on: 01 February 2011, 04:00:19 pm »
if your a bt internet user you can also use there  free wifi network  if it in range btopenzone ( normally is )
or if you know anyone who has it they might let you use there password /user name ect
  Failing that if your not going to be webcamming ect then use your  own phone as a modem   if its got free internet usage then this is generally a good deal  i am with t mobile and have unlimited use on my phone so use it as a modem if in a hotel
i have a samsung netbook with built in webcam( never use it lol) but its great for touring with as very light tough and easy to use
in the past when i have used dongles i always found 3 to be ok  just bought one and you got three months 3 use /allowance but not sure if this is the case any more

ive done a few homemade video clips and   xw5 is spot on i find the hardest thing is when you want to stop recording the video  and also background noise