I'd rather see a nurse paid an extra few grand a year than hear about some italian footballer transfering for ?100million or whatever it was i heard on the radio today (I would like to think i have that figure wrong and if i do, dont shoot me but its footie I'm refering to here so unfortunately i dont think i have)
I was just watching The Matthew Wright show where they were discussing this very topic, comparing the unseemly transfer fee to doctors and nurses wages. I couldn't believe the two blokes that called in.
They said that Kaka was worth every penny. One bloke actually said that "whilst a doctor could save one life and make 10 people happy, Kaka could score a goal and make millions of people happy". I couldn't believe he actually made the comparison.
How much you wanna bet it'd be a different story if a loved one of his fell ill and needed hospital care, and had to drive miles to the nearest one because his local one had shut down due to lack of funds. Where would the saviour that is Kaka be then? Unbelievable.