Everyone had a choice whether or not to reply. You didn't have to. It was a bit of an ice breaker thats all n something I was thinking about at the time. I'm sorry if it offended anyone. I totally understand people have different opinions on how open they are about this topic, which I did try to reflect in the responses that could be made. Like I said, no offence intended, but please don't get on you high-horses with it.
My feet are firmly planted on the ground, thanks.
I didn't mean to come over abrupt. I just think it's a bit of a strange question to ask from somebody new to the forum.
Over the years on punting messageboards and at work there's always been guys who think it's okay to ask us personal financial questions, but turn the question around on them, and they're affronted, but yet can't quite understand why we shouldn't be. I'm quite fed-up with it, but if you're new to the forums and new to escorting, you weren't to know.
Accept my apologies. But I still stand by what I say, it's nobody's business but you're own.