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Author Topic: Tax  (Read 6185 times)


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« on: 13 January 2009, 01:17:38 am »
Just curious.  :)


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Re: Tax
« Reply #1 on: 13 January 2009, 07:12:45 am »
The problem with a poll such as this is that it's really the indivdual's business and nobody else's. It's like asking how much do you make a year.


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Re: Tax
« Reply #2 on: 13 January 2009, 10:52:58 am »
replied to wrong one  :-[


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Re: Tax
« Reply #3 on: 13 January 2009, 02:29:21 pm »
The problem with a poll such as this is that it's really the indivdual's business and nobody else's. It's like asking how much do you make a year.

I would be astounded if anybody would publicly admit to not declaring their earnings, although as the poll is anonymous I suppose that exposure doesn't really figure. I occasionally get asked by clients how much I earn, as if it was the most normal question in the world, and they are genuinely amazed that I have an accountant, file tax returns and keep proper records - I even quite like doing the 'admin' as it sort of legitimises my business even more :D.

I also know that I am a damn sight better off than the ladies I know who have decided otherwise and are stuck with no tax/NI history and biscuit tins full of useless laundered cash lying about the house because if they bank it they'll be caught out and investigated - I know someone it happened to (not a prostitute) and it's no picnic.


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Re: Tax
« Reply #4 on: 13 January 2009, 09:49:52 pm »
Just following on what Amy said, many clients even assume that I dont pay tax and are likewise surprised when i say I do. 

It's also an extremely personal and some could say offensive question.  I mean how many other professions get quized the way we do!!!! 

It's sad that people still have these assumptions with us because we work in this industry. 


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Re: Tax
« Reply #5 on: 13 January 2009, 10:50:51 pm »
The problem with a poll such as this is that it's really the indivdual's business and nobody else's.

Doesnt matter to an individual who pays taxes, or who doesnt...It doesnt matter. I have to agree with the above stated   ::)  However, unless someone wants to know whether or not they should be doing so or not, I can see the point of the question


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Re: Tax
« Reply #6 on: 14 January 2009, 06:26:06 am »
However, unless someone wants to know whether or not they should be doing so or not, I can see the point of the question

There was no point to the question. It was asked merely out of curiousity.


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Re: Tax
« Reply #7 on: 14 January 2009, 07:13:52 am »
There was no point to the question. It was asked merely out of curiousity.

curiousity killed the cat  :-X


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Re: Tax
« Reply #8 on: 14 January 2009, 05:01:05 pm »
Everyone had a choice whether or not to reply. You didn't have to. It was a bit of an ice breaker thats all n something I was thinking about at the time. I'm sorry if it offended anyone. I totally understand people have different opinions on how open they are about this topic, which I did try to reflect in the responses that could be made. Like I said, no offence intended, but please don't get on you high-horses with it.  :)


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Re: Tax
« Reply #9 on: 14 January 2009, 05:24:35 pm »
Everyone had a choice whether or not to reply. You didn't have to. It was a bit of an ice breaker thats all n something I was thinking about at the time. I'm sorry if it offended anyone. I totally understand people have different opinions on how open they are about this topic, which I did try to reflect in the responses that could be made. Like I said, no offence intended, but please don't get on you high-horses with it.  :)

My feet are firmly planted on the ground, thanks.
I didn't mean to come over abrupt. I just think it's a bit of a strange question to ask from somebody new to the forum.
Over the years on punting messageboards and at work there's always been guys who think it's okay to ask us personal financial questions, but turn the question around on them, and they're affronted, but yet can't quite understand why we shouldn't be. I'm quite fed-up with it, but if you're new to the forums and new to escorting, you weren't to know.

Accept my apologies. But I still stand by what I say, it's nobody's business but you're own.


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Re: Tax
« Reply #10 on: 14 January 2009, 05:33:13 pm »
Thanks Brandy. Yea sorry, it's probably just me speaking without thinking as usual. To me it's more of a general question than a personal one, as its not actually naming names, or asking how much people earn etc, but I understand that some may think it's a personal question. It's all down to opinion at the end of the day. It was asked purely innocently and just me being a bit nost I guess, but just like i hope nobody takes offence at me asking it, i honestly take no offence if someone tells me to bugger off too. Lol. :)


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Re: Tax
« Reply #11 on: 14 January 2009, 05:41:34 pm »
Just following on what Amy said, many clients even assume that I dont pay tax and are likewise surprised when i say I do. 

It's also an extremely personal and some could say offensive question.  I mean how many other professions get quized the way we do!!!! 

It's sad that people still have these assumptions with us because we work in this industry. 

Just in response to this one, believe me, I know it may seem it at times but it's not the only industry that gets quizzed on it. Without revealing too much about other work I do/have done, I think anyone who works as 'freelance' in anyway, gets a very hard time. People automatically assume you're a tax dodger or do something to scam it, and it's a very narrow-minded/unfair view point. It's the way of the world unfortunately.


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Re: Tax
« Reply #12 on: 14 January 2009, 05:47:29 pm »

Just in response to this one, believe me, I know it may seem it at times but it's not the only industry that gets quizzed on it. Without revealing too much about other work I do/have done, I think anyone who works as 'freelance' in anyway, gets a very hard time. People automatically assume you're a tax dodger or do something to scam it, and it's a very narrow-minded/unfair view point. It's the way of the world unfortunately.

You dont have to work freelance either.  I have a skilled trade that unfortunately is also a pretty poorly paid trade so when im working in that industry i get asked all the time what i earn.  Some people are just brazen enough to ask the question that others are often thinking but too polite to ask.  Next time im asked (in either profession) im going to do what Brandy said and just ask them straight back... then if they tell me i will make something up as my answer haha


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Re: Tax
« Reply #13 on: 15 January 2009, 07:37:18 am »
Next time im asked (in either profession) im going to do what Brandy said and just ask them straight back... then if they tell me i will make something up as my answer haha

Lol yeah, like, "I earn a hundred million billion pounds an hour, but I donate it aaaalll to charity. So stfu!" :P

This is a total wander off from the proper topic, but isn't it stupid how the most necessary/skilled/time-consuming jobs are often the most underpaid? >:(
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: Tax
« Reply #14 on: 15 January 2009, 07:51:24 am »
This is a total wander off from the proper topic, but isn't it stupid how the most necessary/skilled/time-consuming jobs are often the most underpaid? >:(

yea but the upper management are making a killing in those same, low-wage jobs. I dont know about you but I want to be 'screwing' them, not vice versa  :P