Thanks Salty and I have read mixed experiences on changing to ow on here, But I suppose each escort, Profile and even body type is also a factor and so it's a individual experience. I'm no supermodel or fit tight bodied young girl but I make a huge effort in marketing my personality, Personal touches and style and pictures. But I do well without working loads. So I suppose it's about doing what we feel mentally and physically capable of doing.
And with my duo partner we had a sneaky guy get me to sit on her face so my back was turned away so he could try rub and enter her bareback, It was my job to watch him and I put the condom on him. I don't trust him from past experience so we knew we had to keep an eye on him. I had to fake foot cramp to control the situation without telling him to sling his hook. Don't these guys care, They must think it's just our risk which it is if we get an infection. Sorry a bit of a rant there. But I wish guys respected the reasons we use protection and see it as a positive.
So Unfortunately with the rise in more of these risk takers I expect to not be busy but ride it out. Most of my older respectful regs are not coming out to play at the mo.