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Author Topic: Difficult arousal, painful intercourse  (Read 2714 times)


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Difficult arousal, painful intercourse
« on: 08 July 2012, 06:10:12 pm »
In every booking I had from the beginning a long enough time ago until recently, I got genuinely aroused and was able to effortlessly "perform" at my best. However, just over a week ago at one booking I had difficulty becoming aroused, and sex was painful. It wasn't the guy's fault, he was perfectly normal, not ugly, and not out of the ordinary from most other guys I see without any problem. I thought it might be just a one off.

Now I've just finished an appointment with a repeat client wih whom I hadn't had any issues in the past, in which it happened again. I couldn't get aroused and intercourse was painful. I'm becoming slightly worried. I'm not a high volume escot: I see max 4 a day on good days few and far between, but usually just 1-2 and I have days without bookings too.

Has any one of you had this? I don't know what to make of it. I'm wondering whether it might be a hormonal thing, although I haven't had it happen before.


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Re: Difficult arousal, painful intercourse
« Reply #1 on: 08 July 2012, 06:34:13 pm »
I would advise you to pop along and see your doc asap. Any pain during or after intercourse needs to be checked by a doctor immediately.  It could be many things, from a simple womb or cervical infection right through to a prolapse or tilted womb or endometryitis (sp) like me.  I stupidly ignored it for a few months though which just made things much worse so I do advise you to go to the doctor before seeing any more clients.

As for the difficulty becoming aroused, I have had a lot of problems with this since the endo and it seems to be a mental problem rather then a physical one.  It seems physical pain during intercourse is a great way for your body to say" stuff that I am not getting ready for you to put me through that again" but it could also be that you do have an internal infection and your body is reacting to it.

A lot of docs will just fob you off so insist on being sent for a scan as well as blood tests and swabs taken.  Its better to get it all sorted now rather than being fobbed off for months and the problem getting worse (speaking from experience here as it took 7 months of different treatments before I was finally sent to gynacologist and got my scan to find out what was wrong).

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Re: Difficult arousal, painful intercourse
« Reply #2 on: 08 July 2012, 08:40:15 pm »
Hi Clover,

Could i ask what kind of pain you are feeling ie, searing pain when he enters, pain when hes inside or more of an uncomfortable pain in tummy>

Iv started having pains lately, sore when he enters then a horrible pain in my tummy in some positions, been to docs and they cant find anything wrong x

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Re: Difficult arousal, painful intercourse
« Reply #3 on: 08 July 2012, 09:40:14 pm »
It's that sort of pain when the muscles tighten to oppose entry, I think it's only caused by the lack of arousal, not by some medical condition. And yes, pain in the abdomen, yes I had that too.

Pain in the lower abdomen in some positions also indicate insufficient arousal, as normally the vagina elongates when aroused, but if it's not then you'll be too short and hence tummy pain if penetration is deep.
« Last Edit: 08 July 2012, 09:45:36 pm by clover »


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Re: Difficult arousal, painful intercourse
« Reply #4 on: 08 July 2012, 10:33:07 pm »
Are you, or have you recently been, on any medication?  I have had medication prescribed to me that has just stopped my arousal dead.  It can even happen with some over the counter stuff.

As everyone else had said get it checked out by your doctor.

Oh and I'm sure I'm being really obvious but if your doctor has prescribed you something don't come off it without talking to him/her. 


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Re: Difficult arousal, painful intercourse
« Reply #5 on: 08 July 2012, 10:49:28 pm »
No, I haven't taken medication of any sort and I'm not of menopause age either.
« Last Edit: 08 July 2012, 10:52:26 pm by clover »


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Re: Difficult arousal, painful intercourse
« Reply #6 on: 08 July 2012, 11:42:00 pm »
What Dani said.

If you can change to not offering intercourse unless you are actually aroused, it's not going to, erm, hurt recovery from this. It can be spun in a good way, especially if you're offering other services to ejaculation.
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Re: Difficult arousal, painful intercourse
« Reply #7 on: 09 July 2012, 11:12:58 am »
I've always had problems down there, but this is mainly due to my diet rather than anything else.  I find if I eat too many sugary foods or dairy this affects me (as I'm intolerant to these foods).  As soon as a man enters me I'm sore and the soreness increases during intercourse due to the friction.  It finally took an alternative practitioner to realise that my body cannot control it's sugar levels and the dairy messes with my ph balance after years of trips to the GP trying to figure out what was wrong with me.  I'm supposed to avoid these foods now so I don't get sore, but sometimes you just can't say no to treats.
I'm not saying that this maybe your problem (but you can develop intolerancies/allergies over the years as your body changes), but it is something else to ask your GP about if s/he cannot find anything else wrong.

I hope you get sorted soon
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Re: Difficult arousal, painful intercourse
« Reply #8 on: 09 July 2012, 05:29:58 pm »
Could be vaginismus.  Of course, as the others have said see your GP. This website has lots of info about it on -


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Re: Difficult arousal, painful intercourse
« Reply #9 on: 09 July 2012, 09:22:27 pm »
I had meant the topic to be more about the difficulty to get aroused than about the pain.

Edit to say I looked at the website above and is seems to describe what I experience, saying that causes can be phychological, which I had suspected. Maybe I need a holiday away from escorting.
« Last Edit: 09 July 2012, 09:30:39 pm by clover »


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Re: Difficult arousal, painful intercourse
« Reply #10 on: 09 July 2012, 09:50:06 pm »
I suspect that the difficulties with arousal are linked to the pain. Physical causes need to be ruled out or treated and then the it-will-hurt-so-I-am-not-aroused-so-it-hurts cycle broken.
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