(To borrow Dani's format!

#1: Yes, some will tell you up-front what they want, but any excessive descriptions or requests for descriptions are almost always from timewasters. Remember: it's fine to go along with a booking request if you're not sure if it's genuine, but make sure you have a confirmation procedure so that you don't go actually getting ready to see guys who were just fapping during your phone/email correspondance. Also, if you just offer a general set of GFE services which are clearly stated on your website/profile, don't be afraid to politely inform callers/emailers that they can double-check your services there and to call/email back soon if they want to book. (I know it's more complex if you offer a mixture of GFE/PSE/dom/sub/massage services, especially if they're at different rates.)
Sometimes a client just wants to confirm your services but, if that's the case, ask him which services he'd like you to confirm so you can give yes or no answers. I know some guys are genuinely shy but I do wonder - if you're too shy to say, "Can I confirm that RO is included?" on the phone, how are you going to go through with an actual appointment?! Most "I'm really shy" guys are just pretending, unfortunately, which gives a bit of a bad rep to the few genuinely shy ones but we do have to protect ourselves from having our time wasted. Even genuinely shy ones will call/email to book (and again to confirm) if they really want the appointment; they'll just do it in a slightly shy way, but that's not a problem!
#2: Our job involves faking tons of pleasure in general, but yes - many guys can tell a fake orgasm and will get upset about it. It's usually best to focus on genuine enthusiasm and smiley-ness for appointments and don't worry too much about "should I yell 'OH YES YES YES I JUST HAD MY 11TH ORGASM WOW' now, or in seventeen minutes' time?!" Many clients will spend as much time fiddling about with your vag as you let them, for whatever reason, but other clients will give you a disappointed frown if you haven't orgasmed explosively as soon as they've poked you on the clitoris - basically, you can't win.

The best method is, IMHO, to generally act as though every moment of each booking is a sensual and exotic pleasure for you. Smile a lot and look into their eyes (unless they avoid your eyes; again, you can't really win so just see how you go!) and be warm and close and affectionate. Be 'responsive', even if you can't feel anything except a trickle of their sticky saliva running over your skin, but not over the top.
I think "she was unresponsive" and "her moans were really loud and fake" are probably the two most common/strong criticisms that I've seen in negative reviews, obviously not counting fake profiles/bait-and-switch scams/etc. So it would seem like being somewhere in the middle is best. I think it's probably not about exactly
what you do (didn't someone recently on this forum say a client complained about her 'fake moans' when they were actually her completely natural sex sounds?!) but how genuinely you can do it. So stick to what feels natural (obviously not so far as getting up and running away when they blast you in the face with some super-sour breath!) so you can do it most convincingly.