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Author Topic: Coldsore,yuck!  (Read 2883 times)


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« on: 23 September 2009, 12:46:20 pm »
My agency have me booked in to work for them from a hotel tomorrow and Friday. Now ive only gone and woken up this morning with a coldsore on my top lip, its only tiny but its tingling and weepy and definately a coldsore.
Trouble is my agency will probably be highly annoyed if i cant do my shifts for the rest of week. I hate letting people down but i think my wellbeing needs to come first in this case.
Ive spoken to one of the other escorts at agency and she says i can still work as long as i dont kiss or allow RO or OWO (all services that i normally offer) Surely though if clients are coming to see me and then find they are only getting half a service they are going to be pretty put out?. Plus i dont think it says a lot about me as a responsible escort if i work with an infectious virus on my top lip.

What a pain,wish i was fully indie sometimes and i wouldnt have this stress. Also the fact i really need the money this week isint helping >:(

Anika Mae

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Re: Coldsore,yuck!
« Reply #1 on: 23 September 2009, 02:23:19 pm »
If I have a mild cold and someone's booked in advance or someone wants to see me and can't wait, I make the situation clear and give them the option to go ahead if they want to. I don't get cold sores, but if I did I'd operate a similar policy and tell them in advance exactly what I would and wouldn't do, then take the booking if they still wanted it. I think it would be very bad customer service to allow clients to find out when they turn up, and if your agency's willing to do that it's not going to do their reputation any good. You already know they suck though.

The strip club I used to work at was like that. We were fined ?50-100 if we missed a shift for any reason (if you could barely move you were allowed to go home after you'd spent a couple of hours at the club, done some sets on stage and tried to sell some lapdances). We were ill all the time thanks to the skimpy outfits, terrible temperature control, getting nose-to-nose with dozens of people a night, and of course spending our working time around other girls who couldn't afford to call in sick.


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Re: Coldsore,yuck!
« Reply #2 on: 23 September 2009, 03:10:20 pm »
If I have a mild cold and someones booked in advance or someone wants to see me and can't wait, I make the situation clear and give them the option to go ahead if they want to. I don't get cold sores, but if I did I'd operate a similar policy and tell them in advance exactly what I would and wouldn't do, then take the booking if they still wanted it. I think it would be very bad customer service to allow clients to find out when they turn up, and if your agency's willing to do that it's not going to do their reputation any good. You already know they suck though.

The strip club I used to work at was like that. We were fined ?50-100 if we missed a shift for any reason (if you could barely move you were allowed to go home after you'd spent a couple of hours at the club, done some sets on stage and tried to sell some lapdances). We were ill all the time thanks to the skimpy outfits, terrible temperature control, getting nose-to-nose with dozens of people a night, and of course spending our working time around other girls who couldn't afford to call in sick.

That's dreadful that they fined girls who were legitimately ill,no wonder you were all getting sick all the time.
I don't imagine my agency will lose much money if i don't go in,they've got 30+ ladies on their books so will easily find someone to replace me. The worst they can do is cancel my shifts for rest of week as a 'punishment' but if Ive got a coldsore anyway then fine with me :)
Your totally right Anika,they shouldn't just send clients to me without telling them but as they have a policy of not discussing services with clients then i don't see how they could get round it. Plus i could just imagine how many bookings i would get if they did tell them when theres usually another 15+girls working everyday to choose from.

Its such a cut throat world,no wonder I'm coming out in cold sores through stress :(


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Re: Coldsore,yuck!
« Reply #3 on: 24 September 2009, 12:07:23 am »
Coldsores are so horrible.

I get them now and again, always when I'm run down and stressed. Get some vitamin C inside you chick and keep putting Zovirax or similar on it every few hours. It's worth staying out of direct sunlight as this aggrivates them.

Remember to wash your hands BEFORE you go to the toilet too. Having them on your face is one thing but they can so easily be passed onto other places. Nasty little things.

Your agency and wouldn't want you to be passing it onto the clients so you're doing the right thing cancelling the bookings. If they're being funny about it, offer to go to their office and see them so they know you're not lying. That should sort them out and stop them whinging! I doubt they'll take the offer up but at least you're showing willing.

Anika how terrible that a Club treated you ladies like that. Hope you're happier in your nice warm flat with nobody to answer to but yourself!

Love Alex x


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Re: Coldsore,yuck!
« Reply #4 on: 24 September 2009, 06:23:17 am »
Oh hon, I feel for you. Try those little cold sore plasters from Compeed, which you stick over the little bugger. It contains some meds. Plus, your stressing about money isn't helping either, so try to just relax, and you will get better faster. Some multi vits wouldn't be such a bad idea either. Kisses and love.


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Re: Coldsore,yuck!
« Reply #5 on: 24 September 2009, 08:01:29 am »
We were ill all the time thanks to the skimpy outfits, terrible temperature control, getting nose-to-nose with dozens of people a night, and of course spending our working time around other girls who couldn't afford to call in sick.

ewww...that sounds like a bad puppy mill. Bastards. Im glad you left and became an indie. Its rare that we get sick from clients (unless its the 'other things') but I find myself get more ill riding planes and subways than meeting a few clients. I wonder why  ::)


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Re: Coldsore,yuck!
« Reply #6 on: 24 September 2009, 08:40:55 am »
Well  my agency aren't as bad as I'm portraying them as i rang them yesterday and explained and they said that they wouldn't expect me to come to work with a coldsore anyway and its fine (and believe me theres girls at my agency who probably WOULD come in with a coldsore without a seconds thought)

So everythings fine,i got some cold sore cream and some multi vitamins so i think i will live.

As it turns out I'm getting a sore throat now as well and also have a large collection of spots on right hand side of my cheek and neck. Oh I'm looking foxy today ;D


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Re: Coldsore,yuck!
« Reply #7 on: 24 September 2009, 06:34:43 pm »
Oh poor you hun. They are really horrible things aren't they!? They can be very painful too. Stop stressing yourself out luv. My son used to get lots of coldsores (as did I) we now take L-Lysine tabs from the herbalist which are specifically for herpes (which we all know is coldsores)! They worked a treat, just one a day. I got him some before he got married, with all the stress etc he was getting them all the time.

You're right about not working too, I would always tell my clients when I had one so they could make their own choice. I wouldn't kiss, I don't do OWO anyway, & when I've done oral I change the condom before having sex!



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Re: Coldsore,yuck!
« Reply #8 on: 24 September 2009, 07:34:52 pm »
Ah Colette  :-\

Sometimes our bodies decide when we will work! Stupid bodies. Don't they know they will be wearing rags if they don't buck up their ideas and stop catching coldsores and let us work???? Grrrr. Slather on the zovirax and get a dvd on my lovely xxx


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Re: Coldsore,yuck!
« Reply #9 on: 24 September 2009, 09:51:25 pm »
Gawd, these sound so horrible. I may sound really naive here but can anybody get them? I've never had one and I always thought you had to catch them, but my sister has got them from when she was really small and I have always been completely paranoid about getting a bit run down in case one pops up.

I would not work if I had one - maybe HR only but I can't see any responsible agency wanting a girl to work with a cold sore. Do they take long to go away?


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Re: Coldsore,yuck!
« Reply #10 on: 24 September 2009, 09:54:13 pm »
I find myself get more ill riding planes and subways than meeting a few clients. I wonder why  ::)

I ALWAYS find myself with a sore throat and if I'm really unlucky, a stinking cold after I've spent any time on a plane. Otherwise, I've found that I get far fewer colds and bugs now then I used to get working civvy jobs, and I honestly think that our immune systems get better from being up close and personal with so many people!


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Re: Coldsore,yuck!
« Reply #11 on: 25 September 2009, 02:29:07 pm »
Amy they are horrible & very painful.

Anyone can catch them, sometimes I've caught one after a night out when the glasses haven't been cleaned properly!!! They are highly infectious, hence shouldn't work when you have one. You would have to have caught the virus (herpes) from someone but once you've got it it stays with you, & when you've been ill or rundown or even in the sun they can be triggered off.


Anika Mae

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Re: Coldsore,yuck!
« Reply #12 on: 28 September 2009, 11:24:08 am »
Herpes is a retrovirus, which means it inserts itself into your DNA (not all of it though, just some cells in the affected area) so that whenever an infected cell divides to form more cells, the herpes reproduces with it. Once you've caught it you've got it forever, but it only produces cold sores when your immune system is compromised. Your sister probably caught it from a towel or something when she was young, but if you've never had a cold sore you can assume that you're herpes-free. You do need to get it from someone, you don't generate cold sores just by being run down.

(I don't think about them when I get run down, but whenever I have a spot or tingle near my mouth I worry that I've got one, until the next day when it's gone.)


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Re: Coldsore,yuck!
« Reply #13 on: 28 September 2009, 03:08:55 pm »
I find myself get more ill riding planes and subways than meeting a few clients. I wonder why  ::)

I ALWAYS find myself with a sore throat and if I'm really unlucky, a stinking cold after I've spent any time on a plane. Otherwise, I've found that I get far fewer colds and bugs now then I used to get working civvy jobs, and I honestly think that our immune systems get better from being up close and personal with so many people!
That is so true, I can honestly say the last time I had the flu was about 6  years ago! I swear, I will get he odd sniffle, but haven't had the flu in that long. Which is also why I don't take long periods of time off, because I don't want to lose that immunity.