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Author Topic: 'BBW Supersized'? I'm thinking about escorting - ADVICE PLZ!  (Read 7743 times)


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Hi everyone :)

I'm new here, first post, I was directed here by the Punterlink Admin as I have some questions. I have read LOADS of the threads across the forums in Punterlink, and a couple of pages here so far, and while many of my questions have been answered through them, I just need a bit more info...

SIZE: I'm a BIG BBW - size 28, 22 stone (300lbs), with a healthy sex drive and open mind. What's the demand for very overweight ladies? Are we in a minority, or is trade good?

HAIR: I've been reading many of the escort ads, and most (if not all) have bald, shaved, trimmed or shaped lady gardens - I have never been into this. I've tried shaving bald but I lose sensitivity (and HATE everything rubbing against my knicks), I tried trimming and it was very prickly and itchy. I tried shaping and it just looked completely ridiculous. Also, the two times I gave oral to women, they had both trimmed and it gave me a horrible rash! Anyway, my point is: do clients mind/like a natural bush? And, moreso, do clients mind/like a natural bush on a BIG gal?

And my final - and most important - question: I've NEVER had sex/companionship for money, where & how the heck would I start as an 'Independent'? I know I have to advertise, get some grooming and photos and condoms, but how does one go from *thinking* to *doing*?

I'm sure I'll have more questions, but those are my initial concerns.
Many thanks for reading, I look forward to your replies :)

« Last Edit: 10 July 2009, 09:57:00 pm by Cat_BBW »


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Re: 'BBW Supersized'? I'm thinking about escorting - ADVICE PLZ!
« Reply #1 on: 10 July 2009, 10:20:49 pm »
I just thought of another question  :-[

What do escorts do about THAT time of the month? Do you just not take bookings for that week? Or do you 'accommodate' the guys who like that type of thing?


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Re: 'BBW Supersized'? I'm thinking about escorting - ADVICE PLZ!
« Reply #2 on: 10 July 2009, 10:36:37 pm »
Hello! :)

Just a quick thing (as there are other much more knowledgeable women on these forums who can answer your questions) to say that searching for 'period' on these forums will give you loads of info about what different girls do during that time o'the month. From the contraceptive injection, to sponges, and everything in between. There's lots of important information there to be found!

I have to say also that in the world of escorting, size REALLY doesn't matter. Well, it does to the punters, but there is a huge market for every preference. What sort of area are you thinking of working in, if you don't mind the nosiness? There are different advertising strategies for big cities vs. other important bits of the country, for example.

And finally, yay, welcome to SAAFE - glad you got directed here! It's the best place for proper questions & answers.
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: 'BBW Supersized'? I'm thinking about escorting - ADVICE PLZ!
« Reply #3 on: 10 July 2009, 10:57:23 pm »
Hello! :)

Just a quick thing (as there are other much more knowledgeable women on these forums who can answer your questions) to say that searching for 'period' on these forums will give you loads of info about what different girls do during that time o'the month. From the contraceptive injection, to sponges, and everything in between. There's lots of important information there to be found!

I have to say also that in the world of escorting, size REALLY doesn't matter. Well, it does to the punters, but there is a huge market for every preference. What sort of area are you thinking of working in, if you don't mind the nosiness? There are different advertising strategies for big cities vs. other important bits of the country, for example.

And finally, yay, welcome to SAAFE - glad you got directed here! It's the best place for proper questions & answers.

Thanks so much for your reply - I didn't think of searching for "period", I'm usually really good at doing my online research LOL! I shall have a lookie ;)

I don't mind the nosiness! :D It's actually refreshing to find forums where people aren't beating around the bush (lol) and saying "oops, sorry, TMI" (ARGH) Anyway, I'm in London, and would be happy to work anywhere in London or outskirts, or even within travelling distance in South East/South England (as long as my travel expenses are covered, I guess?). I can only do Outcalls, am I safer at a hotel rather than a client's home?

Many thanks for the welcome :)


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Re: 'BBW Supersized'? I'm thinking about escorting - ADVICE PLZ!
« Reply #4 on: 10 July 2009, 11:12:56 pm »
Hi Cat!

Have you read through the articles on the main SAAFE site here? There is lots of information (safety and security, websites, paying tax, advertising and all sorts of other stuff  :)) to help you get started and all written by experienced escorts. The forum is only a part, but we're all here to help - welcome!

There is a section on outcall security here. I always feel safer in hotels then in clients homes, but there are procedures to help you stay safe and weed out the timewasters. I would suggest getting in touch with Penny who runs the Buddy scheme too; the website is here, and she can find you an experienced lady to help you through the first bits! Good luck and keep us all posted!

Anika Mae

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Re: 'BBW Supersized'? I'm thinking about escorting - ADVICE PLZ!
« Reply #5 on: 11 July 2009, 02:01:46 am »
I think you should be fine in London. There's a demand for extra large which might be smaller than for other segments, but you also won't have much competition so it'll even out. (You'll get some horrible emails from people who can't stand it that you love your body enough to make money with it, but you probably guessed that already.)

Periods are well covered in the forum and there's an article on the main site about advertising. There's been several threads about hair too, but I'd like to say that trimmed doesn't have to mean spikey (and shouldn't IMO). I cut mine down just enough to make it look neat, but there's still plenty of curl so no-one's getting a rash from it.


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Re: 'BBW Supersized'? I'm thinking about escorting - ADVICE PLZ!
« Reply #6 on: 11 July 2009, 03:05:45 am »
I cant say much to this thread, but in all honesty I think a bbw would come off desired alot more than a bbm anyday. Straight men dig the 'thick' chicks.


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Re: 'BBW Supersized'? I'm thinking about escorting - ADVICE PLZ!
« Reply #7 on: 11 July 2009, 11:52:44 am »
Well, I used to think that there would be no demand for someone my size and age before embarking on this career lol but different shapes and sizes appeal to different gents.  I would echo what the other ladies have said about reading up on all the Saafe info sections.  I would also actually emphasise on and market your size by targeting relevant sites, like which celebrates bigger ladies.  Or there is as well.  While perhaps your size represents a niche group in the market, at the same token there seems to be less competition.  Other directories like for example UK Belles or Punterlink also have specific BBW sections.   The recommended sites will attract gents that have a preference for larger ladies and could be a major marketing tool for you. 

In order to get started you might want to get a good website and some photos, I would totally recommend Mira Design who do a lovely template site for around ?100, including one year hosting and search engine optimisation as well as domain name registration and they place you in all the major directories.  Such a site allows you to be in charge or your marketing and wording and also enables you to advertise on directories mostly for free as long as you feature a prominent link to their website.  Initially, I would not spend a lot on advertising apart from a listing at Punternet which is around ?13 per month.  One of the mods and prolific poster on that forum is your size and appears to be well established.

Good luck and welcome to the world of floozying!   


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Re: 'BBW Supersized'? I'm thinking about escorting - ADVICE PLZ!
« Reply #8 on: 11 July 2009, 12:56:36 pm »
Hi Just from an Agency point of view we have plus size or BBW ladies on our site as well as Mature.  Not all men want slim and young Escorts its a shame that Agencies are not a bit more openminded about this.


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Re: 'BBW Supersized'? I'm thinking about escorting - ADVICE PLZ!
« Reply #9 on: 11 July 2009, 02:15:36 pm »
Couldnt agree more that agencies should have a place for all sizes of ladies.
Up here in Newcastle there are too many (in my opinion) agencies that state dress size 6 to 12 only! :o
Not everyone likes a slimmer girl, last week i had a client in who told me i could 'do with a few hot dinners' okay it wasent the most charming comment ive ever had but i think it definately proved a point!


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Re: 'BBW Supersized'? I'm thinking about escorting - ADVICE PLZ!
« Reply #10 on: 11 July 2009, 07:11:26 pm »
Welcome Cat,
I'm 5ft 10in and a sized 22/24 and I've been an indie for over seven years. It's a niche market, but there's definitely a market. Figure out what your USPs are, your unique selling points, and decide how you want to market yourself. Me, it's my boobs, arse and height. Guys like big tall, Amazonian-type women.
I have a colleague that sounds similar to you in stature and she does pretty well have a look and see how she markets herself. We're both listed on Pretty Big Escorts, which, as BH says, specialises in Big Beautiful women. Of all the directories I'm listed on, it's where most of my work comes from.

You could get a free site, but a lot of directories don't like to list them. Mira Design is the best, their sites are cheap to maintain. Then you can get yourself listed.

Couldnt agree more that agencies should have a place for all sizes of ladies.!

They should but they don't. Ime agencies don't know what to do with a BBW. They don't know the first thing about marketing one. I worked for one for all of about two weeks before I went indi. I knew how to market myself and got on with it.
If you do decide to get into the business Cat, follow the ladies advice on here and make sure you read as much of this site as you can.
Good luck.


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Re: 'BBW Supersized'? I'm thinking about escorting - ADVICE PLZ!
« Reply #11 on: 11 July 2009, 09:50:07 pm »
Hi Cat!

Have you read through the articles on the main SAAFE site here? There is lots of information (safety and security, websites, paying tax, advertising and all sorts of other stuff  :)) to help you get started and all written by experienced escorts. The forum is only a part, but we're all here to help - welcome!

There is a section on outcall security here. I always feel safer in hotels then in clients homes, but there are procedures to help you stay safe and weed out the timewasters. I would suggest getting in touch with Penny who runs the Buddy scheme too; the website is here, and she can find you an experienced lady to help you through the first bits! Good luck and keep us all posted!

Hi Amy :)

I've had a read of some of the articles, but there's nothing better (IMHO) than getting real-time opinions, IYKWIM. I've always liked forums, and 2-way (or more) banter, information seems to be absorbed better for me. That doesn't make sense, I've had a stressful day! lol

Thanks for the link to escortbuddies, I'll have a look. That's really cool that escorts have "mentor" type people, I guess it really helps to make the unknown a bit smoother.


Welsh Lass

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Re: 'BBW Supersized'? I'm thinking about escorting - ADVICE PLZ!
« Reply #12 on: 12 July 2009, 10:30:03 am »
Before I found this place when I was starting out on this job,  I contacted agencies and was told that, at age 35 and a size 12 I was too old and big for them.....
Can you even believe that?

Your not too big at all.  You sound lovely and if you really want to do this, then give it a shot. Do your own site and perhaps contact those agencies already mentioned above that cater for your curves.
I think you only need confidence in yourself and how you look, be you a size 6 or a size 22 and your flying. I think Dawn French would make a killing as an escort. I can list at least 10 men right off the top of my head without having to think hard about it who would pay to see her! Personality and confidence I think, you sound like you have both so give it a go.
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: 'BBW Supersized'? I'm thinking about escorting - ADVICE PLZ!
« Reply #13 on: 12 July 2009, 02:33:05 pm »
I think you should be fine in London. There's a demand for extra large which might be smaller than for other segments, but you also won't have much competition so it'll even out. (You'll get some horrible emails from people who can't stand it that you love your body enough to make money with it, but you probably guessed that already.)

Periods are well covered in the forum and there's an article on the main site about advertising. There's been several threads about hair too, but I'd like to say that trimmed doesn't have to mean spikey (and shouldn't IMO). I cut mine down just enough to make it look neat, but there's still plenty of curl so no-one's getting a rash from it.

Hi Anika :) I recognise your avvie from Punterlink :)

I see what you're saying about smaller demand/less competition, I'd never thought about it like that. And yes, I did guess some stoopid people would feel the need to be keyboard warriors about my size & escorting, I've had nasty emails in the past, and that's WITHOUT the escorting! ::)

I've found the periods advice now, so that's a question firmly answered, and advertising is very well documented it seems. I've learnt a lot about terminology, rates, etc by reading the forums and the articles, so advertising is becoming more clear to me. I'll have a search for hair, and to be honest I'd love to keep it natural - it's not like a mahoosive 70s BUSH, nothing scary like that, just soft and fluffy with a tuft, so I'm hoping that keeping it combed and paying attention to my 'bikini line' will suffice (and with a note on my advertising that I'm "au natrelle", praps I'll be tapping into another niche! :D ).


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Re: 'BBW Supersized'? I'm thinking about escorting - ADVICE PLZ!
« Reply #14 on: 12 July 2009, 05:40:50 pm »
Welcome, hope you enjoy your stay here.
Oh and Colette, that comment is priceless! LMAO! I am sorry for laughing!  :-[