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Author Topic: Sugar daddies?  (Read 3420 times)


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Sugar daddies?
« on: 17 December 2008, 10:32:21 am »
I had my first booking yesterday... Hundred times easier than I thought. He was clean, polite, considerate and charming. I actually found it hard to stop myself laughing halfway through as I was so happy at how easy it was and that I was getting paid so well for it!

Anyway, this guy is lovely, took me for dinner first etc. He told me after we'd finished that basically he's looking for a regular arrangement, to see me once a week and in return he'll clear my debts for me, pay me ?500 a month, plus take me shopping if i need new clothes, food, anything like that.

Has anyone got any experience of this? It sounds pretty good to me - obviously the ?500 is low for four meetings a month, but to clear my debts and take me food shopping when I need it too?


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Re: Sugar daddies?
« Reply #1 on: 17 December 2008, 11:57:00 am »
Would obviously depend on how long the meetings were and if YOU thought it was worth it - obviously a lot of this depends on how much debt you're in too.

If he is geniune and someone offered me the same deal, I'd most likely say yes, to know your debt is gone would be amazing!!


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Re: Sugar daddies?
« Reply #2 on: 17 December 2008, 12:03:05 pm »
He is really really lovely - he wants to meet for a couple of hours each week, which, as a student, I can give easily. I just dont want him to make false promises although he doesn't seem like that?

Anika Mae

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Re: Sugar daddies?
« Reply #3 on: 17 December 2008, 12:14:03 pm »
Make sure you work out all those unsexy specifics. Clearing your debts is pretty vague, so you need to know how it's going to be done. You should know what you'll get if the arrangement ends after one month, two, etc.. Don't accept promises even if he seems lovely, get your ?500 at the start and a chunk of your debt sorted before you complete your first month. You also need to find out if he expects any kind of exclusivity from you and how available he thinks you'll be.

As long as that's all worked out and acceptable to you, it sounds like a good arrangement.


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Re: Sugar daddies?
« Reply #4 on: 17 December 2008, 12:19:45 pm »
Well done on your first booking.  Its a good feeling to get it out of the way.

As for the client, thats a sugar daddy and you would be his sugar babe.  Its great that he seemed lovely but even the worst people can seem lovely for a few hours at a time.  Its a great offer if its the sort of thing you want but keep in mind that you have only met him once and he could be full of shit.  I think its pretty common for guys to think we need 'saving' and that they can be the one to do it and we will be amazingly gratefull forever.  You would really have to be able to make yourself available to him or come to some kind of arrangement about how he and the escorting would fit around each other.

I have a similar sort of thing going on.  I needed a large amount of money recently and a client offered to help me out.  I didnt like the idea of that whole 'sugar daddy' kind of thing because i dont want to feel like i owe anyone anything so in the end we came to another arrangement, just a monthly payment.  Turned out i didnt need the money in the end so our arrangement will start after new year but if it does im going to think of it as a bonus rather than counting on receiving it every month.  I dont want to feel like i'm relying on just one person and i certainly dont want anyone thinking i rely on them and getting some power trip from it.  I think it would be very easy to start relying on that one client and then if it suddenly stopped id be stuck.  Does that make sense?

Anyway, my point is if its the kind of arrangement that you want then take it slow, get to know him a bit, dont jump in to it and work out if you mind getting that kind of financial help from one person because if you get used to it too quickly it could be hard to turn him away when you realise you dont like him.  and make sure you both know the ins and outs of the deal down to the last detail so there is no confusion at any point, write it down even so you can go back to it if you feel the boundries are being pushed.  

Or tell him to go on to find someone who is looking for that kind of thing.

Just be carefull with offers that sound too good to be true.... they usually are (i'm a bit synical, I know!)



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Re: Sugar daddies?
« Reply #5 on: 17 December 2008, 12:25:03 pm »
How it would work is all sorted, I agreed what I would and wouldn't do and he agreed that he'd want to meet once a week, at a certain time, in a hotel. I asked about exclusivity and he said it'd be hypocritical of him to ask for that as he has a partner.

I'm very wary about the whole situation but at the same time, I'd like to at least try it and see what happens. I agree with getting him to clear my debts though!

See I owe ?3000 to my landlord (long story) and they're on the verge of throwing me out so I really need the help... Eeep.


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Re: Sugar daddies?
« Reply #6 on: 17 December 2008, 01:08:41 pm »
Just be carefull with offers that sound too good to be true.... they usually are

That's my first reaction too. To have such a sweet deal come out of a first booking seems a little unusual (or maybe you're just really lucky, in which case, I'm jealous :p)

This is probably a stupid question but, does he know your debt situation?

As Anika Mae already said, make certain you work out every detail beforehand - schedules for payment, meetings, etc. - my concern would be that he would try to take advantage of you some way and you'd end up getting the short end of the stick.

Hope it works out for you though!  Good luck.

Welsh Lass

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Re: Sugar daddies?
« Reply #7 on: 19 December 2008, 09:39:10 am »
I would believe nothing until it happened.
I would not listen to anything past the handover of cash at the start of each booking and treat each booking as if it's all your going to get from him.
Guys will say all the time they are coming back, they will book you again, they want to be a regular - for the majority of the time, this does not happen.
It does  at times, don't get me wrong. I have a few regulars that said to me they would be booking again and indeed did and continue to, but realistically, until they make that call and hand over that cash - I take it all with a pinch of salt.
As for your debts - I would not rely upon anybody to clear them except myself. If this guy does follow through with the arrangement then good for you and I agree with the above post - your very lucky and I am very jealous! Just a word of caution as this was your first client - you will get fed some bullshit and you can't rely upon a client as regular income, no matter if he has seen you every week for months and months - they can and will disappear off on you and if you have come to rely upon his cash, you come unstuck.
Also - he might seem great now but months down the line he might grate on you and you will find yourself dreading the bookings and wish to pull out. If you feel at all obliged to see him because of an arrangement, that can't be good for you - your meant to be in charge here. There is nothing worse than a client you come to not be able to stand the sight of and have to then carry on seeing, at his beck and call because your almost tied to it? I would hate that.
Sorry to rain on your parade.
I hope it does all work out well for you.
They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: Sugar daddies?
« Reply #8 on: 19 December 2008, 08:46:49 pm »
I would believe nothing until it happened.
I would not listen to anything past the handover of cash at the start of each booking and treat each booking as if it's all your going to get from him.
Guys will say all the time they are coming back, they will book you again, they want to be a regular - for the majority of the time, this does not happen.
It does  at times, don't get me wrong.

ooo...say it girlfriend. Its happened quite a bit where someone will say, "would like to do this every week if it goes well". I even had one guy in my early days actually tell me he hires escorts all the time, and that he'd be my sugar daddy. Again, these are all people I have met, but didnt turn out to become regulars.

I remember Brandy said something awhile back about how clients also told her the same thing, but usually its a ploy to get a discount of sorts.

On the flip side, that's just what happens the majority of the time, not ALL the time. I had a sugar daddy before also before I left home. Would see me about 2-3 times a week. He didnt promise to pay my debts, or use the word 'sugar daddy'...So I know its possible, but on a first booking with a client I would also take like a grain of salt.

Its just like on a 1st date when a guy makes vague plans for down the line with no day set. Its called 'bookmarking'.


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Re: Sugar daddies?
« Reply #9 on: 19 December 2008, 10:05:10 pm »
I would believe nothing until it happened.
I would not listen to anything past the handover of cash at the start of each booking and treat each booking as if it's all your going to get from him.
Guys will say all the time they are coming back, they will book you again, they want to be a regular - for the majority of the time, this does not happen.
It does  at times, don't get me wrong.

ooo...say it girlfriend. Its happened quite a bit where someone will say, "would like to do this every week if it goes well". I even had one guy in my early days actually tell me he hires escorts all the time, and that he'd be my sugar daddy. Again, these are all people I have met, but didnt turn out to become regulars.

I remember Brandy said something awhile back about how clients also told her the same thing, but usually its a ploy to get a discount of sorts.

On the flip side, that's just what happens the majority of the time, not ALL the time. I had a sugar daddy before also before I left home. Would see me about 2-3 times a week. He didnt promise to pay my debts, or use the word 'sugar daddy'...So I know its possible, but on a first booking with a client I would also take like a grain of salt.

Its just like on a 1st date when a guy makes vague plans for down the line with no day set. Its called 'bookmarking'.

I'm of Joanna's mindset. Then I'm just a cynical old bird. Nothing is for free in this life and I would always view with suspicion anybody that would want to do something of that magnitude for me, and on a first visit too.
Not just that, I wouldn't want to be beholden to anybody, make them think that just because they paid my bills then they can have a say on when they'd want to see me.
But I think it's my age and experience in this business. You get lots of empty promises made to you and I tend not to take any notice until the money's in my hand and the promise itself kept.

Good luck with you and your sugar daddy though. I hope it works out just the way you want it.


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Re: Sugar daddies?
« Reply #10 on: 20 December 2008, 11:23:20 am »
Has anyone got any experience of this? It sounds pretty good to me

And may I add...Maybe Im just superstitious (ok very)  :(  but I sometimes think it's best to just wait and see and not tell anyone. There's things in the woodwork that I am just so afraid to mention for fear it may become jinxed!
« Last Edit: 20 December 2008, 11:33:50 am by JoeyR »