Thank you for replies

The only thing that's slightly worrying for me is whether if I propose a genuine minimum price, would they assume they can haggle? Like the whole start high, but actually you'd be happy with less thing? Or is rate negotiation different from car sale negotiation? Also, if i sign up for agencies which do have a set price, am I expected to charge the same across all agencies? I'd imagine agency wouldn't be too impressed if I claim my absolute minimum is ?300 and then be listed on another site at ?200..
And you're right, pretending to be from some random nice sounding country without even being able to point it on the map would be silly... I was considering choosing one with a really quirky language that no one would be able to speak, which would make accent/speaking in it much easier... Apparently the reason for EE girls apparently being cheaper is, along with your point about us being happy with ANYthing, is that some gents think there are pimps involved, and therefore the higher paying ones stay away... Men eh!

Ah that's a great point Oriana, never even thought about the stealing of the clients fear.. Maybe I can pretend to be a former Bunny of London who charged ?500 or something, too late for them to check such facts! And Scandinavian countries seem like a good deal, not too many Scandinavian gents, so less likely for someone to start randomly speaking my apparently mother tongue language....