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Author Topic: Please help- How do I set my per hour rate with an agency?  (Read 1602 times)


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Please help- How do I set my per hour rate with an agency?
« on: 05 August 2012, 08:04:39 am »
As its been slow (for me, at least!) recently, I'm planning to apply for a few agencies. I have noticed that a lot of them have girls in different p/h brackets, with some ranging from ?150-?500 all within one agency!

Before indie work, I used to use a very cheap agency, which was the reason I left, and I don't really want to use this as a basis. As an independent I charge ?150 p/h, but ideally want to get more.. So the difficulty is that I'm sure it'll be one of the questions asked, and I'd rather not even mention the cheap agency, plus I'm convinced it'll go against me if I reveal my indie p/h rate. So how do I determine what to ask for? And do I mention previous experience, or just say that I'm new to escorting? (I am actually relatively new in any case..)

I know an easy answer would be to figure how much I want to get and take it from there, but I don't want to be taken for a ride, not by the agency in any case! And it's in their interest to make me have lower rates... I have also been told that being EE means my price automatically goes down, so should I just lie and be from some other country?

Thanks for your help!  :-*


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Re: Please help- How do I set my per hour rate with an agency?
« Reply #1 on: 05 August 2012, 08:37:53 am »
Ive never worked for an agency but I thought it was them that set the hourly rate expected.  I'll be interested to see other replies.

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Re: Please help- How do I set my per hour rate with an agency?
« Reply #2 on: 05 August 2012, 08:45:04 am »
The eternal question :) How much would you like to earn per hour? Add on the cut, and consider charging that. If you don't get the amount of work you would like, consider all aspects of the marketing, not just the price.

There can be the expectation that people from what are seen as 'poorer' countries charge less (you're supposed to be grateful to have anything ::) ) but you don't have to live up to it.

If you look at the review sites, you will see plenty of 'they said they were from Sweden/Italy/wherever, but they didn't know a word of Swedish/Italian/whatever' comments, so if you are going to fib, make sure it's reasonably convincing.

Ive never worked for an agency but I thought it was them that set the hourly rate expected. 

Agencies vary - some will go 'everyone gets ?x, everyone does y' and some more sensibly leave it up to you.
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Re: Please help- How do I set my per hour rate with an agency?
« Reply #3 on: 05 August 2012, 09:01:15 am »
Most important - don't say a word of being indie! Agency owners constanty fear "their" girls will go indie and take clients AND money away. I believe EE's charge less, because some clients prefer ladies from the same country. If you can, pretend you are citizen of random scandinavian country. :)
« Last Edit: 05 August 2012, 09:27:31 am by Oriana »
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Re: Please help- How do I set my per hour rate with an agency?
« Reply #4 on: 05 August 2012, 09:18:58 am »
Thank you for replies  :)

The only thing that's slightly worrying for me is whether if I propose a genuine minimum price, would they assume they can haggle? Like the whole start high, but actually you'd be happy with less thing? Or is rate negotiation different from car sale negotiation? Also, if i sign up for agencies which do have a set price, am I expected to charge the same across all agencies? I'd imagine agency wouldn't be too impressed if I claim my absolute minimum is ?300 and then be listed on another site at ?200..

And you're right, pretending to be from some random nice sounding country without even being able to point it on the map would be silly... I was considering choosing one with a really quirky language that no one would be able to speak, which would make accent/speaking in it much easier... Apparently the reason for EE girls apparently being cheaper is, along with your point about us being happy with ANYthing, is that some gents think there are pimps involved, and therefore the higher paying ones stay away... Men eh!  :FF

Ah that's a great point Oriana, never even thought about the stealing of the clients fear.. Maybe I can pretend to be a former Bunny of London who charged ?500 or something, too late for them to check such facts! And Scandinavian countries seem like a good deal, not too many Scandinavian gents, so less likely for someone to start randomly speaking my apparently mother tongue language....


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Re: Please help- How do I set my per hour rate with an agency?
« Reply #5 on: 05 August 2012, 09:23:00 am »
Most important - don't say a word of being indie! Agency owners constanty fear "their" girls will go indie and take clients AND money away. I believe EE's charge less, because some clients prefer ladies from same country. If you can, pretend you are citizen of scandinavian country. :)

I agree with this- some agencies don't mind you working indie, but unless they bring it up I wouldn't mention it. Some agencies would suggest a rate to you, based on how popular they think you'll be/ how they want to market you, but of course if you're not happy with what they suggest you should find another agency/ discuss it with them.

No they shouldn't haggle (the agency won't let them). Some agencies may put you at different prices, which will annoy some punters, so you should try as much as possible to make the agencies keep them consistent (but they may try and undercut each other).

I wouldn't lie about who you used to work as etc, agencies aren't stupid, and if they find out then the likely hood is that they won't want to hire you. For example the receptionists from one agency that just closed went to another well known agency, so if you lie they could ask the receptionists, then you'll be dropped.


edited for clarity.
« Last Edit: 05 August 2012, 09:33:39 am by casey_kisses »
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