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Author Topic: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth  (Read 185414 times)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #75 on: 09 June 2010, 12:51:18 am »
I dont understand?

Allow me. 'Mostly' means a high proportion or probability of something but not all of it. 'All' means, well, all of it, as in in it's entirety with no exceptions whatsoever. In other words, making sweeping generalisations which you cannot possibly substantiate is simplistic, inaccurate and wrong. Richard is an extremely intelligent and articulate individual who has obviously not noticed your previous posts, and thus was probably not aware that it was necessary to keep his responses very, very simple.

Im a male, and i know for a fact they would not,

Horseshit. I have no doubt from your posting that you are a male, but this statement is ridiculous; you have not met and interrogated every woman in the world and to state that you know this to be a 'fact' is beyond moronic. How do you propose to back up this 'fact' and what is your source? Or are you trying to say you have done this? Out of interest, what did I say when you asked me?

This is false unless money is involved and an army of guys would back me up. Men pay because they cant have sex with someone who's attractive or a lot younger than them without paying, or their wife dont want to experiment sexually, nothing to do with companionship etc.
Name me one other reason???

Total and utter crap, and your 'army of guys' would need to be as ignorant and ill informed as you. Everyone can get lucky occasionally. And there are far, far too many reasons why men pay for sex for your evidently tiny mind to ever be able to comprehend; the world is a diverse place and to say that all men are the same and are motivated by the same things is patronising, offensive rubbish. Just because you've obviously had no luck doesn't mean others haven't fared better. Why not try reading the thread/post you are responding to properly ? Or even engaging brain before logging in?


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #76 on: 09 June 2010, 04:37:56 pm »
Thank you Amy :)

The quote was from The Princess Bride, BTW, and if anyone else thinks the any man can get sucked for free thought is "inconceivable!!", they are invited to visit their local gay scene's darkrooms or glory holes or cruising grounds.

It will almost always be a man doing the sucking, but it will be too dark or there's a wall stopping you seeing that. I've also known women use the cruising area of Hampstead Heath to get laid anonymously. 


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #77 on: 10 June 2010, 01:10:18 pm »
Hey just reading the info on here! Me trying to be an male escort I am finding it hard. I'm just starting and all I have done so far is put myself on AW. Signed up to what I thought was an agency and wanted ?90 sent straight to them. Good thing I did see the links to agency that are scams. Me personally right now I think it's sad that there isn't really much of an male escort website. Not putting AW down but it's seems you got much chance if your an woman. I'm not gay either and I'm trying to get into swingers clubs as well to see if that will help. Weird question though, I was told by an female escort that I should sign up to the gay one and just allow men to just give me BJ's. To me that seems an bit ... strange. But that really an good start you think? Thanks for any advice that can be given! 
What time is sex o' clock?


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #78 on: 10 June 2010, 01:34:34 pm »
Hey just reading the info on here! Me trying to be an male escort I am finding it hard. I'm just starting and all I have done so far is put myself on AW. Signed up to what I thought was an agency and wanted ?90 sent straight to them. Good thing I did see the links to agency that are scams. Me personally right now I think it's sad that there isn't really much of an male escort website. Not putting AW down but it's seems you got much chance if your an woman. I'm not gay either and I'm trying to get into swingers clubs as well to see if that will help. Weird question though, I was told by an female escort that I should sign up to the gay one and just allow men to just give me BJ's. To me that seems an bit ... strange. But that really an good start you think? Thanks for any advice that can be given! 

Oh dear. Can somebody who doesn't have a BlackBerry in one hand while shovelling chips with the other please point miladdo towards the Straight Male Escorts thread, since it seems to have completely passed him by.

In a nutshell, men pay for sex, DisCode. Women do not. If you want to be an escort, best start practising your blow jobs.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #79 on: 10 June 2010, 02:12:01 pm »
Saying that Amy I have known an few women who have paid for it. And like I said in the post the female escort said that some gay people just like to give the escort an BJ. Not me giving them one. Also I hate blackberrys! (Nokia N900 been used.)
What time is sex o' clock?


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #80 on: 10 June 2010, 02:27:50 pm »
Saying that Amy I have known an few women who have paid for it. And like I said in the post the female escort said that some gay people just like to give the escort an BJ. Not me giving them one. Also I hate blackberrys! (Nokia N900 been used.)

So have I; a couple of ladies on here have even posted about it. Mostly it was shite but I do remember one lady had a good time, although that was thanks to a qualified masseuse who obviously knew what to do with his hands - I doubt he got much out of it and there is no reason why he should as being a successful prostitute is about pleasing your customer, not yourself. You may get a few jobs from men who only want to give you a blow job, but why would they flock to you when there are plenty of genuinely gay men out there who won't flinch at anything more than that?

If you think you know better than everyone else on this board (and the fact that you mentioned swinging says a great deal about your preconceived beliefs regarding what we do and why we do it) then go right ahead. There's plenty of advice on here about building a website and so on, so even though you're unlikely to make a red cent you might learn some useful transferable skills.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #81 on: 10 June 2010, 02:37:41 pm »
Saying that Amy I have known an few women who have paid for it. And like I said in the post the female escort said that some gay people just like to give the escort an BJ. Not me giving them one. Also I hate blackberrys! (Nokia N900 been used.)

Okay, let's be fair. There's got to be at least a dozen women in Britain who are active clients of male escorts. That's loads! Now, just divide that dozen between the 20,000 men who are hoping to get paid for sex and you're left with a good estimate of your likely profit. Subtract a little if you are a young man who would describe yourself as "a stud" because I'd imagine most women would like someone mature, trustworthy, reliable and experienced, instead. But if you keep paying for expensive websites, pictures and adverts, you'll probably meet at least one female client in the next 10 years. So don't lose hope!*

(*Sorry, you probably should lose hope.)

Being gay for pay is not uncommon. I'd do it but it would probably be unconvincing and clients can find real bisexual escorts all over the place so I doubt there's a market for my efforts. Anyway, so I don't know much about it except you probably shouldn't mention in your advertising (for male clients to give you a BJ without the favour being returned) that you think they are "strange". Being part of the sex industry actually means being extremely open to the infinite varieties of human sexuality and being sensitive about them even if it's not your cup of tea. Just being a regular young male homophobe isn't really going to make you stand out amongst your competition on either gay or straight sites, is it?
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #82 on: 10 June 2010, 02:43:41 pm »
Ok let me make it clear. I was given this advice FROM an female escort who is an friend of mine. And she was saying this would be the best way about going about it.
What time is sex o' clock?


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #83 on: 10 June 2010, 02:55:32 pm »
Ok let me make it clear. I was given this advice FROM an female escort who is an friend of mine. And she was saying this would be the best way about going about it.

Your friend was saying that the only way you will possibly earn money as an escort is by providing sexual services to men, which is entirely correct and no-one has said otherwise. I have also replied to your PM, and it has been suggested that you read the articles on the main site which is about the full extent of our remit considering you clearly don't want to listen.

EDIT: Posts moved to appropriate thread.
« Last Edit: 10 June 2010, 03:02:30 pm by amy »


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #84 on: 10 June 2010, 06:46:52 pm »
Weird question though, I was told by an female escort that I should sign up to the gay one and just allow men to just give me BJ's. To me that seems an bit ... strange. But that really an good start you think?

As everyone has said, it is the only way you're likely to make any money (and even then, not enough to quit any day job for).

It's a fetish on the gay scene, especially if you can do the 'scally' look. In this context, AW is probably not the place for you (too many other straight male optimists to stand out) and GS is very quiet - look for something more specialist on other gay-specific sites. It would certainly get you used to having sex with people you are not attracted to.

Okay, let's be fair. There's got to be at least a dozen women in Britain who are active clients of male escorts. That's loads! Now, just divide that dozen between the 20,000 men who are hoping to get paid for sex and you're left with a good estimate of your likely profit.

<3, as ever.

you probably shouldn't mention in your advertising (for male clients to give you a BJ without the favour being returned) that you think they are "strange". .. Just being a regular young male homophobe isn't really going to make you stand out amongst your competition on either gay or straight sites, is it?

While also amusing, I think this is a tiny bit over the top. I didn't read it as homophobic, and 'I wouldn't normally let strange men do this' etc is part of the scally appeal, apparently. Pleasure and danger.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #85 on: 11 June 2010, 09:47:47 am »
While also amusing, I think this is a tiny bit over the top. I didn't read it as homophobic, and 'I wouldn't normally let strange men do this' etc is part of the scally appeal, apparently. Pleasure and danger.

Fair enough. Having slept on it, I can definitely see that an overall dislike of this character made me jump to conclusions. And what's the point of disliking people over the Internet? I shall get on with my life now. ;D And honestly, I think this guy was just a little naive and confused, and there is so much conflicting information out there, what with those forums set up for "successful male escorts" to share their wisdom with wannabes (and recommend that they pay to be featured on xyz nonsense directory site) on one hand and then poor SAAFE on the other end trying to actually help people. It's a frustrating state of affairs!
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #86 on: 12 June 2010, 10:14:12 am »
I can see why he might think it strange that someone would pay 'just' to give someone pleasure / could have a good sexual time without orgasming themselves - the average straight man's sexual history (and with apologies to anyone who thinks this is heterophobic!) includes numerous examples of being the one whose pleasure matters / the only one to come / the only one to get eaten etc etc.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #87 on: 21 June 2010, 08:00:45 pm »
Hi my names Jonny and im new to this and am looking for work.

Me and my girlfriend have been really struggling recently and she came up with the idea that I do male escorting as long as there was no sex involved, I was a little wierded out by it but thought why not, i've never had trouble with meeting beautifull women, I have a great body, a great personality and good looks so im told.
My girlfriend decided to sign me up to all these escort agencies online and gave out my number and e mail etc and this morning I recieved a few different calls from companies, asking for me to pay a fee, I asked why they needed a fee and they told me that other agencies can phone up pretending to be escorts looking for work and that escorts have let them down in the past also, making the company look bad and making them lose clients. This to be fair, sounded a legitimate reason to ask for a fee, but I was worried about losing my money still, if I did hand over the fee.

I'm just wondering what I should do, does anyone have any advice on companies they have worked for that where legit, any advice where I can find real work etc, for all I know, this site could be set up by another company trying to make all other companies look bad ha ha, it's all so confusing and is a full time job in itself looking through all the bullshit, i'm completely lost and need help???? Please  ???
Can I get what what and a side of french fries!!!!!


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #88 on: 21 June 2010, 08:07:33 pm »
Jonny, put your money away. There are NO legit straight male escorting agencies that will find you any work, and social only 'companion' escorting jobs are non-existent whether you're male or female. Please read the rest of this thread, and for future reference read this too.

If this isn't enough, try typing 'male escort' or 'straight male escort' into the Search box on the top right, but to be honest, if you need money your time would be far better employed looking through the jobs section of your local rag.

*goes off to bang head against wall*


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #89 on: 21 June 2010, 08:13:41 pm »

I received a few different calls from companies, asking for me to pay a fee, I asked why they needed a fee and they told me that other agencies can phone up pretending to be escorts looking for work and that escorts have let them down in the past also, making the company look bad and making them lose clients. This to be fair, sounded a legitimate reason to ask for a fee, but I was worried about losing my money still, if I did hand over the fee.

And another legitimate reason could be Anne Wydecombe and her pals have realised that they no longer need to pay to hook a date so the agency cant make any money pimping you out. Funny how its only those catering for male escorts get this problem.
Actually if you do believe their reason, I have 5 million in cash, I cant bank myself because of the UK tax liability, but with you and a few friends, I'm sure we could split it up a bit, just send me your bank details and ill give you a cut.

I'm just wondering what I should do, does anyone have any advice on companies they have worked for that where legit, any advice where I can find real work etc, for all I know, this site could be set up by another company trying to make all other companies look bad ha ha, it's all so confusing and is a full time job in itself looking through all the bullshit, I'm completely lost and need help????

You have looked over the whole site and you honestly think that?  ::)