Coronation Street probably has a lot to answer for, and will be feeding the scammers quite nicely thank you. I've also had several clients ask me over the years if they could be a male escort, wanting advice on setting up a website etc. Also had chaps from AW as well as specialist site asking me for tips on improving their business - or lack of it!
I give a straight answer i.e. NO DEMAND FOR MALE ESCORTS DESPITE WHAT POPULAR MEDIA CLAIM. They act as if I'm being a spoil sport, trying to stop them from not 'requiring' my services or being unhelpful.
Sorry guys but show me one successful, straight, male escort and I will eat my hat. Of course our idea of 'success' is different to theirs. Guys say they would be happy with just 1 or 2 bookings a month - you know a free sh@g and a few extra pounds. Well if you are prepared to sit around, spend money on advertising and travel etc, take TW calls, promote your website and then of course not be picky who you see - then you MIGHT get it eventually. One chap on AW asked me to look at his profile see where he was going wrong. Well he'd been advertising for twice as long as I have been on there and had only had 10% of my views and those were highly likely to be the women he'd booked checking him out.
The best ones are those who contact me offering to work with me offering a 'couple' service. I have a waiting list of volunteers to join me if I ever get asked for such a booking. Think I get about 2 enquiries every 6 months for that sort of scenario, and then they require the guy to be bi (only 1 of my volunteers may be this way inclined).
When Ms Harman was clamping down on newspaper ads and organisations that could be trafficking people she nicely overlooked the fact that the media themselves encourage these scamsters. Yes the very magazines carrying articles about female journalists booking male Escorts as those that carry ads for money-upfront scam agencies. Well they did the last time I checked!