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Author Topic: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth  (Read 185388 times)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #60 on: 15 February 2010, 11:17:16 am »
Also, there do seem to be a few self-styled straight male prostitutes about, although naturally no one can vouch for their realness as all their clients are sooo 'upscale and discreet'. I suspect the faux-ho explanation but if they really are what they say? They probably get one or two clients per month, which is nice pocket money but not livable.

Mmmm. One of them is currently starting an straight male agency. Good luck to them (now they have finally been convinced not to charge the staff something up front - and for a CRB check, wtf) but I cannot see it being viable.

'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #61 on: 19 May 2010, 09:10:47 am »
Coronation Street probably has a lot to answer for, and will be feeding the scammers quite nicely thank you. I've also had several clients ask me over the years if they could be a male escort, wanting advice on setting up a website etc. Also had chaps from AW as well as specialist site asking me for tips on improving their business - or lack of it!

I give a straight answer i.e. NO DEMAND FOR MALE ESCORTS DESPITE WHAT POPULAR MEDIA CLAIM. They act as if I'm being a spoil sport, trying to stop them from not 'requiring' my services or being unhelpful.

Sorry guys but show me one successful, straight, male escort and I will eat my hat. Of course our idea of 'success' is different to theirs. Guys say they would be happy with just 1 or 2 bookings a month - you know a free sh@g and a few extra pounds. Well if you are prepared to sit around, spend money on advertising and travel etc, take TW calls, promote your website and then of course not be picky who you see - then you MIGHT get it eventually. One chap on AW asked me to look at his profile see where he was going wrong. Well he'd been advertising for twice as long as I have been on there and had only had 10% of my views and those were highly likely to be the women he'd booked checking him out.

The best ones are those who contact me offering to work with me offering a 'couple' service. I have a waiting list of volunteers to join me if I ever get asked for such a booking. Think I get about 2 enquiries every 6 months for that sort of scenario, and then they require the guy to be bi (only 1 of my volunteers may be this way inclined).

When Ms Harman was clamping down on newspaper ads and organisations that could be trafficking people she nicely overlooked the fact that the media themselves encourage these scamsters. Yes the very magazines carrying articles about female journalists booking male Escorts as those that carry ads for money-upfront scam agencies. Well they did the last time I checked! ::)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #62 on: 20 May 2010, 03:11:45 am »
Oh get this.... theres a straight male escort website where they can post about how many bookings they have not had. And also ponder where the good looking middle aged women are who dont have time to buy a frock and go out to meet a man of thier own choosing! FFS LOL.  Iwill not make any Eygpt jokes as like in de Nile.
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #63 on: 03 June 2010, 07:24:26 pm »
Hi I recently decided i would like to try my hand at becoming a male escort, but having done alot of research on the internet I discovered that most websites claiming to be successful male and female escorting agencies are actually just scam sites looking to ripp people off. Of coarse I am now very unsure of where to go and how to find a legitimate agency that wont try to scam me. I found this site and think it would be a good place for sound advice, so if anyone could recommend some good ligitimate agencies that hire male escorts whithout any bogus fees and scams, I would be very appriciative.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #64 on: 03 June 2010, 07:37:36 pm »
Just wait til the mods see this. Before you get a spanking I would advise a search on 'male escorts' and 'scams'.

To cut to the chase - there isn't hardly any demand for straight males so unless you are gay, you really are not going to get many bookings. The reason there are so many scams for Male Escorts is because they make more money from taking ?300 from you than they would if you worked for them. The few males taken on by legit agents are almost always gay.


sammy s

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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #65 on: 03 June 2010, 07:44:45 pm »
If you are gay then there is probably a lot of work for you in somewhere like London. I've always been independent so have no idea about agencies but have you ever thought about being independent as you would get to keep all of the money for yourself. If you dont have your own place to do incalls you can use hotels. There are lots in London that are discreet etc.
I have a couple of gay friends who escort in London and they both make a lot of money every month.

If you are straight then I would say you have a 1% chance max of making any money.
My ex tried to do it and he is very good looking and used to be a model for GAP. He advertised on all of the big sites and had very reasonable prices. He still got no bookings apart from one old woman who just wanted a kiss and a cuddle for ?10.
It is quite rare for women to pay for sex which is why there is no market for male escorts. If a woman is desperate for sex it is so easy for them to pull in a nightclub. Or they have the option of using some amazing sex toys to fulfil their needs.

Good luck x


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #66 on: 03 June 2010, 09:05:30 pm »
Hi I recently decided i would like to try my hand at becoming a male escort, but having done alot of research on the internet I discovered that most websites claiming to be successful male and female escorting agencies are actually just scam sites looking to ripp people off. Of coarse I am now very unsure of where to go and how to find a legitimate agency that wont try to scam me. I found this site and think it would be a good place for sound advice, so if anyone could recommend some good ligitimate agencies that hire male escorts whithout any bogus fees and scams, I would be very appriciative.

*yawns, stretches*

Assuming you are not gay (in which case you would probably be better working independently, and the best thing to do is read the main site) the best research you can do is by reading the rest of this thread or one of the many, many others you will find by searching for straight men or male escorting (use the Search tool on the top right) to find out exactly how and why a man hoping to escort women for a living has more chance of plaiting fog, and better earning prospects on Jobseekers Allowance.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #67 on: 04 June 2010, 11:46:08 am »
Sweetie, just put "male escort forum" into google. It will take you to a forum thats dedicated to straight man-hos.
They sit around planning thier marketing strategies there and such. Oh and tell them we are doing a whip round for them and other deserving charities. Good luck!
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #68 on: 07 June 2010, 12:52:31 am »
They probably take it up the bum to make ends meet, and see the odd female client from time to time...

Cinicysm in one so young! (tut, tut, tut) ;)

I still get email updates for jobs in the local area from fish4jobs and one that appears every couple of days is advertising for male and female social escorts. The myth just doesn't seem to die.
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #69 on: 08 June 2010, 12:28:58 pm »
I know its been said a million times but judging by this thread and the emails i get men will just not accept that
No woman will ever pay to have sex with a man, Even the ugliest, rudest woman in the world (harman?widdecombe?) can get free sex any night of the week simply by simply walking into a bar and fluttering her eyelids, Its just the way is. ::)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #70 on: 08 June 2010, 01:41:23 pm »
No woman will ever pay to have sex with a man

"There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead."

It is true that very very few do, but just because you would not does not mean that no-one does.

Even the ugliest, rudest woman in the world (harman?widdecombe?) can get free sex any night of the week simply by simply walking into a bar and fluttering her eyelids, Its just the way is. ::)

Even the ugliest, rudest man in the world can get their cock sucked (or more) simply by walking into the right bar, but men still pay for a variety of reasons.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #71 on: 08 June 2010, 03:16:40 pm »
Im not disputing the fact that women may pay for the companionship side of things. But by the time shes been in town looking for a new frock, she could have made 5 new mates online!
I wouldnt pay a man for sex simply because we are wired differently and think it would lead to disappointment from both parties.
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #72 on: 08 June 2010, 06:14:19 pm »
Im not disputing the fact that women may pay for the companionship side of things. But by the time shes been in town looking for a new frock, she could have made 5 new mates online!
I wouldnt pay a man for sex simply because we are wired differently and think it would lead to disappointment from both parties.

I dunno, I'm pretty sure there are women who struggle to find a sexual partner. At least, a handsome, tongue-talented, kind and caring one. The latter are fairly rare and are just as likely to think they should only have sex with model-ish girls as model-ish girls are likely to only want to have sex with good-looking charming men. So... I think the idea of paying someone for a really good bedroom experience can appeal to any gender. I believe many women over 40, over 50 or over 60 can feel invisible to the opposite sex. Sure, we're all hot'n'horny women here but I really don't think every other women in the world gets laid as much as she might like to. The whole idea of men having a voracious sexual appetite for anything with a pulse and women having a ladylike attitude of 'lie back and think of England, if you have to do it at all' is nonsense, as we all know. It's even my personal theory that in all these marriages I keep hearing about (where the wife meanly withholds sex from her darling innocent hubby) are probably just rubbish cos they don't fancy each other anymore. But nobody wants to talk about that after the 20th anniversary, maybe - better to just put up with it and do a bit of mutual cheating - for the sake of the children!

On the other hand... women are definitely socialised to want 'more' from a sexual partner. I mean, we are the ones who are at risk of ending up with a foetus to look after for two decades so I suppose it makes sense that we should be the ones to exercise more caution. Unfair sense, but oh well, that's biology! To drag my rambling back to paid sex... paying for No Strings Attached sex might not seem to make any sense to some women. Even though they might be the same ones who would happily marry for money and stability. Oh, I dunno, people are horribly complicated. I just don't think there are as huge divides between what men want and what women want as some people think. I meet many, many clients who I secretly think might just be looking for a meaningful relationship on the wrong website, no matter how much they declare that they LOVE random prossie sex. And equally, there are loads of women who aren't into lovemaking+marriage or whatever the traditional thing is and would find paying a hot young stud totally erotic. Paying for sex or having sex for money can be exciting for some people, boring for some people or mind-bogglingly immoral for some people. The gender divide isn't really relevant there except that obviously men and women are 'expected' to do different things. But times are always a-changin' and the sooner gender expectations just die the better!

Right, I don't know what I'm going on about anymore or why I started so I'm going to finally stop there. :P
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #73 on: 08 June 2010, 08:23:24 pm »
I just don't think there are as huge divides between what men want and what women want as some people think.

One big reason is the same for both men and women: escorts are not going to say "no" in public (the "how not to book.." thread contestants aside!) So while it is true that a woman could find someone in a bar who would bed her, the prospect of being turned down, in public, puts most off trying. Unless they're drunk. How many people want a drunk woman in bed with them? No, I don't want to think about that. How many people that you would want to bed would want a drunk woman?

The "they are not going to tell anyone" and "I am in charge" (ha!) and "they are probably better than average" issues are much the same too.

I remember reading about a woman in Paris who challenged a gay man to a "who can get laid first" contest. She went out in a fur coat and not much else, propositioned any male she saw, and lost.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #74 on: 08 June 2010, 10:17:44 pm »
"There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead."
I dont understand?
It is true that very very few do, but just because you would not does not mean that no-one does.
Im a male, and i know for a fact they would not,

Even the ugliest, rudest man in the world can get their cock sucked (or more) simply by walking into the right bar, but men still pay for a variety of reasons.
This is false unless money is involved and an army of guys would back me up. Men pay because they cant have sex with someone who's attractive or a lot younger than them without paying, or their wife dont want to experiment sexually, nothing to do with companionship etc.
Name me one other reason???