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Author Topic: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth  (Read 185477 times)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #360 on: 23 January 2013, 02:02:36 am »
Can anyone please tell me what the good agencies are in London for straight male escorting , do not need the scammers .

No one can, sorry - there aren't any. For a business to work there has to be a market for what it's selling and unless you're prepared to do men, there isn't one.

Have a read through the rest of this thread to find out why, congratulate yourself for not giving anyone any money, and as ever, start working on your Plan B.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #361 on: 23 January 2013, 09:27:25 pm »
A guy Ive met a few times over the years ( punter) rang me the other day . He has been made redundant and can i give him any advice on setting himself up on AW.

Told him "i know this isn't what you want to hear ...................but  to forget it and to read saafe forum  , re- straight male escort myth ". He took the advice well and said he'd look for new job instead.

There still seems to be a lot of guys in the dark about this , when a quick look at the other male escorts on AW would tell them that these guys never get work ( even the  super fit ones ) ......Even the ones giving it for free don't get "work" FFS !!!

The odd thing is since the 1st ( nice and decent ) guy contacted me Ive had a load of people asking the same ,  including some randoms that Ive never met. These people are too lazy  do the research and they get attitude when you dont give them free "advice" in my precious down time ( for free)

 One of  these randoms got very nasty by text message ( at least the others had the gumption to ring )  . He had texted asking   " him I'm setting up as a bi male escort ,  u gonna  gimme sum  clients numbers then n u can tell them u got a male to work with  "   

 ( er , hang on a min arrogant prick , i dont want a male partner and if i did id pick one myself , thanks )

When i told him to "dont want a male partner , sorry , do your own research as its not the done thing to try blag work off other escorts and  no-one is going to give out numbers as  its not discreet "  , he got very nasty

 Ended up having to threaten him with passing texts to police he got that bad , bombarding me with death threats all night and calling me a fat ugly old slag ( strange he wanted to work with this ugly old slag thou :) )

 And this nutcase  wanker actually  thinks women are gonna pay him and entrust their safety to him ........ Oh dear ! 

( in fact he is going on warnings n wasters  board as he's quite disturbed )
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #362 on: 08 March 2013, 04:46:47 pm »
Hi There

Im looking at starting up as an escort and am researching it at the minute and have a number of questions.  Firstly is Cavendish Knights Genuine and what other sites would be decent to advertise on.




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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #363 on: 08 March 2013, 04:53:07 pm »
Doubt it is.

Are you gay or agy for pay? If not check out the multiple pages of Male escort myth thread and don't give up your day job.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #364 on: 08 March 2013, 04:58:35 pm »
are you
1 a straight man 
2 gay man 
3 bisexual man

because  unless you are 2 or 3   there really truly isn't a market for the straight male escort  - no matter what people tell you  or you believe to true 
slightly more of a market for bisexual men and more for gay men   

and with regards to what you posted about Cavendish Knights i have no idea if they are genuine or not but if they are asking for money from you to list you then they are 101 percent going to rip you off
There is no or very very little money in being a straight male escort although many men would love to the job which is what agencies and directories bank on 

Normally works along the line of this

you send of your pictures details and sign up maybe pay a small admin fee 
they contact you and say that they have xxx women who want to see you and that they have potential bookings for you this weekend
But until you pay there joining fee of xxxx pounds they cant list you so you cant get the booking
so you pay your hard earned cash over and  all of a sudden the ladies that want to see you are no longer availble

disclaimer  i don't know if cavendish knights work like this but as they don't charge a fee from the clients its got to be from you the escort but more likely it will be some sort of joining fee


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #365 on: 08 March 2013, 05:01:33 pm »
 what Pandora said  - don't give up your day job

and defiantly don't hand over any money, no matter what they say /promise.    Even if they promise you Beyonce is in london without Mr Carter and needs a male escort right now as long as you can pay the joining fee  -   it will be a lie and a big one cos Beyonce isn't in london till April ;D 


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #366 on: 08 March 2013, 05:04:12 pm »
awesome thanks for that, i thought as much


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #367 on: 08 March 2013, 05:08:19 pm »
awesome thanks for that, i thought as much

What were they asking in terms of fees if you don't mind me asking


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #368 on: 08 March 2013, 05:08:39 pm »

Here's your answer Max.
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #369 on: 08 March 2013, 05:22:37 pm »
Are you gay or agy for pay? If not check out the multiple pages of Male escort myth thread and don't give up your day job.

And here it is :). I won't merge this one yet since the OP hasn't actually answered the question, even though if he's looking at dreck like Cavendish Knights there's unlikely to be much margin for error.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #370 on: 08 March 2013, 05:32:21 pm »
they were looking for ?25


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #371 on: 08 March 2013, 05:35:54 pm »
they were looking for ?25

Well given that that's potentially a straight male escort's annual income (if he was very successful, anyway), I'd tell them to fuck right off politely decline. And if you still want to be a prossie, get practicing your blow jobs :).


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #372 on: 08 March 2013, 05:59:40 pm »
What ?25 one off or per month or year or what?


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #373 on: 08 March 2013, 06:42:50 pm »
Cavendish Knights is one of the cheaper scams - there are places that want many hundreds of quid upfront and even then don't let people see profiles - and it's changed hands since I was first very rude about it, but we'd still call it a scam.

Have a look at how many men there are on AdultWork hoping for female clients, then either give up or have a big think about how to do it. Hint: it won't be by paying a scam agency or sticking a picture of your knob on AW, and unless you do men, it will never replace the day job.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #374 on: 10 March 2013, 07:48:39 pm »
hello i have been looking at trying to become a male escort for the last 6 months was very weary of up front fees but finally gave into one as i had become really desperate  and believe i have been scammed i have seen that a lot of people don't believe that there are any agency's for straight males but i do have a friend who said he did work for one a few years ago which he had found through gum tree can anybody help please