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Author Topic: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth  (Read 185474 times)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #285 on: 17 January 2012, 12:20:45 pm »
Yeah - and I'd also wonder whether the fact that the client maybe didn't fancy the escort very much could factor into it. I mean, if I were a randy wealthy middle-aged housewife who wasn't getting any naughty stuff from her husband so went ahead and paid for a male escort, I'd probably not be wanting to hold his hand and fold his laundry, if you get me. I'd be paying for sex, not chatting and hugging! I mean, I suppose maybe they sometimes just book to flirt and feel desired? At the end of the day, I guess that as a woman, you just don't tend to fancy most men (if we did, all men would get laid so often that no prossies would ever have existed!) so the likelihood of you actually wanting to bonk your oiled-up bum-chinned male escort are probably low. This guy, for example? Unless he was super-funny and really interesting, I'd not pay for his company (er, and I get the feeling he'd not be much interested in mine, either, so that's all fair enough!). Oh, unless Benedict Cumberbatch has a little sideline shagging for pay, obviously, in which case I am FIRST IN THE QUEUE, LADIES! *brandishes handbag*

I think I forgot my point there, if there ever was one. Mmm, Benedict. Sorry! ;D Just that I'd argue that paying for "man candy" probably doesn't mean that women want nothing but conversation and relationships, more that they might get enough of an ego boost without having to go the full-sex route. Making a man ejaculate several times isn't that much of an accomplishment for women, unless he has ED... plus society's "women wait, men approach" stereotypes still linger, so women paying for it may still be a little more hesitant than men. Just wait - in a few more decades, a study of female clients will probably reveal that they are FAR more rampant and demanding than male ones! I can just imagine the review sites now... ;D "His firm body was unfortunately at least 2% higher bodyfat than I expected, but I decided to let him off the hook since I was so horny. Now, let me tell you all about the precise placement of the vein on his peen..."
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #286 on: 17 January 2012, 12:45:02 pm »
In my experience female clients do not just want to chat.

Unless they are straight and there to thrill their boyfriend, they are far more keen on rampant sex than talk.  They do 'seem' to prefer more pre-chat, but that could just be because they have less experience with hiring escorts than your average bloke.
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #287 on: 31 January 2012, 08:16:49 pm »
Hi, all.

Not sure if anyone will be able to help me out but this seems like the best place I have found to ask.

I think I may have dodged a bullet so far as I saw an advert for male escorts wanted on a site called and I thought it would be interesting to give it a go and meet new people and try new things. So, I applied and got a call back saying that if successful I would get ?350 for 4 hours of my time, ?90 an hour after that and it was up to me what happened on these dates. If I liked the girl then sex was fine and if not then I didn't have to. Sounded good to me. She took my details and then came back saying that they had a vacancy in my area and were really keen to get me on their books...then came the kicker....for them to advertise me on their site it would cost ?400 for 6 months. This rang alarm bells. Quite why I'd need to pay them to advertise me if they would get commission outside of the ?350 I don't know. Plus the fact that I didn't have the money meant that I told her to call me back in a week.

I have since researched and it seems that this company used to be called Class and Whisper and they start off with ?400 and then it's ?800 as a deposit to sign a disclaimer for an international client which I would get back etc etc. They have called me about 5 times today. I'm a bit disappointed that it is a scam because it sounded so good. Too good to be true. It was.

However, it got me excited by the prospect of doing this and so I am now wondering how I can get into being a male escort (straight, by the way) without getting scammed. Or even if there is such a think as straight male escorts. I liked the idea of being called to just spend time with women and then I decide if it goes further.

Can anyone on here give me any advice? Does such a thing exist? Is there any demand for it? How would I get into it?

Any information would be much appreciated.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #288 on: 31 January 2012, 08:23:55 pm »
Hi, all.

Not sure if anyone will be able to help me out but this seems like the best place I have found to ask.

I think I may have dodged a bullet so far as I saw an advert for male escorts wanted on a site called and I thought it would be interesting to give it a go and meet new people and try new things. So, I applied and got a call back saying that if successful I would get ?350 for 4 hours of my time, ?90 an hour after that and it was up to me what happened on these dates. If I liked the girl then sex was fine and if not then I didn't have to. Sounded good to me. She took my details and then came back saying that they had a vacancy in my area and were really keen to get me on their books...then came the kicker....for them to advertise me on their site it would cost ?400 for 6 months. This rang alarm bells. Quite why I'd need to pay them to advertise me if they would get commission outside of the ?350 I don't know. Plus the fact that I didn't have the money meant that I told her to call me back in a week.

I have since researched and it seems that this company used to be called Class and Whisper and they start off with ?400 and then it's ?800 as a deposit to sign a disclaimer for an international client which I would get back etc etc. They have called me about 5 times today. I'm a bit disappointed that it is a scam because it sounded so good. Too good to be true. It was.

However, it got me excited by the prospect of doing this and so I am now wondering how I can get into being a male escort (straight, by the way) without getting scammed. Or even if there is such a think as straight male escorts. I liked the idea of being called to just spend time with women and then I decide if it goes further.

Can anyone on here give me any advice? Does such a thing exist? Is there any demand for it? How would I get into it?

Any information would be much appreciated.

I've merged your post because all the information you need is in this thread, but in a nutshell there is no work for straight male escorts and anybody who tells you otherwise is lying and wants you to give them hundreds of pounds as you have found already. I could also have moved your post into this thread, but since we haven't had a straight man pitch up for over a week thinking that women will pay him to have sex with them (and prostitution is not about us 'deciding if it goes further' - we are offering sex for sale and anybody with that attitude would not last long), I'll leave it here.

If you don't believe me, read the rest while you work on your plan B. And don't give anybody any money.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #289 on: 31 January 2012, 08:29:47 pm »
Yep, about the best thing you can do is to keep sounding keen when they call and see how long you can keep them on the line for. You can have fun seeing what lines they come up with and if they're talking to you, they're not talking to someone else.
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #290 on: 01 February 2012, 12:28:47 pm »
Oh, unless Benedict Cumberbatch has a little sideline shagging for pay, obviously, in which case I am FIRST IN THE QUEUE, LADIES! *brandishes handbag*

*runs out to buy bigger handbag*
Same me, different name.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #291 on: 01 February 2012, 02:51:27 pm »
*buys tiny little handbag, more of a change purse, really* - I googled him, and I am not feeling it! Cam Gigandet is my choice out of the 'hot men with funny names' category  ;D


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #292 on: 18 February 2012, 11:22:04 am »

Guess these American women are fuelling a new market in the USA - can't see this taking off in the UK though.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #293 on: 05 March 2012, 10:25:47 pm »
Hi everyone,
I'm a straight male university student, 21 years old, and I was thinking of doing some escorting after being told by many people that it would be profitable for me. I've tried finding more info online for my particular category, but without much luck. This site seems like the best resource for info, and so I was wondering if anyone here could tell me whether it's realistic to do what I'm thinking of.

I'm in a loving relationship with my girlfriend, and we've talked about this, but because of her I wouldn't be offering any sex. I would offer charming companionship for dinner dates or social functions. I'm continental, quite good looking (although not really ripped or anything), witty and polite. Is there any market for that? Are there enough lonely women who'd pay for a date like that?


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #294 on: 05 March 2012, 10:30:31 pm »
Hi everyone,
I'm a straight male university student, 21 years old, and I was thinking of doing some escorting after being told by many people that it would be profitable for me. I've tried finding more info online for my particular category, but without much luck. This site seems like the best resource for info, and so I was wondering if anyone here could tell me whether it's realistic to do what I'm thinking of.

I'm in a loving relationship with my girlfriend, and we've talked about this, but because of her I wouldn't be offering any sex. I would offer charming companionship for dinner dates or social functions. I'm continental, quite good looking (although not really ripped or anything), witty and polite. Is there any market for that? Are there enough lonely women who'd pay for a date like that?

Strangely none.  Read the thread above and do not give up your day job.

There is no work for female escorts, let alone male. It's gay for pay or nothing.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #295 on: 05 March 2012, 10:36:34 pm »
I've merged your post with the usual thread, as you haven't yet mentioned contacting any of the myriad scam agencies who will tell that of course there's loads of work for straight men and social only 'escorts', just as soon as you pay a couple of hundred notes into their bank account. The very length of it should speak for itself, and reading it will answer your question many times over but since it's been a few days since the last one, I'll recap anyway.

I'm a straight male university student, 21 years old, and I was thinking of doing some escorting after being told by many people that it would be profitable for me. I've tried finding more info online for my particular category, but without much luck. This site seems like the best resource for info, and so I was wondering if anyone here could tell me whether it's realistic to do what I'm thinking of.

I don't know who these 'many' people are, but they obviously know nothing whatsoever about the industry (and are any of them earning big bucks doing it themselves? No, thought not). The market for straight men wanting female clients is so miniscule it is virtually non-existent, and if you're not prepared to provide sexual services to men, there's nothing we (who do exactly that every working day) or anybody else can do to get you work short of looking for a lamp with a genie in it.

I'm in a loving relationship with my girlfriend, and we've talked about this, but because of her I wouldn't be offering any sex. I would offer charming companionship for dinner dates or social functions. I'm continental, quite good looking (although not really ripped or anything), witty and polite. Is there any market for that? Are there enough lonely women who'd pay for a date like that?

No, and no. As above, read the rest of this thread. Even if you were offering sex, the people interested in it would not be women, lonely or otherwise - people (male or female) don't pay total strangers to go out for dinner with them - why would they, when they can pay somebody who they'll get some action with later on?


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #296 on: 05 March 2012, 10:45:14 pm »
I've merged your post with the usual thread, as you haven't yet mentioned contacting any of the myriad scam agencies who will tell that of course there's loads of work for straight men and social only 'escorts', just as soon as you pay a couple of hundred notes into their bank account. The very length of it should speak for itself, and reading it will answer your question many times over but since it's been a few days since the last one, I'll recap anyway.

I'm a straight male university student, 21 years old, and I was thinking of doing some escorting after being told by many people that it would be profitable for me. I've tried finding more info online for my particular category, but without much luck. This site seems like the best resource for info, and so I was wondering if anyone here could tell me whether it's realistic to do what I'm thinking of.

I don't know who these 'many' people are, but they obviously know nothing whatsoever about the industry (and are any of them earning big bucks doing it themselves? No, thought not). The market for straight men wanting female clients is so miniscule it is virtually non-existent, and if you're not prepared to provide sexual services to men, there's nothing we (who do exactly that every working day) or anybody else can do to get you work short of looking for a lamp with a genie in it.

I'm in a loving relationship with my girlfriend, and we've talked about this, but because of her I wouldn't be offering any sex. I would offer charming companionship for dinner dates or social functions. I'm continental, quite good looking (although not really ripped or anything), witty and polite. Is there any market for that? Are there enough lonely women who'd pay for a date like that?

No, and no. As above, read the rest of this thread. Even if you were offering sex, the people interested in it would not be women, lonely or otherwise - people (male or female) don't pay total strangers to go out for dinner with them - why would they, when they can pay somebody who they'll get some action with later on?

I work in a pub and many of our somewhat elderly female regulars have expressed a certain interest, shall we say. In any case, I'm not really surprised, and you've saved me from spending more hours trudging through google dismissing phony agencies. Cheers!


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #297 on: 05 March 2012, 11:12:39 pm »
I used to work in a pub and I put up with that shit morning, noon and night but I have not encountered a single one of my former irritants since I set a price, funnily enough. And I'm female and offering sex.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #298 on: 05 March 2012, 11:17:08 pm »
Most people in pubs talk a lot of nothing much, well nothing that means anything. Goes to show people believe such tosh. ::)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #299 on: 05 March 2012, 11:59:07 pm »
Sometimes I get mistaken for Andy Carroll in pubs. I don't have the heart to tell these poor Scousers that I'm just a nobody.

Anyway, I read through half of the thread, and feel like a right pillock for even thinking it might be possible. I may have overestimated women's lib to a certain degree, but I figured that what's to stop women from wanting discretion? I do apologize for contributing to your frustration with us heads-up-our-arse boys. In hindsight it does seem a bit too self-confident, but there's nae harm in thinking I'm desirable now, is there.

Interesting forum, though, it's an insightful perspective on a social area often overlooked and probably heavily mis-portrayed in media and whatnot. Mind if I stick around?