Hi again RangerDave/Bruce Campbell
{I love Burn notice, one of my fav shows, I think your character, Sam Axe, is awesome}
So you wish to exclusively to Contract with Women, to provide sex services?
The consensus here on SAAFE is that this market is tiny.
This is partly tempered by
- The huge volume of straight men who come on here, ripped off by fake agencies,
- The lack of straight successful full time male escorts and
- The complete lack of real agencies catering exclusively for this supposed market.
If there was a viable volume business, agencies would be very active on it.
As they are not, this suggests that ANY REAL MARKET is negligible.
The thing is this is a site used predominately by female escorts.
That means our interest in the area of straight male escorting is curiosity
tempered with the certain knowledge that there is very little indication of real life straight male escorting.
If there is a viable business opportunity for a straight man, no one here knows about it.
By market, I've been specifically excluding friend of friends. But rather total strangers.
However as you will not advertise, show your face nor have a website, this is your only viable potential market.
So yes, you are totally limited to word of mouth.
Sure, word of mouth is the best advertising, it works for movies, video games and fridge freezers.
Generally our society is too restrained to openly talk about sex work.
There are exceptions yes, such as your group of friends.
But this is probably at best a very limited area, one you are very unlikely to expand upon.
So you wish to effectively manage any response to word of mouth.
- Decide times you can be contacted.
- Decide times you can be contracted to see clients.
- Decide if text, phone or email is best.
- Print business cards giving these details.
- If you believe your word of mouth advertising is going to be successful to a large enough degree, employ the services of a "Virtual office" {google it}
- Paint some walls.
- Watch said paint dry while waiting for the hoped for avalanche of eager female clients enquiries

You have little to loose by doing these things. I am dubious that you will get much work.
Maybe an occasional job, but nothing substantial.
So for this reason, I'm out.

ps. Please come back in six months and let us know how things go,
good or bad, as this will help other men in a similar position to yours.
{It's a giving something back karma type of thing.}
pps. Stop saying lol.
You don't come across as a professional businessman or escort,
more a teenaged text-boy.
And any potential female client would be well put off, innit! lol.