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Author Topic: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth  (Read 185472 times)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #270 on: 04 January 2012, 03:06:44 am »
I'll keep it brief because the bloody internet in my hotel doesn't work and since I'm not in the UK this is costing me ?3 a minute.

Firstly one minor thing; Dave, there is a 'Quote' button at the top right of each post which you can use when replying to individual posts. This is not Twitter.

If you just want to shag some of your friends' mates and they're stupid enough to pay you I suggest you carry on as you are - it doesn't sound as if you have the time or the organisational skills to run a part time business, and whilst I wouldn't expect anybody to put in the hours I do if it was just a sideline, the fact remains that you are self employed and need to take responsibility for everything that entails.

Your posts don't suggest that you are interested in finding clients outside your usual 'circle' or comfort zone - how would you handle having to perform oral on a probably-slightly-pongy-and-boring lady in her seventies for an hour, for example? Don't forget you have to also look like you're loving every second and make her feel like the most gorgeous woman on earth, because that is your job. It sounds to me as if you just want to have your cake and eat it, and why not? It's unlikely to last, and I can only advise you enjoy it while you can.

In terms of your view on success, it doesn't sound like a rant, rather exactly the sort of naive and simplistic arrogance which we would expect from somebody your age. I was exactly like it when I was about 18, but fortunately I learned over the ensuing twenty years that the stories behind people's experiences, circumstances and attitudes are as diverse as they are. That isn't meant to sound patronising, just honest - whilst hard work generally does pay off and laziness rarely does, unfortunately sometimes and for some people, life's just a shithouse.

Well done on the avatar. You might want to improve your profile further by editing the font colour of your signature so that it matches the background, and then I won't have to go sleep with a picture of a roomful of David Brents at some Z-list motivational seminar burned into my consciousness.

found the quote button lol   

with regards to my free time you may be right but then i am only doing this as abit of a novelty i guess! although even after reading all the posts about how theres no market for straight male escorting i cant help but disagree slightly and add that i think given the right direction and spin needed it would actually pay off!   also although your correct in that i started just seeing a mates friends Ive actually had more interest from people outside her immediate social circle, word of mouth sort of thing ,  as regards to my organisational skills that's not a problem i was merely asking your opinion on what you think would be the best way to go about it as you obviously have more experience in this area than me and would be the subject matter expert.

as for my comfort zone and getting business from outside my normal circle that isn't much of a problem within reason, although Ive already mentioned to everyone that Ive met so far before Ive met them that they must be clean and visibly std clear, and in regards to having to give oral to a boring lady in her 70s id do it and make her think i enjoyed doing it as long as shes clean, if she isn't then i wouldn't do it, but then i dont think many female workers would give oral to a guy if he were unclean ,  and as for wanting to "have my cake and eat it" of course i do , like most people i enjoy sex so why not get paid for it ..

as regards my view on success i did mean in a broad sense of people, obviously there are people who for whatever reason are somehow incapable of achieving success in things like making money but then i think with a little intelligence ingenuity and hardwork pretty much anything is possible within reason, i don't feel that makes me naive or arrogant , just that from my personal experience most successful people who haven't just been lucky have managed to be successful hard work and actually getting up and doing things rather than just talking about them,  but like i said there are exceptions

as for the signature i removed it seeing as it was annoying you lol


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #271 on: 04 January 2012, 10:42:56 am »

That's a patronising attitude. I find those expressing the sort of words you have, have usually very little experience of life indeed. Some people who are very capable of earning lots of money, often have the odds stacked against them and thus do not acheive the same as others of similar or even less ability. Also for some it simply isn't a possible lifestyle for many reasons - they may have other responsibilities or illness which makes chasing ????s a lower priority.

I know a variety of successful people in all walks of life, some have worked hard, others have had the right opportunties come there way, finally some have overcome extreme difficulty. I also know people who have not enjoyed success despite working very hard misfortune has come their way.

All the guys who ask me about becoming a male escort I say to them "Here's a few tips, read SAAFE, go away, do the things suggested and come back when you have all these women lining up to pay you". No one has come back yet. I have met one male escort who does get bookings, these are all in London and are few and far between. There is also a difference between servicing friends of friends, and going blind into a meet with a complete stranger.  You will also get a lot of timewasters which can be draining mentally and motivationally.

I've had calls from male escorts asking me for advice with their profiles, one big thing I noticed was that they were getting 10% of the views a similarly attractive female would have had, and those were probably from those he was making bookings with. Another guy dropped his rates gradually until he became 'free'. I am guessing you are a bit of a novelty to your friends at the moment. I personally don't offer my services to friends, because it can just become too complicated - that's not to say I haven't become 'friends' of sorts with clients though.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #272 on: 04 January 2012, 07:22:12 pm »
I'm thinking you are knowing it all rangerdave... therefore I say to you, 'Go forth and f**k for money and pleasure! (Not to mention 'novelty') :-X... I wish you the very best with your 'part time, just for fun' venture...
You are bisexual I take it? ;)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #273 on: 04 January 2012, 11:50:10 pm »
This is a really interesting thread.  In all the years I've been working I've never met a male escort who wasn't prepared to have his weiner sucked by a guy, gay -for- pay type thing.  In fact I've never heard of a man in porn who wasn't prepared to have sex with a guy for money (I have friends in porn, I am not in porn so I could be wrong), so what is this Straight. Male. Escort. thing that you speak of?
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #274 on: 05 January 2012, 02:02:08 am »
Hi again RangerDave/Bruce Campbell
{I love Burn notice, one of my fav shows, I think your character, Sam Axe, is awesome}

So you wish to exclusively to Contract with Women, to provide sex services?
The consensus here on SAAFE is that this market is tiny.
This is partly tempered by
  • The huge volume of straight men who come on here, ripped off by fake agencies,
  • The lack of straight successful full time male escorts and
  • The complete lack of real agencies catering exclusively for this supposed market.

If there was a viable volume business, agencies would be very active on it.
As they are not, this suggests that ANY REAL MARKET is negligible.

The thing is this is a site used predominately by female escorts.
That means our interest in the area of straight male escorting is curiosity
tempered with the certain knowledge that there is very little indication of real life straight male escorting.
If there is a viable business opportunity for a straight man, no one here knows about it.

By market, I've been specifically excluding friend of friends. But rather total strangers.
However as you will not advertise, show your face nor have a website, this is your only viable potential market.
So yes, you are totally limited to word of mouth.
Sure, word of mouth is the best advertising, it works for movies, video games and fridge freezers.
Generally our society is too restrained to openly talk about sex work.
There are exceptions yes, such as your group of friends.
But this is probably at best a very limited area, one you are very unlikely to expand upon.

So you wish to effectively manage any response to word of mouth.
  • Decide times you can be contacted.
  • Decide times you can be contracted to see clients.
  • Decide if text, phone or email is best.
  • Print business cards giving these details.
  • If you believe your word of mouth advertising is going to be successful to a large enough degree, employ the services of a "Virtual office"  {google it}
  • Paint some walls.
  • Watch said paint dry while waiting for the hoped for avalanche of eager female clients enquiries  ;D

You have little to loose by doing these things. I am dubious that you will get much work.
Maybe an occasional job, but nothing substantial.
So for this reason, I'm out.  ;D

ps. Please come back in six months and let us know how things go,
good or bad, as this will help other men in a similar position to yours.
{It's a giving something back karma type of thing.}

pps. Stop saying lol.
You don't come across as a professional businessman or escort,
more a teenaged text-boy.
And any potential female client would be well put off, innit!  lol.  ::)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #275 on: 05 January 2012, 04:00:40 am »
strawberry .. sorry if that sounded patronising i didn't mean it in that way at all, obviously some people aren't interested in making lots of money and some are unable to due to illness or lifestyle etc i did mean that's what id meant by people who were incapable of doing it, "wasn't trying to put anyone down just my personal view on how people generally become successful"   and like i said there are allways exceptions to the rule i was just talking in a broad sense ,  Ive had plenty of life experience and know people from many different backgrounds social circles and varying degrees of wealth  and its just what i personally think so sorry if you think i was trying to be patronising because it wasn't meant in that way whatsoever,

As for becoming a male escort, if i were to attempt this fulltime i have no doubt that it wouldn't work unless i had established a viable market and advertising method, as it is in my opinion the reason there aren't any successful straight male escorts is because they have all been trying to get work through a structure that just isn't there, its obvious that there are no companies who get work for straight male escorts  or established methods of advertising in an effective way that achieves results, personally i think that is because of the way its pitched and because of the amount of timewasters and scams that are out there ,   so far Ive been doing this every now and then for about 3 months and have had around 12 messages asking about what services prices locations etc  i provide , iv found that generally the ladies like to establish a more in depth image of what and who they are paying for and out of the 12 or so messages Ive had 7 diff clients with 4 of them wanting to meet rather regular, and when i said that they were friends i meant a "friend" of mine suggested the idea to some people she knew through social and work circles and then passed on my details,  i didn't actually personally know any of them beforehand,

Wileycoyote .. i wouldn't say I'm a know it all, id just say I'm an optimist, when someone shows me a challenge or a new idea or something that someone hasn't been able to do properly i allways like to give it a try and see what i can do and what spin i can put on it that hasn't been tried before , Ive tried lots of different things before in my spare time and have allways enjoyed the challenge! the novelty is of course a reason for it as well but being able to achieve something that others say isn't viable is the real benefit for me .   and no I'm absolutely straight :)

EvaBeeva..  Ive never met a guy escort at all so i couldn't comment on whether there are some of them out there who are straight and don't do other guys, i know i don't but cant speak for anyone else, as for straight pornstars i do know a few people involved in porn who are straight although one of them pays for the production and costs of alot of the stuff he does so can probably be abit more selective,

JodieTs  ... completely agree with your opinion of the viable volume of  business in this area given the amount of people who try and don't manage to succeed , although i do think that maybe that's because of the way its advertised and scammed, i think women more so than men when paying for an intimate experience need more confidence and assurance that its nothing "wrong" that their doing , hence why because its been suggested by someone else instead of just off a website or via an advertisement its seen as more acceptable to them ,   i mean if i can get a few bookings just from one friend suggesting it to a few people etc then obviously the thought would take in other areas if given the right spin, id be interested to see if a successful male escort agency could be made if women were paid to advertise it in areas which are generally women dominated like women's gym classes etc

i have no problem advertising or perhaps making a website, although due to my job i couldn't show my face it just wouldn't be worth the time or effort at the minute, possibly in the future if i decide to continue and try and do it on a more regular basis and feel that it would achieve something , i will add that the women that i have seen have all seen pictures of me and asked me lots of questions before meeting me,

thanks for the advice about the business cards etc i had thought of that although i didn't think id put that much information on them , guess id need to tho or at least make an HTML link so they can get any other info they want ,
 i wasn't expecting an overwhelming amount of interest either , obviously with the way sex is viewed and especially paying for it by women in general the vast majority of women wouldn't be interested, however the more women i speak to the more i find that there is actually a percentage of women who are interested , maybe just out of curiosity or one of those "what if" thoughts but still there are a few who will take a step or two more and actually do something about it.

as for saying lol its just a bad habit Ive gained over the past while, although i think a majority of people of most ages use it , because I'm certainly not some "teenage text boy"  ,  altho i cn tlk lik dis if ya wan lol       i just generally put lol to show that i find something amusing .

anyways thanks for the advice, ill pop back on in a month or two and let you know how I'm getting on, just to ease your curiosity .....


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #276 on: 05 January 2012, 08:51:36 am »
anyways thanks for the advice, ill pop back on in a month or two and let you know how I'm getting on, just to ease your curiosity .....

Yes, that would be interesting.

To be honest, my first thought about your situation was, "Haven't any of those ladies suggested a counter offer of ?0, yet?" Because frankly, the problem 99.9% of 'straight male escorts' have is that they embark on their new career as just another step in their desperate hunt for a free shag from a prossie, so they spend most of their time 'flirting' with/harassing female sex workers and asking to "exchange services" or "create content", AKA they want to receive a freebie from that woman. This is tedious, annoying and stupid (although sadly I'm sure they wouldn't do it at all if it didn't work in at least 1 in 100 cases) and our industry is just saturated with chancers who add an extra layer of boring to any escort's day as she has to constantly be vigilant about deleting their messages and blocking them lest her time get wasted when she could be dealing with a genuine client instead.

So. The fact that most 'straight male escorts' would probably agree to my counter offer of, "How about I don't give you any money at all, you tedious pillock?" if they thought they'd get a woman touching their penis as a result is likely the reason for their inevitable failure. Nobody wants a desperate escort, after all! If female escorts went around harassing men all day and undercutting our own prices because we just want someone, ANYONE to shag us, well - we'd decimate our own industry, too. It would quickly become difficult to get more than a tenner for a full service!

But, for reasons too various and complex to really go into here, things are as they currently are where women withhold sex for the right price, and men go hunting for it. But if a man decided that he absolutely would also withhold sex unless he was paid the right price, he might - in the right social situation - actually create a situation where sex with him became seen as a (mildly) valuable commodity. I mean, at the end of the day, you'd have to be a fairly bored and wealthy woman to go chasing after a penis cos, you know, they just aren't that fascinating or useful and often come attached to people who want to poke and prod you and "give" you orgasms, which is just distracting when you're trying to enjoy yourself. But nonetheless! I can see how a male escort - if he were smart, attractive in personality as well as looks, and NEVER gave freebies - could probably create a little market for himself.

At the end of the day, though, that probably means a straight male escort ends up getting laid less often than a guy who'll just go with anyone for the sake of being able to tell his mates about it! I can't think of how many of my fellow female escorts and I have grumbled about the difficulty of finding the right guy to be with in your personal life, too, so I'd imagine a straight male escort (should he manage to even exist in the first place) wouldn't have an easy time of relationships either. And all this in exchange for a few hundred quid here and there? If I were a bloke, I'd just go and be a fancy lawyer or finance guy, probably, but I suppose I can see the attraction in being 'different'. Especially if you aren't a slave to your willy and don't understand why so many straight men put so much effort into chasing any fanny. It would probably seem fun in comparison to just wait and see who - if you deny them free access for long enough - is prepared to demonstrate your value to them in cash terms!

Sorry, that was a terribly long ramble. I was just thinking about it this morning. ;D
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #277 on: 05 January 2012, 06:26:36 pm »
Yep, everything Emily said. I think the bottom line is possibly that men and women are looking for different things. (Warning, HUGE generalisation containing absolutely no startling new insight follows!)

Men want sex - and filth and raunch and naughtiness, to experiment with new positions, new partners, new anything! These are all things that are easy to do given an hour, some privacy and a few accessories. 

Women want intimacy. It takes time, it is sincere and it cant be faked. 

I'm not making a value judgement on the relative worth of either of these things, just pointing out there is a fundamental difference between the sexes and although these modern times might be making them inch closer the gap is by no means closed yet. And yes, I know its a cliched sentiment, but some things become cliches because they are true!

R xx

PS -
I can see how a male escort - if he were smart, attractive in personality as well as looks, and NEVER gave freebies - could probably create a little market for himself.

The bold in this quote made me laugh and laugh and laugh...


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #278 on: 06 January 2012, 01:50:11 pm »
Men want sex - and filth and raunch and naughtiness, to experiment with new positions, new partners, new anything! These are all things that are easy to do given an hour, some privacy and a few accessories. 

Women want intimacy. It takes time, it is sincere and it cant be faked. 

Totally disagree - we're socialised to want those things, yeah, but more and more women are rejecting it. Not just in kinky/sex positive/queer/poly circles but mainstream too, there's lots of women who go out looking for one night stands in mainstream clubs.

The reasons I personally wouldn't pay for it are:

(Cisgendered) women usually don't orgasm as easily, the vulva is insanely complicated! Personally I generally can't get off without either a vibrator or a partner who knows me REALLY well, that's not an intimacy thing it's just about them learning how I like it which takes time. Doesn't have to be a romantic relationship but my best sex is always with either my husband or good friends. Unless I was willing to put a lot of money into seeing the same escort regularly I wouldn't get that, and although you can have good sex without an orgasm, it's gotta be a bit of a let down when you're out of pocket 10s or 100s of quid.

There are still more men than women who are looking for casual sex, fuckbuddy type relationships, etc. For women who want to have sex with men it's usually pretty easy to get laid if you're up for no strings attatched sex. Men, especially older men, overweight men, or socially awkward men are going to struggle as women their own age are increasingly looking to settle down and younger women brand them as 'creepy' because of the age gap or because they're not attractive (there ARE creepy men out there, but there is a feminist idea being pushed that male sexuality is inherently dangerous or icky and should be controlled and that's doing no one any favours). It's mostly men who fall into that gap that make up our client base - and because they're doing it the idea trickles down into other types of men through 'guy talk' - they learn that women are hard to get and paying for it is easier.

As gender equality improves I reckon either prostitution jobs will become open to men on a way bigger scale, or die out almost completely as people start having better, stigma-free sex without paying for it in their normal lives :P Could go either way!
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #279 on: 06 January 2012, 02:16:10 pm »
Men, especially older men, overweight men, or socially awkward men are going to struggle as women their own age are increasingly looking to settle down and younger women brand them as 'creepy' because of the age gap or because they're not attractive (there ARE creepy men out there, but there is a feminist idea being pushed that male sexuality is inherently dangerous or icky and should be controlled and that's doing no one any favours). It's mostly men who fall into that gap that make up our client base - and because they're doing it the idea trickles down into other types of men through 'guy talk' - they learn that women are hard to get and paying for it is easier.

I agree with you completely, but please don't call that idea mentioned above a feminist one! I'm a feminist which means I care about gender equality, which means I completely agree with you that men suffer from stupid horrid old stereotypes just as much as women do. In the most modern and civilised of situations, in fact, I think men can suffer worse because while I (as a relatively priviledged young woman) can go and get a good job and all that, men are still often considered basic and animalistic and a man with any 'feminine' traits is still 'fair game' and mocked frequently. I'm a feminist! Women who dislike men are misandrists.

Interestingly, I read earlier today that about 400 years ago, it was men who were considered more in tune with their emotions and more sensitive, gentle, artistic and empathetic generally. Women were considered the animals who were controlled by hunger, thirst and lust! Also, I think in Ancient Greece there was a time when women were considered to be the ones rampaging around demanding sex constantly. While I'm sure things were still very complex in those times, it's something else which helps show modern ideas of men and women to be just as shallow and inaccurate, too.

As gender equality improves I reckon either prostitution jobs will become open to men on a way bigger scale, or die out almost completely as people start having better, stigma-free sex without paying for it in their normal lives :P Could go either way!

I just wanted to thank you here for articulating something that I was thinking but couldn't have written in such a good way. :) I think our society just needs a leeeetle bit more time to get used to the "OMG - don't judge people? Not even when they have fully consenting sex of some kind with someone else?! What an outrageous new concept!!!" thing, and then hopefully people will start to let go of many of the really uselessly retro ideas they hold about binary gender and gender-based restrictions on behaviour. Men think women are hard to get into bed because women have HAD to be hard to get into bed lest they lose the respect of everyone around them! It was only a few bloody years ago that women had no real freedom at all. But at least one amazing study (carried out in a Scandinavian country, I believe) has shown that increased social and sexual freedom for women leads to loads more sex being had by all. Jolly good, I say. Oh, and our bonobo monkey cousins are probably living examples of that, too!

Regarding paying prossies, well. It's already the case that 40-year-old+ men who are single for any reason have tons of women chasing them (and not always to 'settle down'), but if they don't want to shag women their own age then they're probably going to have to pay for it one way or another because we prize and value youth in our society so ridiculously much. That's a whole separate issue! But yes, I had a newly-single client tell me just last month that he's fighting off all the invites out to dinner and drinks from ladies who know him at work etc, and he's not good-looking in a standard way but he's a real, genuine sweetheart, so I honestly hope he meets a nice woman who treats him well.

Er, I'm rambling now, and definitely taking this thread off-topic so I might have to scold myself. ;D I do think the future of sexuality in our society is fascinating, though, and I hope to see just as many developments in the next 50 years as there were in the last 50. I'm sure there will be a whole new batch of crazy problems, too!
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #280 on: 08 January 2012, 12:37:05 am »
I know a few women who have talked about hiring hookers, but none of them have gone through with it.

I know myself that single women and couples are not loyal clients.  They'll see you a few times and then the novelty will wear off and they're gone.  Gone to find someone who will do it for free I assume.
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #281 on: 08 January 2012, 09:52:58 am »
I get guys of PlentyOfFish.  You can see their pics, email and then hook up, so to speak.  Gumtree was the best until they closed it down, and hence I became an escort!


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #282 on: 09 January 2012, 01:35:47 pm »
According to surveys, only 1 male escort out of 3 end his date with sexual relationship. What really shows us that Women want, first of all, a friend, a confident more than a sex toy right? :)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #283 on: 17 January 2012, 11:42:14 am »
no replies to that kind of assertion? Sad... :(


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #284 on: 17 January 2012, 11:51:47 am »
Well, my reaction was to think 'what survey?' and suspect it was rubbish.

The vast majority of clients for male escorts are men, and they tend to want sex as often as the male clients of female escorts...
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."