Oh dear! The eternal optimism of man never ceases to totally gobsmack and amaze me!
Who exactly (apart from the scammers) is perpetuating this ridiculous myth that there's a market for straight male escorts?
Has anyone noticed, that all the way through this thread, the gents concerned extol their fantastical attributes by way of justifying their suitability for this rarified role?
When have you seen ANY girl, who's asking for similar start-up advice, justify herself like this?
It reminds me of the Field Reports on AW, and the way guys claim us girls have had the time of our lives , and thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, while they variously mauled, sucked, poked, f****d and generally "pleasured" us. I think NOT!!!
I'm left thinking that the average guy, like most of my clients, is seriously delusional.
It's obviously a gender thing.
Oh well, who are we to burst their bubbles?
On a positive note, in many cases, it's that very arrogance and desperation that supplies the demand for what we offer isn't it? Long may they continue to seek the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow I say!