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Author Topic: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth  (Read 185445 times)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #195 on: 12 February 2011, 02:29:23 pm »
My cut-and-paste answer is the one I use for men who ahven't made it clear whether they're prepared to see other men or not - I used it earlier in the week, I think  :).

Whilst it might seem like 'fun' to call people stupid and delete their accounts for doing nothing more wrong than being too lazy to search the forums properly and asking questions that have been asked a zillion times before, that isn't really what we do here. Some of the posters on this thread; vain, gullible, deluded and inarticulate though they may be, have lost hundreds of pounds to people who have been trained to convince the that there is indeed a huge market for straight male escorts, and that 'high-flying businesswomen' are paying total strangers to go out for dinner/have sex with them all the time - it probably doesn't help when they come here and see that there are indeed lots of people earning a good living being paid for sex, and can't understand why it doesn't work in reverse. I can only imagine how convinving these scammers must be, otherwise nobody would be daft enough fall for it, even though it seems ridiculous to us.

I do believe that everyone who takes the time to join and post at least deserves the courtesy of an answer, and the one they get depends entirely on how they word their question. As for finding it frustrating, nothing could be further from the truth - I can answer this one in my sleep and it's almost meditative  ;D. Having 'better things to do' doesn't come into it; I'm no more obliged to post on here than anybody else and if I didn't have time or didn't want to then I wouldn't. Unfortunately, these posts are never likely to end - we already direct many to the Scam Agencies article on the main site, but every time anybody here tries to explain why straight men don't get work they don't listen anyway. It's a vicious circle, right enough.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #196 on: 12 February 2011, 02:57:28 pm »
I do have a good friend who a straight "sensual male masseur" for women only. He actually does  (sort of) decent. He's a very good looking guy and  has 6 to 10 women a month (mostly unhappily married or wealthy lonely business women who reccomend him "mouth to mouth" to other female friends). He also has a female partner and does "couples" massage. He's not doing bad at all! but nothing compared to a female erotic masseuse (and he charges much less!). Thou he doesn't do any escort work or goes on dinner dates with anyone. He's just a great certified masseur with a few  diplomas.
« Last Edit: 12 February 2011, 04:01:45 pm by pattie66 »


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #197 on: 13 February 2011, 07:36:33 am »
Whilst it might seem like 'fun' to call people stupid and delete their accounts for doing nothing more wrong than being too lazy to search the forums properly and asking questions that have been asked a zillion times before,

With regards to the deleting accounts part, I was thinking more of the fact that site policy, based on reading various threads with moderator posts in them,  seems to be that SAAFE is a forum for those in the sex industry, and those who don't fit are frequently and curtly told to leave, or at least hinted that there's no reason for them to be here. A wannabe straight male escort who will never have any clients doesn't really fit the bill for belonging here, so do they need an account?

The page they'd get redirected to is the reply they'd recieve. It should be clear, concise, well written, and state all the facts, to the point where there's no real need for these guys to continue posting. if they're silly enough to not want to read the page and keep asking questions anyway, do you really want them here?

Calling them stupid is probably overkill, ok. But the virtue of redirecting to a page, or using a canned response, is that something prewritten can be as polite as you like.

As for finding it frustrating, nothing could be further from the truth - I can answer this one in my sleep and it's almost meditative  ;D. Having 'better things to do' doesn't come into it; I'm no more obliged to post on here than anybody else and if I didn't have time or didn't want to then I wouldn't. Unfortunately, these posts are never likely to end - we already direct many to the Scam Agencies article on the main site, but every time anybody here tries to explain why straight men don't get work they don't listen anyway. It's a vicious circle, right enough.

It's your call. I think anyone doing the same thing over and over, especially when they get no thanks or results from it, is eventually going to get burnt out. And that's never fun.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #198 on: 13 February 2011, 07:51:08 pm »

It's your call. I think anyone doing the same thing over and over, especially when they get no thanks or results from it, is eventually going to get burnt out. And that's never fun.


It's also the definition of insanity.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #199 on: 13 February 2011, 09:46:06 pm »
I've had clients ask me about this. Argh. Next time I'll direct them here. Also thanks to Nanako I think I've found my motto.
Want free and easy money? suck cock, yepyep! ^_^


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #200 on: 14 February 2011, 02:06:41 am »
With regards to the deleting accounts part, I was thinking more of the fact that site policy, based on reading various threads with moderator posts in them,  seems to be that SAAFE is a forum for those in the sex industry, and those who don't fit are frequently and curtly told to leave, or at least hinted that there's no reason for them to be here. A wannabe straight male escort who will never have any clients doesn't really fit the bill for belonging here, so do they need an account?

The page they'd get redirected to is the reply they'd recieve. It should be clear, concise, well written, and state all the facts, to the point where there's no real need for these guys to continue posting. if they're silly enough to not want to read the page and keep asking questions anyway, do you really want them here?

Calling them stupid is probably overkill, ok. But the virtue of redirecting to a page, or using a canned response, is that something prewritten can be as polite as you like.

It's your call. I think anyone doing the same thing over and over, especially when they get no thanks or results from it, is eventually going to get burnt out. And that's never fun.

Well I would first remind you that the forum guidelines (which could also be described as 'site policy') request that anyone who see fit to make suggestions on how the boards are run and moderated does so in private and by way of the administration/moderation team, not by posting suggestions on the public board. I would also remind you that many, many people of all genders join the site thinking that they want to be an escort, and disappear just as quickly once they have been directed to the main site and find out how much work they'll actually have to do.

SAAFE exists to help answer these questions, and whilst it is extremely rare for any straight man to get work from female clients, it is not completely unknown and anybody is welcome to join the forum and ask about it. We do need an article to link to, but until somebody who actually knows what they're talking about and can therefore write with some knowledge and credibility (and that does not include me, since I am female)  takes it on, we're stuck with this thread (and you should have seen what it was like before this...)

Repetative questions are par for the course on any message board, especially one with a constant stream of newbies; how many times roughly have we had 'I want to be an escort but don't know where to start?' (answer: post link to main site, tell poster to read and return to forum with specific questions), and 'Can anyone recommmend an agency in London/Birmingham/Manchester etc etc?' (answer: post link to Emily's Choosing Agency article, remind poster that we don't recommend on main site because we don't offer free advertising for pimps but they might get a few PMs) and 'How do I do I do X, X and X on Adultwork, because I can't be arsed to look through the Help section where all of these questions are answered?' (answer: usually extremely simple, if they'd looked through the Help section). This thread is by no means the only one. Throw in Outraged Prossie of Anytown complaining about bareback, hagglers, no shows and people who phone and ask all the questions that are answered on website/profile and so on, and there really isn't that much new stuff by any stretch of the imagination.

What I will say, Nanako is that it is not your place to speculate on my or any other stranger's mental health and I will thank you not to do so again; I have been working as a prostitute on and off for eight years and as a result I run a busy and successful business alongside other industry roles as well as having an active 'other' life. Whilst moderating on SAAFE is an important part of it all, it is a very small part and the occasional post on a single repetitive message board thread is not going to induce any sort of burnout in me, I can assure you; as you have been asked before, please refrain from making any more personal remarks about other posters. I do not need to be reminded that anything is 'my call', believe me.

This has gone far enough off topic now, so we will just let it die until the next wannabe comes along. If anybody has any more ideas about how the forum should be run, please either start a thread in Off Topic, or address them to the admins in the appropriate way.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #201 on: 14 February 2011, 01:03:00 pm »
SAAFE exists to help answer these questions, and whilst it is extremely rare for any straight man to get work from female clients, it is not completely unknown and anybody is welcome to join the forum and ask about it. We do need an article to link to, but until somebody who actually knows what they're talking about and can therefore write with some knowledge and credibility (and that does not include me, since I am female)  takes it on, we're stuck with this thread (and you should have seen what it was like before this...)

Not straight, but I did promise an article ages ago. Sorry.

The delay is partly because while I did have female clients, it was through some major thought about how to do it, and I don't want to give that away. The markets are small!

Clue for the hopeful/less: it wasn't by sticking a picture of my knob on Adultwork.

New at it

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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #202 on: 17 February 2011, 08:37:15 pm »

I am new to the industry and wanted to know if there is much work about for a male escort / companion?

and where would I start looking for work.

« Last Edit: 17 February 2011, 08:40:36 pm by New at it »


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #203 on: 17 February 2011, 08:43:39 pm »
The short answer is yes, provided you are prepared to see men. If you are not then the answer is basically no, or so little that it's not worth worrying about. If this is the case and you want some insight and information as to why, read this (predictably lengthy) thread.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #204 on: 17 February 2011, 08:44:14 pm »
Straight? If so, I'll merge this to, but..

Short answer: no.

Longer answer:

Willing to be sexual with other men? If so, you need to look where the gay men are.
'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #205 on: 17 February 2011, 08:49:42 pm »
Straight? If so, I'll merge this to, but..

Short answer: no.

Since our latest poster is now reading that (aka this) very thread (and therefore may be some time before he returns, if he needs to), we may as well free up the front page space.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #206 on: 03 March 2011, 02:29:11 am »

Going to give Male Escorting a go, but do see I am up against it!

I have registered a website and wondered if there is anyone out there who can assist me with my website. Or at least point me in the right direction. Glasgow/Edinburgh based.



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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #207 on: 03 March 2011, 05:21:17 am »
David, assuming from your comment that you are straight and hoping for female clients, I have moved your post to the appropriate thread. Please read the rest of it and maybe have a think about whether it is worth you spending valuable time trying to build a website that will serve no purpose whatsoever except taking up server space.

That said, if you can master a free sitebuilder like Moonfruit, the skills you will have learned will stand you in far better stead than any straight male escort, and could earn you far more money too, although so will signing on. You could also try Wordpress.

If you are determined to hand over money, there are a fair few web designers advertising in the Spamming section who I'm sure will be more than happy to take it.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #208 on: 03 March 2011, 11:28:01 am »
when will they ever learn?!  ::)

Although today on AW one is phonechat member of the day & apparently on tour LOL
Catch me on Twitter as: NubianTempAmil

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If they aren't around the first time,
Chances are you won't be needing them again!!


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #209 on: 15 April 2011, 08:25:56 pm »

Just signed up to Ideal Escorts (male to entertain ladies) - does anyone know if it is legit - they are asking for ?295 upfront payment and have already booked me in for Monday (today is Friday!) I will get cash from the client when i meet her but i need to pay before i go to meet her - before i pay them does anyone have any advice on this company? whether it is a scam or not?

thanks very much;)

look forward to your advice!