Maybe it'd be fun to get a button on your admin interface that deletes the user's account, and redirects them to a generic "THERE ARE NO STRAIGHT MALE ESCORTS YOU ARE STUPID" page next time they try to login
Or at least a copy/paste response, you know? surely you have better things to be doing than writing a personalised rephrasing of the same key facts for every one (yes I've read the whole thread)
I believe Amy already does have a cut-n-paste response, but it's quite a subtle one cos I didn't notice for a while.

We do need a standard article to link to, which comprehensively answers the Straight Male Escorts FAQs For Real, but that would require a bit of work and would be completely ignored by the kinds of guys in this thread who think it's appropriate to request a personalised explanation from us anyway.
It's a lose/lose situation. And SAAFE isn't about being cold and abusive; Amy frequently writes fresh replies to the same old questions because, despite what some might say, we don't actually hang out here to make new members cry! We
want to write out the same old things if that's what it takes to help one new person. Aww, that sounds rather saintly. We're obviously not saints and I certainly frequently fail at Not Being Rude And Ignorant, but we do our best!