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Author Topic: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth  (Read 184475 times)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #150 on: 18 September 2010, 08:27:56 pm »
Why do males still think this is viable.  Is it that there is a market for Straight Male Escorts?and we are just ignorant? Guys post about this every now and then on the local and national forums. I keep explaining it's the media that likes to play on the myth, keep it going but it's still around.

Any succesful male escorts out there please come forth.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #151 on: 20 September 2010, 10:23:05 pm »
Peeps I just wanted to ask if the market was real.

My reasoning behind this post was not because I feel like im some sexual god on a mercy mission to satisfy the rich female population of the uk, whist massaging my massive ego, and i apologise if i came off like that, i re read what i written and i did sound ever so cliche, i just wanted to know if this job was viable as to be fair for a male it does sounds like a dam good way to make a living. 

i also would like to say that i would be the first to admit that this is about as far as my thought process went as beyond that i haven't really considered the implications of anything else, feelings, wants and needs all really took a back burner. As i now feel that all my opinions be them false or based on myth are purely that, based on myth, but this is why i wrote this tread here, as this site at face value seems to have some honest people with some good knowledge of this field and i hoped i would stumble across some golden answer,

im not sure who stated above nor am i here to be rude but they are correct in that normally searching for answers is the best way to answer questions and clearly the internet is a large source of information but it has no real evidence from real people about male escorting, or at least nothing i feel i can trust, the sites all seem geared to rob you and i imagine if there are any successful male escorts they are not going to be wanting to fill the market with more competition.

so i guess i just at some point in my life i assumed like some fairy tale that some where out there ladies with far to much time and money on there hands paid for sex and i think i have felt this way for some time, im not even sure why really, their where no grounds for this opinion, be it media based or too many sky t.v programs about cougars, i just got brain washed into thinking it, or i may go as far as saying i even wanted to believe that some lucky sod was living the life style i in the past had thought would be in a lose term "cool". I can now see that those thoughts where based around unfounded opinions made from poor guesses into what it actually would be like, but i dared to think it and i now feel satisfied that if there where or is such males out there that their wounds are probably far deeper than what i have considered to be in the realms of fun. 

so in conclusion this tread to me hasn't been completely fruitless, i can see now its a very valid point that the tide is against guys achieving anything as male escorts due to the nature of how sex works and how it sells, females clearly hold the cards in a power sense and if women do need sex when it comes down to it, its far more obtainable if they need it, any night club on a Saturday night springs to mind, in hindsight to this i also get the personal touch idea which males would need to provide  if they did have a market and did have client?le, clearly they would have to provide far more than just a sexual package with a happy ending, this i guess goes down to a sexual level of what women want and what males want on a sexual level, some lady of variable looks in a French maids out fit to a drunk male will prity much turn most guys on on a primeval level but this is where i think we differ as women are far deeper than that, its visual, sensual, verbal and mental for women, where guys tend to be all about getting there rocks off then switching off.

so for now thanks peeps, i feel my question was answered and i am sorry for jumping in slightly unprepared, you guys clearly have an etiquette and i respect that, stay safe now ;)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #152 on: 20 September 2010, 10:38:05 pm »
No probs. I can only suggest that next time you have a brainwave you actually do some research before jumping in with both feet and rubbing people up the wrong way. There are a multitude of threads all over this forum which would have answered your question concisely, thoroughly and many times over without any need for these bizarre, lengthy posts and as is only fitting, I have moved your thread in to join them.

You might also want to think about buying a keyboard with a Shift key that works, especially if you are looking for a new line of work. Just a suggestion.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #153 on: 21 September 2010, 09:02:25 am »
Does the prevalence of such questions indicate that [some(quite a few actually)], males really do not have a clue regards women and their needs/wants?

Very scary really the amount out there who think this fairy tale could be real.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #154 on: 22 September 2010, 01:41:39 am »
I cant believe that after all these months and all them replica posts from potential male escorts you's and you know which one of you's i mean are still kicking them to the floor with the same degree of enthusiasm that you had months ago, you post the same replys 2 or 3 times a page just worded a different way, and their not short posts. Your posts are designed to look like throwaway comments that completely disregard male escorts but in actual fact they have been carefully planned that consist of 100-500 words.
Why cant you just say
" Welcome feel free to join in on the forum or read posts etc but we dont kow anything about male escorts as were female and as far as we aware their is no market whatsoever for them, so dont bothr asking"

If you go back to pages 2 and 3 you'll see i agree but i dont see why you have to be so vicious.
And about my previous posts i was shot down in a ferocious manner for saying NO WOMAN will pay for sex, yet countless times in recent posts potential male escorts have been advised they would earn more on jobseekers allowance, wel they would only need 1-2 clients a month for an hour a time to top the amount you get on that so again you post so many times you contradict yourself. As richard did when he said in defence of my comment about STRAIGHT MALE ESCORTING being completely a no go as women dont pay for sex when he said "you can go to any gay bar and get your cock sucked" Gay-Straight-Gay-Straight??

Oh and before anyone quotes, quotes and re-quotes i am aware of the grammatical errors, i never bothered with education i was to busy having fun, Thankfully as i've never needed it since- Much the same as 99% of the members on here dont need it but got it anyway-what a waste of time eh?


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #155 on: 22 September 2010, 02:16:01 am »
The reason we keep having to post the same old answers over and over again is because we keep getting the same old questions over and over again and the answers are no different now to what they have ever been. It is not the fault of anyone here that these people cannot be bothered to search through the forum and read the existing threads for themselves, and the sheer length of this one alone (not to mention the many others before it) ought to really be ample explanation for this.

Why, when this is a peer support forum for sex workers, would we invite people who are not sex workers, and have no industry knowledge or experience to join in and post? It would serve no useful purpose whatsoever and not unlike someone not a million miles away there is no useful contribution they can make - there are plenty of punting boards where outsiders who want to ask questions about the industry are welcome to do so; this is not one of them. Once again, if you are having difficulty understanding this, read the Forum Guidelines in Anika's Sticky thread at the top of the board.

If, however, this is just your usual bi-monthly release into the fresh air to take a few tediously predictable potshots at me personally, then this is your last warning to reel your neck in. If you can't stay on topic or be bothered to read through the thread properly (and you are conveniently ignoring the many contributions of members other than myself on the subject since the series of posts you are whining about over three months ago) then either don't post or kindly confine your ridiculous outbursts to PM. And if anybody wants your life story, I'm sure they'll ask.

Anika Mae

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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #156 on: 22 September 2010, 08:43:10 am »
And about my previous posts i was shot down in a ferocious manner for saying NO WOMAN will pay for sex, yet countless times in recent posts potential male escorts have been advised they would earn more on jobseekers allowance, wel they would only need 1-2 clients a month for an hour a time to top the amount you get on that so again you post so many times you contradict yourself.

Just to clarify: I was one of the people who disputed the assertion that no woman would ever pay for sex. I was certainly not suggesting that the average wannabe straight male escort could expect to earn in the region of ?100 a month if he tried. There's a big gap between "does occasionally happen" and "enough of a market to provide thousands of men with any income at all".


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #157 on: 22 September 2010, 09:40:36 am »
Like this or not, to me and I know of someone else and there maybe others, your posts often come over as anti  male
Well anti anything that does not match up to your own high opinion of yourself

I know you haven't been around that long, Rachel, but I for one can vouch that Amy has - at least once - corrected me for writing a miserly old post about Blokez And How Rubbish They Are, because she knows that's a ridiculously narrow-minded thing to say and that there's no need for it round here. She certainly doesn't feel that way herself just because she's not currently writing an Ode To Penises. :)

Amy doesn't have an especially high opinion of herself, only high expectations for this forum and those are entirely deserved. And she has responded to approximately 1,000,000 posts that are shockingly identical in their content ("Hi, I am Mr Man, and I am going to become a male escort, because I am charming and kind, and why do I keep getting scammed? Please help me because I can't be bothered to search the forum myself.") without having a full-scale meltdown like I would've by now.

I do agree that a potted response could be good. Or maybe an article in the Article Suggesty Bit of the forum that could be linked to in response to these ridiculously repetitive questions, saving anyone from having to get grumpy about anything. We could include all the positives and negatives - sure, you might get one or two jobs, if you're very lucky, but you'll need to do xyz marketing and advertising and site-building etc, so please don't quit your day job meanwhile, and so on, in a concise manner so nobody has any excuse for not reading it.

Also, I think for those of us who like our men smart and capable, seeing a guy unable to compose a post containing sexily correct grammar and sultrily perfect spelling, yet intimating that the poster feels himself magnetic enough to the ladies to earn money for hetero sex, is especially grating on the ol' sensibilities. It just makes no sense.
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #158 on: 22 September 2010, 10:09:55 am »
I have only been on here for a year now and only post when it is something that either interests me or I have some input to give but one thing I have noticed is that Amy is honest and non judgemental.
If a man is coming on here saying he is educated, sexy and has a lot to offer women then he should at least be able to write his posts in the correct way. I admit I had a chuckle at his expense as his grammar and spelling is appalling for an educated man. The first thing I though upon reading his post is, 'OMG another one who cant bloody spell or use capital letters'.

If I was Amy I would probably give them much shorter shrift myself as it would drive me nuts having to repeatedly give the same answers and having to read through posts that just blather on and on.
To say she is having a dig is just silly. She was being honest.
This is a forum for sex workers and those with a genuine interest in becoming a sex worker and even I become irritated with the constant 'I am a man and want to charge women for sex' posts, as they are just so repetative and all they really have to do is take 5mins to look around and all their questions would be answered.
Truth is far more important than what one wants to hear. With truth there is no us and them or colour or religion there is just fact


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #159 on: 22 September 2010, 10:45:09 am »
First and foremost it is worth pointing out to all that Rachel's problem with me stems from an issue completely unrelated to either the forum in general or this thread in particular, but I have no intention of airing the matter here. The 'friend' she refers to I can only assume is still sulking after I edited a grossly offensive post she made over six weeks ago on a thread which has long since faded away, and having spent time patiently explaining why in three separate PMs I can only assume that I am irrevocably stuck in the Nasty Witch Lady corner. I do believe I can live with it.

I'm actually more surprised that no-one has yet objected to the claim that 99% of members here are uneducated - I left school at 16 with four GCSEs but have always had the impression I was very much in the minority. 'Alexcarter', Gawd love him, is a troll, and whilst every forum needs one, they do need to be kept in check. And for the record, as Danielle says, anyone posting extravagant claims about their intelligence and maturity when they can barely string a coherent sentence together, let alone punctuate it, has put themselves firmly in the firing line.

Now, this thread is for discussion of straight male escorting and related scams, not whether Amy eats babies and sleeps hanging upside down. I suggest we leave it be until the next hapless soul wanders along. If this means it has to be temporarily locked, then so be it.

Anika Mae

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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #160 on: 22 September 2010, 11:16:55 am »
Ok, really, stop it. We've got too much meta-forum stuff going on at the moment. If you have an issue with how the forum is run you can PM me.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #161 on: 22 September 2010, 01:23:57 pm »
Ok, really, stop it. We've got too much meta-forum stuff going on at the moment. If you have an issue with how the forum is run you can PM me.

As Anika said, there's a lot of mentions to things going on outside of SAAFE here, which is making the debate a bit confusing for all because I'm not sure any of us know fully what anyone else is talking about.

I am going to lock this thread *for now* but of course nothing will be deleted, it's only because I think everyone has had their say (literally! Everyone has made a post as far as I can tell) and we've had a relatively, er, calm debate and I don't see it going any further - if someone has a serious point to make that they want added to this thread, please do PM either each other or any mod.

I'm sorry that anyone who is a newbie has felt scared to join in; that goes against SAAFE's most fundamental principles! However, although this is a place for general chat, it is not primarily a social board - if you feel anything other than a pleasant urge to respond to a question topic with a helpful answer, this probably isn't the place for sharing it. Of course the board is also for making industry friends and being supported - but the best way to do that may be through PMs, emails and suchlike because wherever you can make friends, you can probably also find people that you absolutely do not want to be chums with, and so you don't necessarily want to be chatting with all members all the time.

Basically, SAAFE is not for discussion of people you don't like. SAAFE is for discussion of topics relating to sex work and it's related bits and bobs. If you're super-super-cross about something, be it drama queens, curt/"bitchy" responses, questions about illegal services, scammers, naivety, stupidity, or anything else at all, please take it to PMs. All of us mods just want everyone to be happy here, honest. :)
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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #162 on: 19 December 2010, 02:40:15 pm »
Hi all, yep, I am a newbie and was nearly scammed and I apologise if this topic has been posted before...I'm so glad I found this site before I paid my money!!

Anyway, now I am here, iv just got in contact with (elite services 4u) could anyone please tell me of a legitimate agency in Birmingham or London for males tried google, but still not convinced, but willing to travel if necessary.

Thanks all.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #163 on: 19 December 2010, 03:00:26 pm »
Hey all..
Does anyone know anyone legitimate male agency in London or Birmingham?
This properly sounds like a broken record.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #164 on: 19 December 2010, 03:15:40 pm »
CDD, I have moved your posts into this thread, since it is going to be the most useful one on the forum for you to read. In a nutshell, there are no straight male agencies because the amount of work available for men wanting to escort women is so minimal the market is to all intents and purposes non-existent, and anybody telling you otherwise is talking out of their arse.

Please read the rest of this thread to find out why. You can start anywhere really, since both the questions and the advice are always the same but it will at least give you something to do while you think of a Plan B.