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Author Topic: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth  (Read 185428 times)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #135 on: 21 July 2010, 10:22:26 pm »
Uh Oh...Amy's coming, hide!  :-X


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #136 on: 21 July 2010, 10:25:41 pm »
lol i just read hmmmm thanks................ ok job center it is  :-\ thanks for your help  ;) x


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #137 on: 21 July 2010, 10:43:10 pm »
Uh Oh...Amy's coming, hide!  :-X

LOL!  I know you're just kidding anyway Joey but if I were in Amy's position as moderator regarding this male escort topic I would have resorted to using expletives a long time ago!  All things considered I think she has displayed the patience of a saint. 

No offence to you bl5.  ;)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #138 on: 21 July 2010, 10:52:21 pm »
Uh Oh...Amy's coming, hide!  :-X

LOL!  I know you're just kidding anyway Joey but if I were in Amy's position as moderator regarding this male escort topic I would have resorted to using expletives a long time ago!  All things considered I think she has displayed the patience of a saint. 

No offence to you bl5. 

I'm working away in Bristol, knackered and currently have all the patience of Gordon Ramsey on crack. Threads merged and that is my last word (at least until the next one pops up)  ;).


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #139 on: 21 July 2010, 11:20:08 pm »
Uh Oh...Amy's coming, hide!  :-X

LOL!  I know you're just kidding anyway Joey but if I were in Amy's position as moderator regarding this male escort topic I would have resorted to using expletives a long time ago!  All things considered I think she has displayed the patience of a saint. 

No offence to you bl5.  ;)

The amazing thing is how many guys 'innocently' believe in this male escort stuff. You try and tell em but they don't get it. A few even still believe it AFTER being ripped off.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #140 on: 23 July 2010, 08:54:26 am »
The amazing thing is how many guys 'innocently' believe in this male escort stuff. You try and tell em but they don't get it. A few even still believe it AFTER being ripped off.

Although I escort to other guys...for some reason I still 'slightly' believe that male escorting is real. I mean, I'm sure there is some older lady out there paying men. I have ran into some older women to be 'aggressive' and chase men, so Im sure if things were set properly, she'd probably pay him. I mean, lets take the example of male music artist, sports stars, etc. Women basically throw their panties to these guys for free, and pay to see these men. Do you really think the girl would say no if the guy said, "baby, you have to pay for it".

Just saying, my opinion. (although I think the girl would be far too insulted to actually pay the guy, and would probably just keep it down as a fantasy). But hey, aren't there women who pay male strippers? I just dont think straight male escorting is as far off as some have made it out to be. Not saying Im considering to do Im a woman virgin LOL, but it happens


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #141 on: 22 August 2010, 06:29:18 pm »
Hi all,

My name is Sam and I am a 28 year old male living in London. Before anyone gets panicked, I am not here to plug my services for I am not even an escort. I am however infinitely interested in entering this particular line of work and despite the fantastic insights that I have encountered on this website about the escorting industry, I have noticed that there appears to be very little advice geared toward males.   

On that note I was hoping to be able to put out a question to all of you which was whether anybody knew of any good London based escort agencies that take on males? I have researched this but you just don't know who you can trust in the end and so I figured that seeking advice from seasoned veterans like yourselves would be the way to go.

Thank you all, hope everybody is having a lovely evening xx



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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #142 on: 22 August 2010, 06:39:27 pm »
Hi Sam,

Firstly, if you were plugging your services your post would already have been deleted, but I can't imagine how you would have come to the conclusion that the people here were not getting much sex, tbh.

Indeed we do get asked this all the time, which is why I have moved your post in with the others on this (currently) seven page thread about it. Start at the beginning and have a good read through and it will give you all the information you need to know.

If you don't have the time, then in a nutshell, there is no advice on here for straight male escorts because there is no work for straight male escorts and certainly no legitimate agencies. If you are gay or bi, you can pretty much follow the general pointers on here; the constant factor here is that prostitutes' customers are invariably, overwhelmingly, 99%+ men and the information about tax, personal safety, services and so on is pretty much gender neutral.

If the latter is the case, please do post specific questions you have about getting started, but if it's the former then it's back to the drawing board, I'm afraid.
« Last Edit: 22 August 2010, 06:41:21 pm by amy »


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #143 on: 23 August 2010, 07:10:14 pm »
This thread has made my day, I have not laughed so much in a long time.

Some girls deserve a medal for still trying to help despite the complete lack of research put into these great new business ideas.....

Need a facepalm smiley added!


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #144 on: 18 September 2010, 11:23:13 am »
firstly hello peeps, im a 28 year old male who for some time has been thinking about a job for myself in this field, and seeking some very basic answers. so any help would be greatly appreciated.

firstly my motivation, i already have a well established professional carrier and tend to achieve most things i set my mind to, he money is an attraction but not the real goal here for me, in fact this may be the reason im so interested, i want to use the term secretive but not sure if thats the correct terminology and with out sounding big headed (which i am going to) i believe im attractive enough and intelligent enough to be successful as a male escort, if there is indeed a need for them, clearly i have no real idea of the how the machincs per say work but i believe this sight to be a great place to begin, i also feel i have no commitments which would hinder this life style choice.

so im not sure if its a good thing to be attracted to the unknown but hence why im here asking questions, clearly your site offers great information to women on how to start out, screening, advertisings the dos and donts, but here lies my question, is the escorting world purely geared to females? is there a market for straight males?

i have looked greatly into the pros and cons of such a choice and by no means feel it would be an easy thing to achieve, nor am im drunk on some deluded opinion that i will become james bond but so far all i here from males on here and postings from wider a field is that in trying to make head way in escorting for males, all seem to lead to getting ripped off by scam sights, or infact that male escorting doesn't exist? i have the knowledge to write my own web site and domain, but is this the best way forward for a male, independently i mean?

if anyone has any valid opinions please feel free to post, and im not really after "try this site it works" more if anyone knows of successful male escorts? are you one? are there any real male escort services worth there salt? is it a closed market where all females hold all the cards due to females not needing to pay for male company?

thanks for reading and also thanks for your time if you do reply.  

Anika Mae

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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #145 on: 18 September 2010, 11:32:44 am »
Yes, there is a male escort scene. Gay men are almost as willing to pay for sex as straight men are.

Male escorting comes up all the bloody time here (mostly the straight variety, which there is very little demand for). Do a search and see if you find something interesting.


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #146 on: 18 September 2010, 04:11:31 pm »
Have a look at the male escort scam thread and amaze and enjoy.

Unless you go gay for pay, or are willing to do adult porn there is no demand.   Women can get sex for free at a drop of a hat.  Just check out AW male escorts.  None have any reviews except the ones that do porn, (or have sample ladies as a punter and had feedback).

Plus most of them are offering it for free anyway. I would not even pay for Johnny Depp (-unless he was dressed as Captn Jack and could guarantee multiple orgasms whilst I lay there awiting my pleasure - I might cough up a  tenner lol)


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #147 on: 18 September 2010, 05:25:47 pm »
"Is There A Male Escort Seen?"

Yes, at the Job Centre :)

A quick look will demonstrate that there's only a tiny (female) demand for straight male escorts, but a huge supply of them = hardly any will get any work. Anyone who tells you otherwise is after your money.

'The Ian formerly known as SW5'. What they said: "Indispensable", "You are our best resource", and (hours later!) "I'm afraid that you're being made redundant..."

Ms Rubens

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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #148 on: 18 September 2010, 06:00:57 pm »
Right now I feel almost giddy with righteousness that I was able to restrain my sarcasm usually reserved to this perennial kind of threads lol.  But here are some genuine comments.  For a start, now if I am about to research any new venture and stumble across a forum dedicated to this subject matter, I would spend quite a while searching for info.  I am often a bit baffled about how so many people sign up, spend no time in familiarising themselves and jump straight in on boards.   Personally, I prefer to carefully wipe my feet virtually and enter a little more cautiously.  Just a general thought on what would be nice forum etiquette.

The question of actual demand as an aside, every thread started by a new wannabe gigolo seems to echo a similar theme.  Some are more faux sincere and modest than others.  Basically, the male straight escort candidates describe that they are attractive and intelligent etc etc.  The onus is on them and their wonderful qualities etc.  However, they don?t really seem to consider what any paying female client might want.  Ok so looks and a minimum IQ might be deciding factors.  But surely if any woman was to truly consider paying for an escort despite being able to find willing free sex candidates, she might be interested in a guy that shows more awareness of her needs!  It strikes me odd that guys that appear to claim they have thought this through do not actually research their prospective clientele nor show any understanding of the female psyche.  Rightly or wrongly, I read the OP?s opening gambit and think here is someone with a sizable ego and would be put off.  I would perhaps consider paying a male escort if he had the aptitude to pamper me in a holistic way, i.e. not just catering for my sexual whims (plus it would be a bus women?s holiday!) but who would be massaging other parts that men don?t usual reach lol.  In reality, this means being given undivided attention, a clear sign that the escort puts his ego and dick back and focuses solely on me.  This might sound simple but many men, especially those who rate themselves attractive enough to escort really do not have that ability to put the woman first and put their own ego on a backburner!  The actually shagging in an appointment is the easy part for me.  But what really wears me out is actually being nice and pampering some of the huge egos.  It is exhausting especially on long bookings to focus on that person, however nice they are.  Few of the prospective straight male escorts appear to actually ask 'What do women want?'!

I also find that a lot of men are not really following this pipe dream through in terms of catering and servicing women of different ages and shapes etc.  I find that a lot of men are a lot squeamisher than women lol  Apart from little blue pills and their tell tale signs it is much harder to fake it!

PS  LOL at xw5.  A young male family friend went to see a career advisor at his college.  When asked what his ideal job entails, he mentioned very short hours, late start, loads of money and little actual work.  The advisor sighed and said that sadly he had no vacancies for Gigolos...


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Re: Straight male escorts - the scammer's favourite myth
« Reply #149 on: 18 September 2010, 06:32:23 pm »
I also find that a lot of men are not really following this pipe dream through in terms of catering and servicing women of different ages and shapes etc.  I find that a lot of men are a lot squeamisher than women lol  Apart from little blue pills and their tell tale signs it is much harder to fake it!

It seems true; judging by the quantities of silly emails going round AW from hopeful chancers (AKA male escorts), that only women the modern gigolos are interested in "servicing" are us super-hot, super-sexual escorts. ::) I don't think there are many male escorts targeting lonely, overweight 60-year-old+ women on dating sites - then again, they might actually get a real job by doing that! Heaven forbid - actually providing a warm, intimate and engaging service to someone you're not attracted to?! Who does that? ;)
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