I'd like to start by saying hi and thanks to those who are taking the time to read my post.
Firstly id like to thank people for the posts about scam agencys and alike as was very close to being ripped of by a few one in particular that was very convinsing but slight mistakes in the telephgone conversation, and the fact they wanted ?199.00 for her admin to find me bookings led me to be suspicious and look further into the industry pro's, cons and getting started, leading me here.
Although I have been thinking of getting into the male escorting industry for some years have never actually seriously given it thought till now and was wondering if there is a need for straught male escorts, any advice to help me get started where to look agencys to contact that wont rip me off and how to get started without making a complete fool out of my self or selling my selfshort, as nearly all the advice and information is aimed mainly at women

I dont expect this to be easy and straight forward but would appreciate honest advice which i know i will get from reading your post and answers

Many thanks x