At uni, telling people I'm a sex worker has given me the benefit of some of the best friends and acceptance and total lack of isolation (as opposed to some workers on this forum) and I would absolutely recommend it to those comfortable, though of course only to those who don't mind if their parents find out or something (mine knows) so still a minority. This year I will be announcing in front of uni officials that I am a prostitute in order to attempt to pass a motion that will stop the uni from being able to reprimand us for doing out jobs. If it passes, next year I intend to take it to a national level. I've whole heartedly decided I don't give a shit, but then in my job it is not going to matter as much because I'll be a sex researcher. So.. case by case basis, but never ever at an establishment which predominantly children attend. And re: uni - NOT if you are on an NHS funded course because their rules about sex work and disrepute are much clearer and harder to argue against.