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Author Topic: stalker  (Read 2562 times)


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« on: 03 September 2008, 03:53:29 pm »
Hi there, well i think ive got a client on my hands who doesn't know how to go away
i met him 3 weeks ago and since then he is convinced he caught some illness or hiv from me
it was safe sex (something i never compromise on) and i go for check ups every 3 months so its absolutely impossible ive made him ill
apparently he became ill ater we met so it must be a coincidence, he just caught a bug and I'm convinced he's a hypochondriac
hes got a girlfriend and is completely paranoid hes gonna pass something on to her
so he keeps pestering me about it although i've told him 20 times now i'm clean as a whissle and if he is worried he should go to the sexual health clinic to put his mind at rest
no matter how many times i tell him and that he has to stop phoning me he will just go on and on and on
i even threatend with the police and it still doesn't put him off
I called crime stoppers but they say they cant do anything for me as the texts are not from a threatening nature
i tried to block his number but my provider doesn't do it and i really wouldn't like to change my number as a lot of old clients have it
(i might have to if this doesn't stop)
i've been doing this job for about 2 years now and never had any unpleasant experiences, just saying that because i dont want to scare new escorts of the work and generally people are ok but you have to be careful
thank god he doesn't know my real name and doesn't know where i live but it does get me down by now
anyone having some advice or a comment its welcome
xx Sylvia

Anika Mae

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Re: stalker
« Reply #1 on: 03 September 2008, 04:16:08 pm »
It's not completely impossible that he caught something from you, since it's safer sex not safe sex, and not everything shows up on tests immediately, but yes very unlikely and he should leave you alone. I suppose it was his first time punting and he can't deal with the fact that he did it, or something like that.

Nothing you tell him is helping, so stop. Save his number and don't answer his calls or any withheld numbers. Ignore all the texts. If you want to say anything before cutting him off, give him the number of the local GUM clinic and point out that they offer an anonymous service.

Hopefully when he stops getting feedback he'll get bored quickly.


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Re: stalker
« Reply #2 on: 03 September 2008, 05:46:04 pm »
I bet his problem is he is worried his secret from his girlfriend will get out - do as Anika said ignore him. He obviously can't handle the fact that he visited an escort without his gf knowing too bad.

If you use protection which you said you do and are tested then it is very unlikely besides sti's can have no symptoms so don't feel crap cos of him.

I mean does he expect you to have unprotected sex with loadsa guys and think your clean come on he is kidding himself. Personally I would tell him to piss of and hes probably got something off his gf!

Good luck he will go away eventually just like annoying school kids when you ignore them they get bord.


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Re: stalker
« Reply #3 on: 03 September 2008, 06:06:26 pm »
I would have thought he could have been prosecuted under the Harassment Act? I believe if you have told him to stop contacting you, he has to otherwise he is commiting harassment.


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Re: stalker
« Reply #4 on: 03 September 2008, 07:12:55 pm »
I would have thought he could have been prosecuted under the Harassment Act? I believe if you have told him to stop contacting you, he has to otherwise he is commiting harassment.

Strawberry is right - have a look at this: It mentions that harassment can be carried out by 'phone, letter or third party', and I'm sure this would include text messages. Violence doesn't come into it - if he is causing you 'alarm or distress', in other words making a nuisance of himself, he is committing an offence.

As it has only been three weeks (and he doesn't know any of your personal details so presumably doesn't present any immediate threat) I would be inclined to ignore him for the time being and do not respond at all, no matter how tempting it is. I have a feeling he will tire of it soon - send him a message re the GUM clinic as suggested above and leave it at that. If he is persisting after another two or three weeks goes by I think you should go back to the police - you have as much right to protection under the law as anyone else and if he's that worried about his girlfriend finding out, a single warning from them should nip it in the bud.


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Re: stalker
« Reply #5 on: 03 September 2008, 07:35:50 pm »
Hi all thanks for the many replies
of course as Anika said before u can never be completely sure if you catch something but this was in and out sex no oral en certainly no fluids have been exchanged
so the chance of catching something is so minimal its lauchable that he makes such a fuss over it
actually i get harassed for a boring shag :D
but anyway thanks for the link strawberry and im definately going to have a look at it
also i think indeed the best thing is to ignore this petty punter and hope it will wear of
it just makes my blood boil whenever he txts me but i ill just have to stop myself reacting from now on
i told him to fucking piss of this morning and shouted his ear full and haven't heard anything of him since so fingers crossed
xx Sylvia


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Re: stalker
« Reply #6 on: 03 September 2008, 09:37:58 pm »
I would be careful here - if you appear aggressive you could find yourself in the accused place!

Simple "I am reporting you for harassment" usually works. Oh and at your poimt, do it. They can offer to send an officer round for a "word", doesn't involve charging or court.


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Re: stalker
« Reply #7 on: 03 September 2008, 10:31:14 pm »
Hi strawberry, i dont want to be aggressive but nothing else worked with him so far, and i warn him beforehand that i was going to take action
i just lost my marbels with this guy and he seemed to be shocked by it and so far it worked
but your right i have to cover myself here
no reaction from me anymore to his address
i feel a bit better already though, its nice to clear the air on this site
x sylvia