I'm so stupid. About 10 years ago I used a bit of a sponge as a tampon and couldn't get it back out. It was stuck for a week until a friend was able to remove it, by which time it was absolutely horrendously disgusting. I planned to NEVER do itbagain, but my friend encouraged me and said that loads of people do it and are fine. Reluctantly so did it, thinking that maybe I'd used a too small piece of sponge previously. And an hour later when I went to remove it, it's stuck. I can't reach it at all to pull it out, it's too far up. I have nobody to ask. I daren't go to A&E as it's I think it's a bit drastic and I would hate to be a time waster as it's not an emergency, but being Saturday, docs are not open and I'm not sure I want to wait til Monday. What would you do?
I should probably (embarrassingly) mention that it's half of a kitchen sponge without the scourer).