Hi all - can I just begin by saying how brilliant this website is
- as an aspiring escort it's answered loads of my questions.
After considering this line of work for a long time I've decided to finally take the plunge. I was going to work from home as I have no money whatsoever to set up in another flat or anything like that, but after reading the pros and cons on working from home on here, I've changed my mind.
So - given my current financial situation I thought I would start off by working in a parlour. But I live in a Northern city and there doesn't seem to be many parlours to choose from to approach - unless I'm just looking in the wrong places! I've also got the problem that I can't work nights or weekends as I've got a child to look after. I want to work mainly during the hours I now currently work - 9 - 5, or thereabouts.
Then I found out from this site (thanks again!) that there are girls who do tours, and I found the link to punternet and the calendar, and I've thought that might be the way forward. So... my question is, do I just book a hotel (there are quite a few in my city) in advance, then advertise that I'm going to be there and take bookings in advance? Am I best going for a city centre hotel or one slightly out of the city? The advantages of the latter are that it will have free parking for the client(s)! But if I go for one in the city centre, I might get businessmen, etc, who are perhaps visiting.
I haven't got a website yet, just an email address and mobile phone. As you've probably guessed, I couldn't afford to book a hotel room then not make some money back on it! So, how do I go about letting prospective clients know I'm going to be where and when?! Is the punternet site the only way or are there other ways of advertising?
Any advice/comments would be very gratefully accepted.