Argh!! The message boards for stupid, stupid men (not all punters, obviously, just The Ones Who Are Dicks it would seem) should just be shut down and the worst posters (like Anika said, the anonymous wankers and too-scared-to-be-punters) arrested for being so bloody annoying.
I really shouldn't rant - I'm an occasional lurker on Punternet and Plink, for example, because I guess it's like that awful car crash morbidity that makes me just not able to stay away from checking them sometimes! Usually on days when I'm feeling insecure already.
So I should just stop looking and stop complaining; there's nothing else I can do about it. Except maybe speak up with any other working girl who finds those boards a bit disgusting sometimes, so hopefully not too many girls feel pressured into feeling crap about themselves because of those few weird men, who take it upon themselves to demean us.
Peridotash ( is a US escort but I think almost all her blog speaks to any working girl. She writes much more legibly/clearly about the punter forum problems than I ever could (like this post: and a lot of others).
I dunno. I'm full of impotent anger but no useful suggestions! As usual.
Sometimes I have little mini daydreams about meeting one of those guys from the punter boards who posts stupid comments and just punching him right in the nose!
(Also, I love the idea of reviewing punters but have you noticed how girls are never allowed to really speak up on Pnet/etc?? If a woman posts anything remotely opinionated, she always gets shot down as a "disgruntled hooker" or "ungrateful cow who hates all men and should go back to shelf-stacking, if only she weren't so greedy about getting her mitts on that ?60 for a half-hour booking which is 'extortionate' by the way". Grr!)