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Author Topic: Someone please give me ideas on how to elaborate on my 'job'. I can't tell them!  (Read 2910 times)

The Bachelor

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I am resistant to telling people about what I do for a living. I live in California so unlike the UK it's not something that's as widely accepted.

Last night was the turning point when for a good 20 minutes or so the man I've been seeing for going on 2 months now kept asking, prying into what I do. I was telling him what I always tell him but it wasn't enough and he kept just going on and on and saying, "are you a prostitute? You always have money but you don't work for days at a time." I just kept having to explain to him that I attend events and conferences and help set them up but he kept going deeper and deeper and telling me it didn't make sense (which after a bit it kind of didn't) and I'm always traveling and what was the last event that I went to and what was it exactly about.

Eventually things cooled down and he apologized for prying so much. Since then the subject has not come up again. But I am walking on thin ice utterly paranoid and considering moving my ads to another city. We go out to bars together and I have a feeling someone or some people may be spreading this rumor about me. It would just kill me for him to find out and things go south, I'd probably want to leave town.

Can anyone help me come up with a detailed job description that allows you to travel and not work for a few days? I know it sounds deciteful, but we haven't even had sex yet (which still doesn't excuse it) and only known each other for 2 months. A friend yesterday was pressuring me to tell him but I'm like you don't understand, they won't take me seriously when I do. Part of why I haven't had a real relationship in years because I used to always be so open about it.


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I am resistant to telling people about what I do for a living. I live in California so unlike the UK it's not something that's as widely accepted.

Last night was the turning point when for a good 20 minutes or so the man I've been seeing for going on 2 months now kept asking, prying into what I do. I was telling him what I always tell him but it wasn't enough and he kept just going on and on and saying, "are you a prostitute? You always have money but you don't work for days at a time." I just kept having to explain to him that I attend events and conferences and help set them up but he kept going deeper and deeper and telling me it didn't make sense (which after a bit it kind of didn't) and I'm always traveling and what was the last event that I went to and what was it exactly about.

Eventually things cooled down and he apologized for prying so much. Since then the subject has not come up again. But I am walking on thin ice utterly paranoid and considering moving my ads to another city. We go out to bars together and I have a feeling someone or some people may be spreading this rumor about me. It would just kill me for him to find out and things go south, I'd probably want to leave town.

Can anyone help me come up with a detailed job description that allows you to travel and not work for a few days? I know it sounds deciteful, but we haven't even had sex yet (which still doesn't excuse it) and only known each other for 2 months. A friend yesterday was pressuring me to tell him but I'm like you don't understand, they won't take me seriously when I do. Part of why I haven't had a real relationship in years because I used to always be so open about it.

I mean... he has already asked you specifically about it, so he's obviously already suspicious. Personally I don't think that he will just forget that, and suddenly believe a more detailed description which you have only managed to provide after he has raised his suspicions. It would be too convenient. I feel you have two options; Tell him or dump him. If you tell him (or dump him) and he is unable to accept it, when you meet someone new then think of a great cover story. i.e events promoter.

Sorry. (also I feel I have to say that I've just come out of a really messy break up, so sorry if this sounds man-haterish or harsh)

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The Bachelor

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I feel you have two options; Tell him or dump him. If you tell him (or dump him) and he is unable to accept it, when you meet someone new then think of a great cover story. i.e events promoter.

Sorry. (also I feel I have to say that I've just come out of a really messy break up, so sorry if this sounds man-haterish or harsh)


I've told him that I promote events. But then I said there's no specific type of event, they vary by event. He kept saying it didn't make sense. I was like, well I can't go into detail about every event it just depends on the convention/conference etc.


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If I've been seeing someone for two months and he starts with the Spanish inquisitions and anything I say he tells me it doesn't make sense I would lay it down on the line to him,the cold hard facts.If he chooses to sling his hook so be it.I can't be done with all the questions and having to constantly be questioned by someone who quite frankly doesn't need to know every single detail about me.

I don't do boyfriends because its hard work. If they find out they kick off or they pretend they accept what you do but at the end of the day they don't always feel happy that you are selling sex.To me a person who questions me constantly isn't someone I'd want to be with.

If he thinks you are a prostitute why doesn't he just say who told him instead of trying to catch you out by bombarding you with questions. Why does he need to know every detail about your job.If you told him you were an accountant or worked in a store I am sure he would leave it at that. If he knows something he should be honest and say so instead of behaving the way he is.
« Last Edit: 27 May 2012, 09:43:28 am by Jan10 »
Hello nice to meet you :)


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Don't kid yourself that escorting is more accepted in UK than USA, to some people we are considered as lepers - untrue I know but there are a lot of closed minded people about - and IMO it is unaccepted by most people.  The USA is no different.

If I had only known a guy two months I certainly wouldnt be wondering about how to elaborate on my job.  Its none of his bloody business.  Two months is a fraction of your life.

If a guy doesn't 'believe' what I'm telling him then he can walk out the door - kick him to the kerb - if he is suspicious and he doesn't have the balls to ask you right out then he aint much of a man anyway so no loss.
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Try putting yourself in his position, wouldn't you you want to know such a thing about your date of several months and counting?

If you feel you trust this man and care about him enough, tell him, but if you don't, if might work for you to tell him that you're not looking for a serious relationship, but just for casual fun and you value your independence etc and keep the relationship with this guy at that.
« Last Edit: 27 May 2012, 04:43:35 pm by clover »


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"he kept just going on and on and saying, "are you a prostitute? You always have money but you don't work for days at a time." I just kept having to explain to him that I attend events and conferences and help set them up but he kept going deeper and deeper and telling me it didn't make sense (which after a bit it kind of didn't) and I'm always traveling and what was the last event that I went to and what was it exactly about."

Sorry OP - he knows that you are a prostitute and was trying to get you to tell him yourself.  Think about it - what genuine date just ups and jump to the conclusion that his girlfriend/date is a prostitute?

Make a decision to either tell him the truth or just dump him.


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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Totally agree .......................... but how DOES HE KNOW what he is talking about ? Mmmmmmmm ::)
Beauty is nothing to do with having a pretty face.
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Don't kid yourself that escorting is more accepted in UK than USA, to some people we are considered as lepers - untrue I know but there are a lot of closed minded people about - and IMO it is unaccepted by most people.  The USA is no different.

I agree 100% escorting is not more acceptable in the UK.

No matter what other excuse you make up and how good it sounds, he is always going to think it now. You need to tell him or ditch him. I hope whatever the outcome is, everything works out okay for you.

The Bachelor

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Well last night it came up AGAIN...but I went ahead and bit the bullet and told him.

He's like, "I don't care if you are one, just be honest with me." Apparently some HATERS had to run their mouth and spill the beans about it. I don't know who but it was already out there. At this point only time can tell if things continue on the path. I mean, that's just 1 thing that's going on there's some other things going on too on his end that I don't like (him making out with a couple of girls in a nightclub the other night).

It's amazing how people judge and condem yet it's totally okay to go makeout with any random person in a bar. Then he jokes and tells me just don't give him syphilis.


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You're being paid for it, he seems to have done it to take vengeance.
Doesn't seem like you have met the love of your life here.
My advice? Learn from this and move on.

Grumpy Cow

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It is easy to make assumptions if you don?t know the people involved. But my gut reaction is that this guy seems to think your profession gives him a carte blanche to see you and presumably be intimate while sleeping around. Like having the cake and eating the whole patisserie. Personally, I would find his comment regarding you passing on a STI really offensive and quite worrying. This to me says he is really careless with his sexual health if he for one minute assumes you would work unprotected and says more about his attitude. It also comes across as a bit patronising that he seems to give you ?permission? to do this job.  But then that could just me reading this into what you wrote here.   


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I mean, that's just 1 thing that's going on there's some other things going on too on his end that I don't like (him making out with a couple of girls in a nightclub the other night).

It's amazing how people judge and condem yet it's totally okay to go makeout with any random person in a bar. Then he jokes and tells me just don't give him syphilis.

Doesn't seem worth the hassle, he's already been unfaithful and there are some 'other things' that you don't like. Cut your losses, this will just end in tears.

The first few months are supposed to be the honeymoon period... this seems not very much fun IMHO.

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OP, he sounds like a total twat and I would be kicking to the kerb pronto.

He GIVES YOU PERMISSION - good of him - to do your work then does similar himself - though not for money - who is the fool ?  I know who I think is worse. 

I'm hoping after only being in this 'relationship' for only 2 months that you are not having unprotected sex with him - and if this is the case - HOW COULD YOU GIVE HIM SYPHILLIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He really doesnt seem worth the bother IMO.  If he brought up the subject again it was probably so that he had carte blanche to do what he did with no consequences or argument from yourself.

Stop wasting your time with this guy and move on to pastures new of enjoy the single life without the hassles  ;D
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