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Author Topic: Some people have far too much time on their hands!!  (Read 3000 times)


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Some people have far too much time on their hands!!
« on: 05 January 2009, 10:26:22 am »
I need to blow off some steam before i murder someone!

Basically the agency that i am with has a forum where clients ans escorts (if they choose) can go on and talk about whatever takes their fancy (no lollipops for guessing what the favourite topic of conversation is)

So i have a quick look on yesterday and notice a thread right at the top that is about me,i go onto it and basically it is some guy who has just joined the forum posting a message saying that he has throughly checked my photos from the website (hes an IT expert apparantly) and if you look hard enough the date on the pictures is from 2006! There then follows a speculative post about why i would wish to use pictures that are 3 years old and whether or not it is to disguise the fact that i have now gone fat and saggy!

There then follows a 2 page thread of replies (mostly from men) speculating on whether or not i am now a total moose and basically discussing me like a piece of meat.

The worst bit is the photos are totally brand new and were only taken last month!

Have these men got nothing better to do with their lives? are they really so sad? Im just trying to do my job and im subject to slanderous,hurtful coments like this. Have they got so little respect for the girls for the agency and for women in general that they think its fine to pick us apart and belittle us for thier own pathetic amusement? I mean im fairly thick skinned by now but theres a limit to how much i will take.

I think my resolve to go indie may just have been strengthend.


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Re: Some people have far too much time on their hands!!
« Reply #1 on: 05 January 2009, 10:27:51 am »
Sorry for the terrible grammer and spelling mistakes by the way,it was because im so annoyed >:(

Anika Mae

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Re: Some people have far too much time on their hands!!
« Reply #2 on: 05 January 2009, 12:15:00 pm »
Have they got so little respect for the girls for the agency and for women in general that they think its fine to pick us apart and belittle us for thier own pathetic amusement?

Yes, and it's sad. Most of them wouldn't behave like that publicly in real life, but anonymity often brings out the worst in people. Unfortunately you won't necessarily avoid this by going indie, there are non-affiliated boards where punters and people without the balls to be punters talk, and the same sort of thing goes on.

I'm sorry it's happened to you. This sort of behaviour mostly comes from the same impulses that'll make a boy call a girl a fat slag because she won't go out with him. It's still not nice to know that people are obsessing over you in that way, though.


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Re: Some people have far too much time on their hands!!
« Reply #3 on: 05 January 2009, 01:26:32 pm »
Thanks Anika :),yes i suppose anonimity makes sad little men brave.

On the  plus side there are lots of posts from people leaping to my defence and telling him where to get off. Someone even suggets that he post a photo of his own body for everyone to pass comments on.

In fact wouldnt that be wonderful if us girls could turn round and review our clients like they do us?  Most fragile male egos couldnt handle it methinks ;D


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Re: Some people have far too much time on their hands!!
« Reply #4 on: 05 January 2009, 02:22:06 pm »
Argh!! The message boards for stupid, stupid men (not all punters, obviously, just The Ones Who Are Dicks it would seem) should just be shut down and the worst posters (like Anika said, the anonymous wankers and too-scared-to-be-punters) arrested for being so bloody annoying.

I really shouldn't rant - I'm an occasional lurker on Punternet and Plink, for example, because I guess it's like that awful car crash morbidity that makes me just not able to stay away from checking them sometimes! Usually on days when I'm feeling insecure already. ::) So I should just stop looking and stop complaining; there's nothing else I can do about it. Except maybe speak up with any other working girl who finds those boards a bit disgusting sometimes, so hopefully not too many girls feel pressured into feeling crap about themselves because of those few weird men, who take it upon themselves to demean us.

Peridotash ( is a US escort but I think almost all her blog speaks to any working girl. She writes much more legibly/clearly about the punter forum problems than I ever could (like this post: and a lot of others).

I dunno. I'm full of impotent anger but no useful suggestions! As usual. :P Sometimes I have little mini daydreams about meeting one of those guys from the punter boards who posts stupid comments and just punching him right in the nose!

(Also, I love the idea of reviewing punters but have you noticed how girls are never allowed to really speak up on Pnet/etc?? If a woman posts anything remotely opinionated, she always gets shot down as a "disgruntled hooker" or "ungrateful cow who hates all men and should go back to shelf-stacking, if only she weren't so greedy about getting her mitts on that ?60 for a half-hour booking which is 'extortionate' by the way".  Grr!)
Disclosure: The other person behind


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Re: Some people have far too much time on their hands!!
« Reply #5 on: 05 January 2009, 04:47:57 pm »
Makes me SO angry to hear this kind of thing.

In my humble opinion these men can't deal with the fact that you might be:

a) desirable enough to be able to do what you do, and have men willing to spend money just to have the privilege of meeting you (coupled with the fact that they KNOW they wouldn't get a look in, whether it be in a business or personal pleasure sense) and

b) KNOW that you are earning more than they ever could, and if they did earn that much it would probably be doing a job they hated for a 65 hour week.

It is blood boilingly annoying that these men exist, but I firmly believe that the majority of real punters who enjoy what they choose to do, do not have issues with women, or with themselves and the fact they use escorts and can afford to spend what you charge, will take any of this pathetic speculation with a pinch of salt and realise that the men who write it are just adolescent boys, sexually repressed, in a dead end job, won't get touched by a girl even if they offered to pay her to touch them, and live at home with their mummies.

Ahem. Ok, listing rant over. Don't you listen to a word they say. xxxxxx


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Re: To indie or not to indie,i just dont know what to do!
« Reply #6 on: 05 January 2009, 07:18:50 pm »
***I meant this to be in the thread about punter forums, I didnt pay attention! Sorry****

I find some of the punter forums so infuriating that i just dont look at them anymore.  I get confussed between plink and pnet but one is worse than the other and i just cant bare it.  My biggest bug bear is when they moan on about escort rates and how with the credit crunch we should all lower our prices.  As far as im concerned they can think what they like about my rates as long as i dont have to listen to it...... I couldnt belive it when i had a new client the other day bring the subject up.  He actually had the balls to say it to my face that he thought escorts should think about bringing down their rates to beat the credit crunch.  I pointed out to him that it hadnt stopped him visiting me and that there were plenty of cheaper girls in the area he could have chosen, he didnt really have an answer for that one.  But at least he had the balls to say it to me rather than write it on a forum, i think he just hadnt really thought his argument through.

Also, I'm pretty sure that some of the guys on those forums just get a kick out of saying shit stuff and winding us up.  i have images of them sitting there in their Y-fronts with their guts hanging out, can of beer in one hand, cock in the other just getting off on how WG's reply.

A little flattering that he chose to 'study' your pictures so closely that he found a secret way of dating them.  You should ask him to explain his method of detection in detail so that other techy's can have a go.  I bet he wouldnt be able to.

« Last Edit: 05 January 2009, 07:20:28 pm by lexie »


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Re: Some people have far too much time on their hands!!
« Reply #7 on: 05 January 2009, 07:19:21 pm »
I find it odd that men seem to spend their time on forums like the one you speak of and just take it as the fact that they are sad, lonely individuals who probably don't have the balls to approach any woman let alone an escort.

It's pathetic and cruel what he did and I suspect deep down he probably has the hots for you and just cannot afford you. 

A short time ago, another escort I know was trying to bring me in on a girl/girl booking request.  She was disappointed as she actually said to me that the punter in question told her that I was "so up myself"!  and she wanted to bring me in over his choice!

He does not know me, has never met me, nor I suspect ever spoken to me so how could he make that judgement? I put it down to the fact that he merely could not afford me or felt he could not be in control with me.  His loss not mine.

Remember that attacking people verbally for no reason at all is usually down to some form of insecurity. 

So Colette, don't let this stupid twat get to you and remember you are a beautiful person and many men, I am sure, desire you.   This happens a lot in our trade.  I used to get a hideous texter asking me to partake in foul stuff.  When I refused he would be verbally abusive to me.  It upset me at first, now I just shrug it off.

The thing to remember is that it is THEIR problem and THEIR shit and insecuirty - so throw it back at them and carry on life with a smile.

Gosh, I am coming out with some deep stuff today aren't I!  But it does also anger me when men choose to attack us verbally for no reason at all.  It comes with the territory sadly.

Alex xx


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Re: Some people have far too much time on their hands!!
« Reply #8 on: 05 January 2009, 07:35:07 pm »
I posted a reply but wasnt paying attention and somehow posted it on another thread.  I should put my glasses on so i dont have to sit here squinting at the screen.


Alex is right, it is their own insecurities.  And sometimes people are just nasty and vile.  I have seen threads on other forums where a link to a particular wg has been posted and although it makes me mad that men will post nasty stuff about them (and that the forum admin dont remove them to discourage it) i actually find it more vile that there are a few WG's out there who kind of encourage it by joking along with them etc.  I can see that its not always encouragment but occasionally you read something and you have to wonder who side they are on... or are they really WG's?  I just dont like it so i dont go there anymore. 

there are some forums where punters chat and it doesnt turn in to  an escort bashing and they sort of restore my faith in men.  And maybe it is because I'm indie (i never went down the agency road so cant be sure) but actually the guys who visit me so far (touching wood as i type) have been very respectfull, more than i had expected and its been a pleasant suprise. 

Have you replied to the thread, it is about you after all so you have every right to cyber kick him in the balls.  If you do, send us the link wont you  ;)

Anika Mae

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Re: To indie or not to indie,i just dont know what to do!
« Reply #9 on: 05 January 2009, 08:35:18 pm »
A little flattering that he chose to 'study' your pictures so closely that he found a secret way of dating them.  You should ask him to explain his method of detection in detail so that other techy's can have a go.  I bet he wouldnt be able to.

Actually, it's very easy. Digital cameras add information called EXIF data to the pictures they take. It includes the date, camera model, and all sorts of stuff about how the picture was shot, which is of interest to photographers. A lot of programs are able to read the data, if you have some software on your computer that came with a digital camera, that'll probably do it, here's what the data looks like. Colette's pictures probably do say they were taken in 2006, because the date on the camera wasn't set properly.

And maybe it is because I'm indie (i never went down the agency road so cant be sure) but actually the guys who visit me so far (touching wood as i type) have been very respectfull, more than i had expected and its been a pleasant suprise.

I'm an indie too, but I think this is generally the case anyway. Even if a guy has the potential to be a right twat, there aren't many that get a kick out of doing that when they're with you. I have a client who's a notorious troll (fortunately I've never seen his work), but he's a perfectly nice and well-balanced person in real life. He says he does it because he's away on business.
« Last Edit: 05 January 2009, 08:38:00 pm by Anika Mae »


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Re: Some people have far too much time on their hands!!
« Reply #10 on: 05 January 2009, 08:46:59 pm »
*Lexie, I've managed to merge your original post in this one*.

There's also a pack mentality with some of these posters on these forums. If somebody starts with a derogatory comment, then you'll find that there are some sheep who will follow blindly. And it feels good to them because they're of one voice, safety in numbers and all that.
Sometimes it's not even about the original post. For some it's all the reason they need to get together and pick something or someone to bits. It passes their otherwise uneventful day.


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Re: Some people have far too much time on their hands!!
« Reply #11 on: 05 January 2009, 11:25:35 pm »
So sorry you were on the receiving end of such ugly cruelty.

Just the ravings of sad, lonely losers that probably turn into a quivering mass of shite if an attractive woman so much as looks at them.

What they also forget is that we are clever enough to know not to lie - I mean what's the point of falsely advertising yourself, all you do is lose the custom when the client sees the real you - why would we waste our time with that?

It's more an indication of what the poster would do himself to make an impression than a reflection on you.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Some people have far too much time on their hands!!
« Reply #12 on: 05 January 2009, 11:59:48 pm »

What they also forget is that we are clever enough to know not to lie - I mean what's the point of falsely advertising yourself, all you do is lose the custom when the client sees the real you - why would we waste our time with that?

Actually I thought it was a myth (and punter paranoia) that WGs showed pictures of themselves from years ago that hardly resembled how they look now but i have heard of one example of exactly that.  I dont see the point, surely if i showed a pic of when i was a size 10 and 25years old and all thats going to happen is a client will turn on his heels once i open the door and that would be horrible.  Also, there are men out there that love all sorts.  Big, small, young, old, black, white whatever so i dont get it.  Id rather have honest photos that show what i really look like rather than see the look of shock and distaste on their faces when they meet me.  lol


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Re: Some people have far too much time on their hands!!
« Reply #13 on: 06 January 2009, 01:00:44 am »
That's exactly what I was trying to say - but couldn't seem the words right - nice one lex.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the ground in the morning, Satan shudders and says: "Oh shit, she's awake!"


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Re: Some people have far too much time on their hands!!
« Reply #14 on: 06 January 2009, 02:45:02 am »
That's exactly what I was trying to say - but couldn't seem the words right - nice one lex.

Shit, did i say something clever.  better put a stop to that, you all might think i have a serious side and that would never do  :D