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Author Topic: It's a fine line we walk with clients....  (Read 1728 times)

Welsh Lass

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It's a fine line we walk with clients....
« on: 21 December 2008, 09:21:26 am »
Hi guys,
I just wanted to let off steam here.
I have a client who I saw once and he has never been back since although he drops me an email from time to time letting me know how he is doing and such.
I really like this guy and have that rare thing for him called respect.

In his emails he gives me the reason(s) why he has not come back again and yesterday I replied to him that it was okay to not book me again. It was ok to drop me a line every now and then as to hear he is doing well/not so well is nice as, we got on well, (I mean nothing romance like here) and it's nice to hear from him when I do.
I obviously worded it terribly badly as I offended him. I did not intend to do that.
Now, my header states it's a fine line we walk with clients, as, it's very difficult to suss out the serial time waster from the not and to take reasons for a non return as genuine over just rubbish.
I didn't think this guy was a timewaster at all, I was just trying to make it easier on him, you know, I don't need to be placated with vague suggestions of a booking, I am happy to read your mails when I get them as it's nice to hear your doing well and so on. There is absolutely no need for any suggestion of a future booking to be made.
I have replied to his email and explained myself, as, I think it's quite rare in this business to meet a guy and spend an hour talking with him and to respect his values and outlook on life. The ratio of guys like that and guys that are fools, well, you all know what it is...
I am quite mad at myself for not wording my initial email better and avoiding all this.
I would not have bothered to try and explain myself but really, this is a lovely guy and I really felt badly for causing him any offence.
I know how much it costs to see me and am aware of the implications of that cash just disappearing out of a joint bank account....
God. Anyhow, just venting here before I go make more coffee.
Sometimes this job is far, far more complicated than it appears. It is very difficult to talk to clients sometimes as offence is caused when it was not meant. He was not horrible to me at all, not rude to me, just offended that I thought he was making up excuses for not coming back again and so on. Probably for lumping him in with the afore mentioned timewasters.
I don't know, you would not think that you would actually care that you had caused offence really, but you do, at least, I do.

They're working on Viagra for women. Are they crazy? That's been around for hundreds of years - its called cash... Alonzo Boden.


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Re: It's a fine line we walk with clients....
« Reply #1 on: 21 December 2008, 09:46:40 am »

Sometimes this job is far, far more complicated than it appears. It is very difficult to talk to clients sometimes as offence is caused when it was not meant.

oh joanna I feel your pain honey. I feel ya. Must I say, unfortunently the conversation was through email (I noticed). Email is ok for quick, short responses but the chances of that email (or text) coming out mis-interpreted is high. Thats why I am always very thorough in what to say during an email. Nothing is better than phone/face to face convo. Emails and text can and do get misinterpreted.

You arent wrong to have thought he was a time-waster. I dont think everyone understands we put up with more TW's than clients, and you can only be mr/mrs. nice guy/girl for so long and then you dont want to feel like you're leg is getting pulled. Girlfriend, I had a client who I met ONCE and he IMed me all the time for months after that, saying how he wants to do this and that to me again. I said, "sure, lets do it" everytime. Eventually, it got to the point where I told him that he is full of it and that I wont continue to play along with it.

Now, you didnt say exactly what you told him, but it dont sound good. Instead of being hard on yourself, focus on how every mistake is an oppurtunity for learning. I have to keep that in mind almost everyday. However, if you feel you absolutely must clarify your bad-wording, email him and tell him that you came off incorrectly and say what you really meant. It may not make a difference, but theres a chance. A mistake made is a lesson learned.
« Last Edit: 21 December 2008, 09:48:13 am by JoeyR »


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Re: It's a fine line we walk with clients....
« Reply #2 on: 21 December 2008, 11:05:00 am »
I'm wondering if you did actually hit a chord, which is why he took offence. He probably does understand that you might view him as a timewaster. As well as feeling happy that he can write to you, he also feels a little guilty that he's taking up your time (even though you insist otherwise), which would be why you've struck a nerve with him.

There's not much you can do if he chooses to take it the wrong way. Leave him be and see if he writes back to you.