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Author Topic: SO many timewasters  (Read 3845 times)

Philippa Joyce

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Re: SO many timewasters
« Reply #15 on: 10 February 2020, 10:20:16 pm »
I have to say that January and Feb up till now at least, has been suprisingly very good business wise


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Re: SO many timewasters
« Reply #16 on: 22 March 2020, 01:16:37 pm »
My strategy for filtering out timewasters is:
Ask what time they're coming and give my prices. If they keep asking questions and don't give a time, ignore and move on
If they give a time, I ask them to text a confirmation reply and end the call. No confirmation reply, I don't get ready. Timewasting callers don't bother to follow through with this 90% of the time. If they confirm but don't show up, block.
I don't take bookings more than an hour in advance. 90% of guys saying they will come the next day or "later" are timewasters.
Ignore anyone asking for pictures or whatsapp immediately. Plenty photos of me on my profile for them to make a decision and the only reason why a client wants your whatsapp is to hassle you for free pictures and chat.
In general the golden rule is the more questions they ask and the more vague they are about when they are coming the less likely they are to turn up.

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Re: SO many timewasters
« Reply #17 on: 24 March 2020, 10:31:05 pm »
Like peaches I ask them what time they are planning to visit
Most of my time wasters want much later (like to drag it out)
I tell them to call an hour before their requested time and guess what ..they don't .
Wouldn't hold my breath over anything they say.
Refer them back to the profile when they start asking questions as many get turned on just hearing our voices .
Ooh I'll call back .. yep bet you won't !