to be honest, because of the stress and stigma, especially of having to lie all the time to people or face the masses of bullshit that we have to if we are out of the whore closet, I highly doubt most people do it out of curiousity. All of the girls I know that do it (and I know quite a few in my personal friendship circle) it's because they just can't cope with the working environment they are in and/or faced with a crap financial situation. The ones that stay in it are the ones that have the constitution for it.
I'll be honest, I prefer to work to most of the jobs I've ever done simply because of the autonomy and half decent pay. I like meeting lots of new people and I know I'm good at it helps.
But I couldn't do it for the rest of my life simply because I couldn't take being closeted to most people. I don't do well with closets. I'm shit at them and it feels incredibly icky to lie to people about what I do and who I am. That's why I couldn't be closeted as a gayer and couldn't be closeted when I had more than one partner. Some people do ok with it. I just can't. I don't think there's anything wrong with what I do. And tbh I don't think there's anything wrong with men or women seeing a prozzie if they need to have sex and don't want any bullshit.
I'm not in it for the long run and I am just doing it for money. I don't feel one way or another about it. I feel about it just like I did when I did vet nursing. Not my dream job, but it has pluses. lots of gross things, but it's part of the work.
When asked by people if I don't find certain aspects distasteful, I say well yes of course. But so did the picking up dogshit part of vet nursing. *shrug*
If girls lower their prices to do what they think they need to do, that's up to them. The people who want something different will go else where. But the economy is in the toilet. My prices are ?30 an hour less than when I started. I would rather a couple of people more a week than miss out completely because no one can afford it anymore. I haven't dropped my domme prices at all. I almost never get asked for Domming anymore because my prices are higher - except for those who want scat. And I don't want to do the clean up for that.
It was very quiet this month for a payday friday. I still got what I needed, but the phone rang a lot less. A LOT less. I'd personally rather keep to the price of my area and knock off ?10 again if I have to than have far fewer calls. If I was able to live with much less overhead, like in a studio, I would have done so. But I can't.
I am going to miss the freedom of escorting when I have to go strictly to camera work.