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Author Topic: Slow at the minute or just me?  (Read 3561667 times)


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1170 on: 18 September 2012, 07:18:19 pm »
Webcamming is making things a lot easier financially and keeping me out of the way of needing a third job. I have recently given myself a budget of ?50 a week to live off, minus bills etc, so far its working well. And I'm finding clothes that I totally forgot I had


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1171 on: 18 September 2012, 08:32:42 pm »
see i  disagree  i have moved my profile to london with not getting found in london  -   even though I'm not there this until thursday  and i put it in a different area than usual and my phone has rang non stop and if i had been there i could have been working from 8am till midnight by the looks of it 
ok i know that dosnt mean shit but if even a 1/4 of those that rang turnt up then i would have been extremely busy
with london (IMO) you do have to pay to feature yourself which is a pain but i do it all the time now, though even if I'm not touring it cost me around  80 a week which is less than one half hour booking which even if I'm at home its going to pay off

i think  it all depends on what is classed as a good standard of living  for some they won't have anything less than  champagne and prada shoes  and for other tesco and primarks 
friends of mine will moan they are skint and say that i waste money on my 7 dogs but i get a huge amount of pleasure and fun from them ( yes they cost me a small fortune  probably with food and insurance around ?100 a week which i know is excessive however I'm not in debt because of them )
  but they ( my friends ) spend more than what my dogs cost me in ciggies and booze, and they have nothing to show for it -   its all a case of what is a priority to you   and the difference is between me and my friends is that i dont moan about what i spend on my dogs or moan that I'm skint,  but they moan about being skink  but then spend just as much on booze ciggies and going out   
i know that there are people struggling but i do wonder how they prioritise things money wise  i.e.  were all so used to having everything we want, that if we dont have the latest phones, pcs  holidays abroad then  we feel poor  but were not really poor in the sense that places like africa and india are poor.   To me poor is living somewhere where you dont have access to  fresh water , and a hot meal each day and medical care   

I've been thinking that for a while now, I've noticed the worse the media make it the quieter it becomes...

It's SO slow for me as I'm starting afresh with a new profile, and in London so it's hard to get noticed without offering BB in an alley behind Tesco for ?20...but I've started camming (very amusing) which is keeping moi busy. But the ammount of emails I used to get, compared to what I get now (2 today..2!!) is insane.

I think it is the economy,and the media hype - but people are genuinely struggling to just pay their utilities, run their car and afford child care. There's a division of wealth in this country that's so disproportinate it's shocking. I'm lucky as I only have little old me to support (and once I have tea I need nowt else), but my heart genuinely goes out to anyone trying to support a family as I just would not be able to do it on anything less than ?30-40k a year - it's impossible to have a good standard of living on anything less. It all just adds to my dislike of David Cameron - everytime I see him on the news I just think 'You posh twat, if it wasn't for you and Gideon O. I'd be rolling around on a bed of ?20 notes being done up the bum'. Ho-Hum, it is making me feel a bit insecure though - I keep thinking 'If I was thinner I'd get more bookings', which is never a good head-space to be in...because my dinner usually ends up down the loo when I go there... :-X

Anyways, have lots of replies from minimum wage slave jobs, which will keep me ticking over and off the streets!Stay well everyone xx


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1172 on: 18 September 2012, 08:59:56 pm »
i know that there are people struggling but i do wonder how they prioritise things money wise  i.e.  were all so used to having everything we want, that if we dont have the latest phones, pcs  holidays abroad then  we feel poor  but were not really poor in the sense that places like africa and india are poor.   To me poor is living somewhere where you dont have access to  fresh water , and a hot meal each day and medical care   

True, we are so lucky to live in a first world country (and I'd forgotten so am thanking my lucky stars, thanks for the reminder!), but it is relative to where you live. With rent, council tax, child care, the cost of 'free' education and of running a car - it's easy to see how some people are just managing to stay afloat, there was an amazing article on being part of the working poverty class (where people's jobs are only managing to cover the basics) I'll see if I can find it.

You do have a long standing reputation as being a good escort who provides what she says she provides, and I think that stands to you - but I've just spent the past half hour sucking on a dildo on webcam to pay to be featured - so with a bit of work hopefully I'll buil up my rep too!x

Lost in Translation

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1173 on: 18 September 2012, 09:31:49 pm »
no and i do agree. however, I have lived in this country on ?10 a week for groceries for two people, and no money to buy so much as a roll of tp let alone go out for a beer. And that hasn't just happened to me once in 9 years, but four times, according to how the job market was doing (I was a temp worker in hospital governance and policy). And not being a citizen in this country, I'm not entitled to public funding so I don't have the cushion of the unemployment insurance I pay into or the dole I pay into. So have to find ways to cover my own ass.

And it is bloody slow for where I am. after august lull when I freaked out to cover my rent and have nothing of value to sell excpet my lap top (all of my possessions can fit into a minivan) it then picked back up and the phone was ringing off the wall. but mon/tues has been very wierdly quiet.

I can't imagine trying to deal with starting my rep over again in this climate. very tough indeed especially when there are a lot of girls doing things ?30 cheaper than me for things just to get some biz.

I hope it perks back up soon...

« Last Edit: 18 September 2012, 11:17:45 pm by Lost in Translation »


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1174 on: 18 September 2012, 09:38:38 pm »
The other girls in my area seem to have increased their rates by ?20 - ?30 for outcalls, maybe they know something I dont.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1175 on: 18 September 2012, 10:35:13 pm »
i know that there are people struggling but i do wonder how they prioritise things money wise  i.e.  were all so used to having everything we want, that if we dont have the latest phones, pcs  holidays abroad then  we feel poor  but were not really poor in the sense that places like africa and india are poor.   To me poor is living somewhere where you dont have access to  fresh water , and a hot meal each day and medical care   

i just think that people have far higher expectations in this day and age  -   i mean i go out on the weekends with my dogs to the local pubs and bars restaurants  and they are always packed out with people eating and drinking having meals  which is not cheap to do 

  On a recent holiday that i had to Turkey the plane was full up - no empty seats , the hotel that my niece and i were in was full up, no spare rooms,  every one there in the hotel had spent around between  ?1000 - ?1200 each for the holiday plus spending money
 So it amazes sometimes when i read that the  this country is so skint and broke  Most of them were parents with 2 +Kids so had spent around 4-5 k for a two week holiday in the school period   

Im just glad that we do live in the uk where we do get free education, free healthcare, and a more than generous benefit system,  we dont have dictators ( yet) we can call our prime minsters  assholes and  w....kers   and we dont get dragged of by the secret police and murdered  or tortured 
  Ok i know it dosnt help to pay the bills but we are pretty lucky to live in GB compared to other countries where  if you dont have any money you really do starve and

True, we are so lucky to live in a first world country (and I'd forgotten so am thanking my lucky stars, thanks for the reminder!), but it is relative to where you live. With rent, council tax, child care, the cost of 'free' education and of running a car - it's easy to see how some people are just managing to stay afloat, there was an amazing article on being part of the working poverty class (where people's jobs are only managing to cover the basics) I'll see if I can find it.

You do have a long standing reputation as being a good escort who provides what she says she provides, and I think that stands to you - but I've just spent the past half hour sucking on a dildo on webcam to pay to be featured - so with a bit of work hopefully I'll buil up my rep too!x


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1176 on: 18 September 2012, 11:09:31 pm »
OK, this is weird, in the space of 10 minutes I got two out call enquiry emails. Shame it was after 10pm (when I stop working) and they were both for asap outcalls


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1177 on: 18 September 2012, 11:36:20 pm »
I seem to have stumbled on the way to have your phone ring of the hook.  Be ill.  I've not been feeling too good the last few days and the phone calls and e-mails have just flooded in.  I had 23 missed calls this afternoon when I fell asleep for a couple of hours.

Makes me wish I was working, but I feel as rough as a bears arse, and probably look worse.  And sods law as soon as I feel better the phone will go back to normal.  It's like some sort of punter sixth sense, they only call when you can't answer.

Hopefully things will pick up as there have been some positive reports in the papers about things picking up in the economy, so fingers crossed it trickles down to us.

I do find it a lot busier when I tour, my area is dead and the only reason I do okay is because I am only here about  fifty percent of the time, so my clients are condensed into a smaller time frame.

Paris, I agree it's strange to hear people say they have no money and then next thing you know they're going of on holiday to a nice place with the whole family.  And clients who say they have no money, but go out with their mates clubbing/pubbing every weekend.  I know I'm old and haven't been clubbing or years, but I'm sure it's not gotten any cheaper. 

On the other hand there are people who are genuinely struggling to make ends meet and not just doing the Monty Python 'we were so poor' thing.  (Really showing my age now). 


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1178 on: 19 September 2012, 02:12:36 pm »
OK, this is weird, in the space of 10 minutes I got two out call enquiry emails. Shame it was after 10pm (when I stop working) and they were both for asap outcalls

This happens to me all the time. Start getting calls after 10pm. Makes me wonder where they were all day/evening grrrrrrrrh


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1179 on: 19 September 2012, 03:18:34 pm »
feeling poor /rich I think its all relative to  where you live / who you socialise with and who are your peers  /family to a certain extent  if you earn 20k but your neighbours /family /peers earn 45-  60 k then you will feel poor to them ,  but then often these people that earn 45 -60k  over extend themselves to the point that they aren't any richer /better of than the person who earns 20k because there outgoings are so high  i.e.huge  mortgage , car finance school fees or nursery cost or the lost of one income as one parent has to stay at home and look after the kids  so although they earn well and have a high income,  they dont often have any more money to spend than the person that earns 20k   

I mean 45 -50k is a good wage for anyone to earn  even in london (imo) however  when they are bemoaning the fact that they no longer get child benefit /tax credits as they did last year and because of this they may lose there house i do wonder wtf the world is coming to when someone on  45 - 50k gets benefits stretches  themselves financially  that far that they can't manage when they loose 100 a month in child benefit   


I seem to have stumbled on the way to have your phone ring of the hook.  Be ill.  I've not been feeling too good the last few days and the phone calls and e-mails have just flooded in.  I had 23 missed calls this afternoon when I fell asleep for a couple of hours.

Makes me wish I was working, but I feel as rough as a bears arse, and probably look worse.  And sods law as soon as I feel better the phone will go back to normal.  It's like some sort of punter sixth sense, they only call when you can't answer.

Hopefully things will pick up as there have been some positive reports in the papers about things picking up in the economy, so fingers crossed it trickles down to us.

I do find it a lot busier when I tour, my area is dead and the only reason I do okay is because I am only here about  fifty percent of the time, so my clients are condensed into a smaller time frame.

Paris, I agree it's strange to hear people say they have no money and then next thing you know they're going of on holiday to a nice place with the whole family.  And clients who say they have no money, but go out with their mates clubbing/pubbing every weekend.  I know I'm old and haven't been clubbing or years, but I'm sure it's not gotten any cheaper. 

On the other hand there are people who are genuinely struggling to make ends meet and not just doing the Monty Python 'we were so poor' thing.  (Really showing my age now).


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1180 on: 19 September 2012, 04:07:29 pm »
Paris, I totally agree. My biggest gripe (and it is a little controversial) along those lines is people at 60+ using their free bus passes to go to their ?60k+ a year jobs


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1181 on: 20 September 2012, 05:41:06 pm »
Right, I think I am going to work closer to home (I use hotels) and offer a little discount tomorrow, things may or may not go well. But you never know

Green Carnation

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1182 on: 21 September 2012, 04:33:27 pm »
I have a friend who is an investment banker, he earns ?150,000 a year + bonus, and when I once mentioned that ?50k is a good salary, he looked shocked, and said he wouldn't survive on ?50k...
How do I survive in London on my no-where-near-50k-wage ?

Anyway... Back to the subject- September hasn't been as busy as i'd expected. I went on a 2week holiday, just at the end of August, and I felt kind of guilty for doing so, and 'loosing business', but when I came back and discovered how slow everything still is (in London), I wish I had stayed in the sun for longer...


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1183 on: 21 September 2012, 05:21:50 pm »
Right, I think I am going to work closer to home (I use hotels) and offer a little discount tomorrow, things may or may not go well. But you never know

For anyone wondering, it hasnt worked. Nevermind, Ive got my webcams to keep me busy


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1184 on: 21 September 2012, 11:47:18 pm »
It's just really really weird for me at the moment....

Monday I had more Calls and Bookings than I could handle and by 4pm I was knackered having done 4 Clients....

And yet the rest of the Week there was virtually nothing....  :FF

Very Very weird!!   ???
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