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Author Topic: Slow at the minute or just me?  (Read 3561656 times)


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1155 on: 16 September 2012, 11:10:02 pm »
Is it quiet on AW this week or just me?
Quiet for me too!!!! Had a crappy week or so since the kids went back but still very quiet workwise!

Been a very quiet slow week my end too. Glad to know its not just me who is finding it a bit quiet.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1156 on: 17 September 2012, 12:12:42 am »
For me the summer was CRAP (it always is). I started to get moderately busy right after the end of the Olympics (mid August). By the end of august people started coming back from holidays and I got much busier. September so far has been veeeeeeery busy (to the point that I have to turn down business).

For me the big money making months are September through January, February things come to a halt (holiday time for me). March, April, may, June are decent (but nothing like the the Sep thru Jan gap). Then business literally dies in July and starts to pick up mid August. I go through the same cycle year after year.
« Last Edit: 17 September 2012, 02:54:03 pm by Ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1157 on: 17 September 2012, 02:32:22 pm »

Lucky you.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1158 on: 17 September 2012, 02:35:01 pm »
Hey its slow for a monday, maybe i will pop out to the supermarket, but you know what will happen when i get there.!!!
the damn phone will ring .


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1159 on: 17 September 2012, 04:40:18 pm »
Hey its slow for a monday, maybe i will pop out to the supermarket, but you know what will happen when i get there.!!!
the damn phone will ring .

I did that today, twice in fact as I forgot chicken for the dog!  ::) And yes today was a bit brighter, one of my regulars this afternoon and the hottest bit of male form that I've seen in a very long time before him! A lot of pent up frustrations have now been released  ;D Also had to turn 2 down as I wasn't available for them! Fingers crossed this week will be back to normal again!  8)


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1160 on: 17 September 2012, 05:25:09 pm »

I am sure this week will pick up a bit, really wonder what is happening out there  :FF


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1161 on: 17 September 2012, 07:28:25 pm »
I only work part time, so I don't have as much traffic shall we say, but even I aren't get the handful of emails I get daily.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1162 on: 17 September 2012, 11:23:24 pm »
It was quiet this morning but as I only work till 2 sods law my phone went crazy from 3pm onwards.  But I had my sub around so went shopping this morning and did some photos so productive.

lady c

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1163 on: 18 September 2012, 01:44:50 pm »
very very quiet, i had a timewaster last night got dressed nice for him and called him to confirm sent texts no reply  so went home probably a hoax caller again...


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1164 on: 18 September 2012, 02:28:41 pm »
Massive relief to read this, thanks

Jenny 2

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1165 on: 18 September 2012, 04:39:41 pm »
Dead quiet. :(

Did have a regular yesterday though and he did say that first week back to work (last week) September it's all go in the office, meetings, catching up etc so maybe that's having a bearing on things for us.  Can't believe how flipping quiet it is though. 


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1166 on: 18 September 2012, 04:56:37 pm »
To be honest, while I'd like to think its a temporary thing (due to summer/ men going back to work etc)- I think its mainly the economic downturn that is causing the lack of business, and I don't think its likely to change anytime soon.  :-\

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.
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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1167 on: 18 September 2012, 05:54:23 pm »
To be honest, while I'd like to think its a temporary thing (due to summer/ men going back to work etc)- I think its mainly the economic downturn that is causing the lack of business, and I don't think its likely to change anytime soon.  :-\


TRUE really true but let's wait and see what October holds could be better.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1168 on: 18 September 2012, 06:23:54 pm »
To be honest, while I'd like to think its a temporary thing (due to summer/ men going back to work etc)- I think its mainly the economic downturn that is causing the lack of business, and I don't think its likely to change anytime soon.  :-\


I've been thinking that for a while now, I've noticed the worse the media make it the quieter it becomes...


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1169 on: 18 September 2012, 07:03:54 pm »

I've been thinking that for a while now, I've noticed the worse the media make it the quieter it becomes...

It's SO slow for me as I'm starting afresh with a new profile, and in London so it's hard to get noticed without offering BB in an alley behind Tesco for ?20...but I've started camming (very amusing) which is keeping moi busy. But the ammount of emails I used to get, compared to what I get now (2 today..2!!) is insane.

I think it is the economy,and the media hype - but people are genuinely struggling to just pay their utilities, run their car and afford child care. There's a division of wealth in this country that's so disproportinate it's shocking. I'm lucky as I only have little old me to support (and once I have tea I need nowt else), but my heart genuinely goes out to anyone trying to support a family as I just would not be able to do it on anything less than ?30-40k a year - it's impossible to have a good standard of living on anything less. It all just adds to my dislike of David Cameron - everytime I see him on the news I just think 'You posh twat, if it wasn't for you and Gideon O. I'd be rolling around on a bed of ?20 notes being done up the bum'. Ho-Hum, it is making me feel a bit insecure though - I keep thinking 'If I was thinner I'd get more bookings', which is never a good head-space to be in...because my dinner usually ends up down the loo when I go there... :-X

Anyways, have lots of replies from minimum wage slave jobs, which will keep me ticking over and off the streets!Stay well everyone xx