you have a very negative attitude towards the business in general and clients pick up on it. You came on here and asked advice and some well respected ladies in the community gave you some. You arent taking it. Maybe its time you took a break and decide if its really worth being so pissy and unhappy with your life.
Good Luck
That's why I WANT to get out of this stupid profession. Understand that I am waiting impatiently to LEAVE IT. 4 1/2 years and I can't do it anymore. The good times were good, and it's when I really appreciated it. Back when every offer for an appointment wasn't a ploy to get me to lower my rates. When things weren't piss ass slow day in and day out.
My current attitude is a direct result of what's become of this business. I didn't come into this to go days and weeks without a minimum $200/hr appointment. Since last week, here's what I've had:
Client 2 Sundays ago: calls asking for a "deep massage" for $100. I say, "you want me to strap it on?"
It's 150. He says, "it's not $100?" I say no...that's not a massage, call it what it is (and to me, even 150 isn't that much and my boyfriend happened to see him walking past as I had to take the appointment...and he brings it up to me everytime we're drunk and he WANTS ME TO GET OUT OF THIS AND I DO TOO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!
The following 3 clients have been $60-80 dollar massage appointments that I bend over backwards to hustle up online, yet there's not a single bill paid yet...I'm behind on every one of them. I'm working with diminishing returns. It's not that I'm choosing to, but the higher paying clients are not around at this time.
This morning I woke up and thought, "what's happened to the traveling clients? The ones who stayed in hotels by the airport or downtown? What has happened? I used to get them once or twice a week?" It's almost like things have just vanished...and my attitude came AFTER. Listen to me again. AFTER I began noticing all of this and my earnings have been going south, which has just recently happened towards the end of May (when school let's out?

My negativety towards the industry is a result of the lack of work, the type of clients I'm having to work with and the little bit of money that's only trickling in. I wasn't this negative 1 month ago.