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Author Topic: Slow at the minute or just me?  (Read 3561659 times)


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #990 on: 20 June 2012, 07:29:36 am »

 You know when your client said you can do better than that  with regards to your prices  you should have said yes I can and kicked his ass out the door
By letting him set the price as such no wonder you have a chip on your shoulder and feel pissed off with clients
He probably had the full price to pay you  but you allowed him to negotiate a price u wernt happy with. And accepted it   

Bless. Blaine, you really do need to either knock the chip off your shoulder or make your mind up - it's not that long since you were whining about how all your clients were cheapskates who didn't want more than half an hour with you (and I turn away plenty of overnights, because I can earn far more money in the two days of my time one knocks out without half the stress and hassle of having to spend that amount of my time in one stranger's company). And please don't try your ridiculous attempts at being patronising on me; I wasn't bragging because I don't need to - I've probably been whoring since you were at school, and I'm very well aware of how our job works (and not all of those ten clients paid ?130, some paid less and others more). I work away two weeks of the month precisely so I don't have to bother much the other two - what would you suggest when I'm away and paying for a hotel? Turn away decent paying customers so I can come on here and wax lyrical about how much better I am than ladies who want to work in a different way to me? Do you think your precious, cossetted twat will fall off if you shag more than two men a day?

As I have said, your pompous, judgemental posts and crappy attitude towards any sex workers who don't do things in ways that you find acceptable are getting increasingly irritating. Either get over yourself, or you can try Pre Mod for a few days until you learn a bit of tolerance.

You're right...but at the same time just understand it's different variables. You keep coming at me harsh and I never came at you like that.

Think about it. This thread is about business being slow. You have people talking about not getting work or calls for a week or longer. Where do you find it appropiate to then say to me about how many clients you get in a day? I work hard and I treat clients good...I bend over backwards (and forward, literally) for clients yet like Alisha said, some people want to get something from nothing. I've done things that other females would have upselled and asked even more for.

Maybe you're blessed to be where you are located (can you remind me again?) to do what you're doing. It don't mean I'm not working or advertising or being just as nice as you are. And that's the issue I'm having with you and that's why we're not seeing eye to eye. I know what you saying, but understand what I'm saying.

My complaints about half-hours were in direct correlation to the fact that I'm already working with a small number of clients to begin with. To only have them book half-hours was frustrating. You say I could have asked for more? Guess what? One of the clients...a few months ago I tried twice to get him to pay me more. Even in person. I told him it's $160. He looked me in the eye and said, "COME ON, I know you can give me a better deal than that." I said, well...$120. He's like..."I have $100, can we go for that?"

So understand it's  a fight for me. Every day is a battle. Against the market and the dollar. United States is fucked up. People here don't EXPECT sex to cost. They think it's their God given right and to negotiate.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #991 on: 20 June 2012, 07:42:26 am »
Well this thread seems to have veered off course somewhat.  Sorry Blaine but you won't take advice with any type of grace and yet seem to think its ok to complain and diss just about everyone - not nice and not cool.  Perhaps a line could be drawn under this as I can't be the only one who is just plain bored by it.

So back on topic  ;D thank goodness for repeat customers this week as otherwise I'd be having a very quiet week.  Hmmm oh yes and big up the guys who don't like football.
« Last Edit: 20 June 2012, 07:54:30 am by Mellow »


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #992 on: 20 June 2012, 08:10:51 am »

you have a very negative attitude towards the business in general and clients pick up on it.  You came on here and asked advice and some well respected ladies in the community gave you some.  You arent taking it.  Maybe its time you took a break and decide if its really worth being so pissy and unhappy with your life.

Good Luck



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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #993 on: 20 June 2012, 10:57:00 am »
Do you think your precious, cossetted twat will fall off if you shag more than two men a day?

Amy, thank you. This made me laugh so so much, you have made my day! :D
Same me, different name.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #994 on: 20 June 2012, 11:41:52 am »
One of the clients...a few months ago I tried twice to get him to pay me more. Even in person. I told him it's $160. He looked me in the eye and said, "COME ON, I know you can give me a better deal than that." I said, well...$120. He's like..."I have $100, can we go for that?"

You're allowing hagglers and boundary pushers to run your business - you should really stand your ground and say "it's $160, or there's the door". OR  you could say "yes, I have a better deal, it's $200" and when he complains, say "that's a better deal for ME" ;D


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #995 on: 20 June 2012, 11:58:21 am »
One of the clients...a few months ago I tried twice to get him to pay me more. Even in person. I told him it's $160. He looked me in the eye and said, "COME ON, I know you can give me a better deal than that." I said, well...$120. He's like..."I have $100, can we go for that?"

I'm going to pull that one to the cashier in Tesco. Lets see what happens.
« Last Edit: 20 June 2012, 02:35:32 pm by Ana30 »
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #996 on: 20 June 2012, 02:01:41 pm »
If I may say one thing on this thread, my stance is this:

When other ladies are moaning about having little or no work
through no great fault of their own, it does not look good when others
state they are busy busy busy.  Whether intended or not it does
look like boasting with a hint of smugness.

Far better to say nothing if one is doing well when others say they

That's what I do.   ;)


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #997 on: 20 June 2012, 02:26:02 pm »
When does the footie finish?  I've got nothing lined up at all this week!  I'm guessing that's why its particularly quiet this week...? :(


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #998 on: 20 June 2012, 02:50:31 pm »
It finishes on the 1st July. There aren't as many matches now (only one a day at 7.45 from Thursday to Sunday) and then next Weds and Thurs and the final on Sunday 1st.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #999 on: 20 June 2012, 02:55:53 pm »
There aren't as many matches now (only one a day at 7.45 from Thursday to Sunday)

that's bad enough,it's really affecting my business.
"Sex work is real work, being a landlord isn't" - Graffitti seen on a wall.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1000 on: 20 June 2012, 02:58:20 pm »
There aren't as many matches now (only one a day at 7.45 from Thursday to Sunday)

that's bad enough,it's really affecting my business.

Seems to be affecting mine too; depends if you live in a football mad place or not I guess.
Please tell me it doesnt go on all summer  >:(


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1001 on: 20 June 2012, 04:06:25 pm »
It's slow for me too.  So slow that I took yesterday afternoon off and went out shopping.  Which I really enjoyed, I didn't spend a lot of money but it did remind me of why I do this job. 

The football and the fact that it's finally sunny here has slowed things down completely.  So far today I have had one phone chat booking and that is it.

I feel really guilty because the business side of me wanted England to lose last night.  But the patriotic side of me wanted them to win.

Can't wait for it to be over.  And then we have Wimbeldon and the Olympics to look forward to.  Why do men have to be so sports mad?  and why do they spend the money they could be giving me at the pub?

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1002 on: 20 June 2012, 07:26:50 pm »

you have a very negative attitude towards the business in general and clients pick up on it.  You came on here and asked advice and some well respected ladies in the community gave you some.  You arent taking it.  Maybe its time you took a break and decide if its really worth being so pissy and unhappy with your life.

Good Luck



That's why I WANT to get out of this stupid profession. Understand that I am waiting impatiently to LEAVE IT.  4 1/2 years and I can't do it anymore. The good times were good, and it's when I really appreciated it. Back when every offer for an appointment wasn't a ploy to get me to lower my rates. When things weren't piss ass slow day in and day out.

My current attitude is a direct result of what's become of this business. I didn't come into this to go days and weeks without a minimum $200/hr appointment. Since last week, here's what I've had:

Client 2 Sundays ago: calls asking for a "deep massage" for $100. I say, "you want me to strap it on?" It's 150. He says, "it's not $100?" I say no...that's not a massage, call it what it is (and to me, even 150 isn't that much and my boyfriend happened to see him walking past as I had to take the appointment...and he brings it up to me everytime we're drunk and he WANTS ME TO GET OUT OF THIS AND I DO TOO FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!

The following 3 clients have been $60-80 dollar massage appointments that I bend over backwards to hustle up online, yet there's not a single bill paid yet...I'm behind on every one of them. I'm working with diminishing returns. It's not that I'm choosing to, but the higher paying clients are not around at this time.

This morning I woke up and thought, "what's happened to the traveling clients? The ones who stayed in hotels by the airport or downtown? What has happened? I used to get them once or twice a week?" It's almost like things have just vanished...and my attitude came AFTER. Listen to me again. AFTER I began noticing all of this and my earnings have been going south, which has just recently happened towards the end of May (when school let's out????)

My negativety towards the industry is a result of the lack of work, the type of clients I'm having to work with and the little bit of money that's only trickling in. I wasn't this negative 1 month ago.

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1003 on: 20 June 2012, 07:37:14 pm »
And by the way, I'm counting down another 30 days or less to get out of this. I already have a plan to leave don't think I'm just talking about it. I'm bout it bout it.

I just don't want to do this anymore  :'(

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #1004 on: 20 June 2012, 07:42:08 pm »
You know when your client said you can do better than that  with regards to your prices  you should have said yes I can and kicked his ass out the door
By letting him set the price as such no wonder you have a chip on your shoulder and feel pissed off with clients
He probably had the full price to pay you  but you allowed him to negotiate a price u wernt happy with. And accepted it   

You're right...but he ended up becoming a pretty good regular though and would only stay for like half an hour. But then, I started feeling used because he wanted kissing and cumming and THAT'S when I started having issues.

I think next time he calls, like the end of this week I'm sure....should I go ahead and tell him it's going to cost more? Or is it too late?