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Author Topic: Slow at the minute or just me?  (Read 3561801 times)


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #975 on: 16 June 2012, 02:01:27 am »
As I said if you wernt refering to me then please accept my apologies I simply read it as you were.
The last thing I would do is slag of other escorts because as you say we all do the same thing
You.were moaning about your prices and. your clients and I said your the only one who can change it no one else can do it but you. In fact we all said it thenytou started moaning about girls in your area that charge less . Sadly   I don't have much paitence for anyone that moan About stuff that's totally within the ability to change 

And for what its worth when I started out in this  business iwas charging 30 pounds all inn I knew no better or worse.  its even on my first field report 30quid. So I can't even deny it (lol) And l ike you I didn't feel good or hap py with it so I change it and virtually reinvented myself
I cringe now with embarrassment at those prices . but for a while I was happy with it and when wasnt I changed everthing

 Which was exactly my point just got side tracked cos. Football been on so gone quite

 Sadly saafe wasn't around when I started in fact I don't even think the internet was around either. So I never got any help or input from anyone
So when I do give it it comes from the heart and I would hate anyone to feel that they are working and not getting what they want to earn because that souldestroying  because I really do know what its like from the bottom up in this business


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #976 on: 16 June 2012, 02:21:42 am »
LOL even when I go away on holiday, and come back to work I still feel like that  will there be any clients will men still want sex
Trust me after 10 years I still have exactly the same thoughts but you will be fine

All this talk of how slow it is, is making me panic a *wee* bit.

I'm sorting my life out at the moment. Just got a new incall that I'm moving into at the end of the month, and am sorting out website and pictures and stuff.

But still feeling like... oh God what if there are no client's anymore?

Luckily my outgoings aren't going to be too high (?700 p/m- including rent and bills) so I should be fine.

So nervous about properly starting again!


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #977 on: 16 June 2012, 10:52:01 am »
LOL even when I go away on holiday, and come back to work I still feel like that  will there be any clients will men still want sex
Trust me after 10 years I still have exactly the same thoughts but you will be fine

All this talk of how slow it is, is making me panic a *wee* bit.

I'm sorting my life out at the moment. Just got a new incall that I'm moving into at the end of the month, and am sorting out website and pictures and stuff.

But still feeling like... oh God what if there are no client's anymore?

Luckily my outgoings aren't going to be too high (?700 p/m- including rent and bills) so I should be fine.

So nervous about properly starting again!


I do exactly the same thing and every time I come back after a break it is manic for a few days I think what was I worrying about. LOL I am glad I am not the only one who does this


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #978 on: 16 June 2012, 09:49:58 pm »

LOL even when I go away on holiday, and come back to work I still feel like that  will there be any clients will men still want sex
Trust me after 10 years I still have exactly the same thoughts but you will be fine

I do exactly the same thing and every time I come back after a break it is manic for a few days I think what was I worrying about. LOL I am glad I am not the only one who does this

Thanks Girls! Yeah I've changed my working name etc so hopefully I'll get some of that newbie interest  ;)

« Last Edit: 16 June 2012, 09:52:25 pm by casey_kisses »
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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #979 on: 19 June 2012, 11:04:53 pm »
We are all self-employed and we decide when our days off are, what our rates are, what clients we choose to see etc etc. If we don't like it that much we don't have to do it.

That's not entirely true though. I believe in this day and age, the market sets the rates. Sure one can set a rate to whatever they want, but doesn't mean people going to pay it. The market (which consists of clients and escorts) is such a stronghold. It's power forces things to either happen or not happen.

The many times I've heard "it's too much" or "too rich for my blood"...that's the market talking. And different markets for different areas.

For example today: I offer massage for $60. The guy then says he wants mutual touching and a happy ending. I then say, "well it'll be $80 all together" (they want extras it's GONNA BE extra). He says, "I only have $60". I'm like okay I'll do $60 no problem. But then I didn't hear anything else from him.

What was that all about?
« Last Edit: 19 June 2012, 11:07:34 pm by Blaine »

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #980 on: 20 June 2012, 12:09:04 am »
Blaine, we don't slag off other sex workers here regardless of how they work of what they charge. Not everybody who charges low rates or operates differently to you is a 'desperate bitch', and we'd appreciate you keeping your offensive, narrow minded views to yourself.

For what it's worth when I work in New York (and I know different cities have different going rates) I charge $200 for a half hour, ?300 for an hour, $500 for two and so on - I'm nearly forty and I don't have any problems getting plenty of nice clients; I agree that $100 is shit but if I'd set that as an acceptable rate I'd just have suck it up.

In the UK I charge ?100 for 45 minutes and ?130 for the hour which is midrange and I'm well on my way towards doing ten today, or I will have by nine pm or so tonight. Have you tried touring?

And you're bragging to me because of what? 10 clients a day seriously? I wouldn't even want to see half that many and I'd be happy.

You should probably take into consideration the differences that exist rather than just assume I should have no issue getting 10 clients at 130 pounds.

yes I've tried touring but generally I don't see that many or otherwise I'd travel to meet for an overnight. And make as much as you do from 1 client. Brag about that.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #981 on: 20 June 2012, 12:13:42 am »

For example today: I offer massage for $60. The guy then says he wants mutual touching and a happy ending. I then say, "well it'll be $80 all together" (they want extras it's GONNA BE extra). He says, "I only have $60". I'm like okay I'll do $60 no problem. But then I didn't hear anything else from him.

What was that all about?

General Time Waster/Haggler/Boundary Pusher. Wouldn't even book at ?10. Prolly wanking while you discussed his "requirements" or "discount".

Brown Eyed Girl

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #982 on: 20 June 2012, 12:36:37 am »

And you're bragging to me because of what? 10 clients a day seriously? I wouldn't even want to see half that many and I'd be happy.

You should probably take into consideration the differences that exist rather than just assume I should have no issue getting 10 clients at 130 pounds.

yes I've tried touring but generally I don't see that many or otherwise I'd travel to meet for an overnight. And make as much as you do from 1 client. Brag about that.

I didn?t read Paris?s post about seeing 10 guys a day as bragging. If anything it?s testament to how hard work, good business acumen and a stellar reputation can and do pay dividends.

With your comment regarding market forces I think there is a grain of truth in it but I don?t think things have got that bad that we need to start listening to what every Tom, Dick, Harry think we should charge. If it were up to most punters we?d be giving ourselves away for a fiver! Some people will always want something for nothing and even then they?re not happy. Your example of lowering your rate from ?80 to ?60 demonstrates this.

I don?t charge low end prices or high end prices and trust me I get more than enough business and I?m no supermodel (sorry if you think that?s bragging). I work hard on my marketing, delivering an excellent service (hence why I have a good number of regulars) and most importantly I set boundaries and stick to them. If someone really wants to see me, on my terms and at the rates I set they will, if not, no bother plenty of other fish in the sea. My point is that the business is out there, if something isn?t working look first to how you could do something to improve matters and then and only then start blaming everyone / everything else for your woes. I?m sorry if that sounds harsh but I just get the impression from some of your other posts on here that you?re not particularly happy doing this job and I?m just trying to make you see that you actually have more control over things than you think.
« Last Edit: 20 June 2012, 12:39:17 am by Alisha »


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #983 on: 20 June 2012, 01:06:58 am »
Blaine, we don't slag off other sex workers here regardless of how they work of what they charge. Not everybody who charges low rates or operates differently to you is a 'desperate bitch', and we'd appreciate you keeping your offensive, narrow minded views to yourself.

For what it's worth when I work in New York (and I know different cities have different going rates) I charge $200 for a half hour, ?300 for an hour, $500 for two and so on - I'm nearly forty and I don't have any problems getting plenty of nice clients; I agree that $100 is shit but if I'd set that as an acceptable rate I'd just have suck it up.

In the UK I charge ?100 for 45 minutes and ?130 for the hour which is midrange and I'm well on my way towards doing ten today, or I will have by nine pm or so tonight. Have you tried touring?

And you're bragging to me because of what? 10 clients a day seriously? I wouldn't even want to see half that many and I'd be happy.

You should probably take into consideration the differences that exist rather than just assume I should have no issue getting 10 clients at 130 pounds.

yes I've tried touring but generally I don't see that many or otherwise I'd travel to meet for an overnight. And make as much as you do from 1 client. Brag about that.

Bless. Blaine, you really do need to either knock the chip off your shoulder or make your mind up - it's not that long since you were whining about how all your clients were cheapskates who didn't want more than half an hour with you (and I turn away plenty of overnights, because I can earn far more money in the two days of my time one knocks out without half the stress and hassle of having to spend that amount of my time in one stranger's company). And please don't try your ridiculous attempts at being patronising on me; I wasn't bragging because I don't need to - I've probably been whoring since you were at school, and I'm very well aware of how our job works (and not all of those ten clients paid ?130, some paid less and others more). I work away two weeks of the month precisely so I don't have to bother much the other two - what would you suggest when I'm away and paying for a hotel? Turn away decent paying customers so I can come on here and wax lyrical about how much better I am than ladies who want to work in a different way to me? Do you think your precious, cossetted twat will fall off if you shag more than two men a day?

As I have said, your pompous, judgemental posts and crappy attitude towards any sex workers who don't do things in ways that you find acceptable are getting increasingly irritating. Either get over yourself, or you can try Pre Mod for a few days until you learn a bit of tolerance.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #984 on: 20 June 2012, 01:09:06 am »
I didn?t read Paris?s post about seeing 10 guys a day as bragging. If anything it?s testament to how hard work, good business acumen and a stellar reputation can and do pay dividends.

That was me, actually ;D. Incredible though it may seem, there are other ladies here who work bloody hard when they're touring and are deservedly busy as a result.

Brown Eyed Girl

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #985 on: 20 June 2012, 01:21:30 am »
I didn?t read Paris?s post about seeing 10 guys a day as bragging. If anything it?s testament to how hard work, good business acumen and a stellar reputation can and do pay dividends.

That was me, actually ;D. Incredible though it may seem, there are other ladies here who work bloody hard when they're touring and are deservedly busy as a result.

Oh  :)
I got it confused with the part here where Paris recounted how busy she was on her London tour when she forgot to update her rates. Either way just goes to show there is still plenty of work out there.
I need to get into touring but I?m hotel phobic and crap at navigation. I got lost two streets away on Bishopsgate the other day and had to get my sister to come and pick me up. So I think I?ll stick to London! ;D
Anyway good on you xx
« Last Edit: 20 June 2012, 01:25:51 am by Alisha »


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #986 on: 20 June 2012, 01:25:39 am »
So I think I?ll stick to London! ;D

Me too at the moment, as it happens. Until Sunday, anyway :D.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #987 on: 20 June 2012, 02:17:51 am »
oh, ignore/delete. Bloody puter.
« Last Edit: 20 June 2012, 02:20:00 am by Cat_BBW »

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #988 on: 20 June 2012, 04:26:45 am »
Bless. Blaine, you really do need to either knock the chip off your shoulder or make your mind up - it's not that long since you were whining about how all your clients were cheapskates who didn't want more than half an hour with you (and I turn away plenty of overnights, because I can earn far more money in the two days of my time one knocks out without half the stress and hassle of having to spend that amount of my time in one stranger's company). And please don't try your ridiculous attempts at being patronising on me; I wasn't bragging because I don't need to - I've probably been whoring since you were at school, and I'm very well aware of how our job works (and not all of those ten clients paid ?130, some paid less and others more). I work away two weeks of the month precisely so I don't have to bother much the other two - what would you suggest when I'm away and paying for a hotel? Turn away decent paying customers so I can come on here and wax lyrical about how much better I am than ladies who want to work in a different way to me? Do you think your precious, cossetted twat will fall off if you shag more than two men a day?

As I have said, your pompous, judgemental posts and crappy attitude towards any sex workers who don't do things in ways that you find acceptable are getting increasingly irritating. Either get over yourself, or you can try Pre Mod for a few days until you learn a bit of tolerance.

You're right...but at the same time just understand it's different variables. You keep coming at me harsh and I never came at you like that.

Think about it. This thread is about business being slow. You have people talking about not getting work or calls for a week or longer. Where do you find it appropiate to then say to me about how many clients you get in a day? I work hard and I treat clients good...I bend over backwards (and forward, literally) for clients yet like Alisha said, some people want to get something from nothing. I've done things that other females would have upselled and asked even more for.

Maybe you're blessed to be where you are located (can you remind me again?) to do what you're doing. It don't mean I'm not working or advertising or being just as nice as you are. And that's the issue I'm having with you and that's why we're not seeing eye to eye. I know what you saying, but understand what I'm saying.

My complaints about half-hours were in direct correlation to the fact that I'm already working with a small number of clients to begin with. To only have them book half-hours was frustrating. You say I could have asked for more? Guess what? One of the clients...a few months ago I tried twice to get him to pay me more. Even in person. I told him it's $160. He looked me in the eye and said, "COME ON, I know you can give me a better deal than that." I said, well...$120. He's like..."I have $100, can we go for that?"

So understand it's  a fight for me. Every day is a battle. Against the market and the dollar. United States is fucked up. People here don't EXPECT sex to cost. They think it's their God given right and to negotiate.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #989 on: 20 June 2012, 07:19:05 am »
It was me who posted about being stupid and forgot to change my rates when I tour. like Amy and probably most other escorts that tour you've invested a shit load of money. So you have to work hard to recoup it and it's not nice when you don't     We all work incredibly hard just that some of us have better luck than others some times it can be location price advertising sometimes it's one thing and sometimes it's everything you simply don't know

I didn?t read Paris?s post about seeing 10 guys a day as bragging. If anything it?s testament to how hard work, good business acumen and a stellar reputation can and do pay dividends.

That was me, actually ;D. Incredible though it may seem, there are other ladies here who work bloody hard when they're touring and are deservedly busy as a result.