Leeds is totally abysmal this week, my phone is dead, I feel it’s got worse and worse over the last few years. lately I’ve been adding new pictures to private and public on AW to help myself and keep it fresh and I think my photos look nice but it hasn’t made a lot of difference. I do think the market is saturated now with women in this industry and there’s not enough clients to go round us all, I’m desperate to do something different and I’ve thought of onlyfans but I have no idea how to do the social media side as I’m old school and I think that there’s tons of women doing that two and it would probably be very hard making good money. I’ve decided I’m going to have to try touring but hotels cost a lot now and petrol on top, theres quite a bit to pay out and I don’t know how I’m going to do but I have to try something different as I carnt carry on like this.