I returned to the internet in August 2022 after taking time out due to the pandemic. I couldn’t believe how busy it was, it felt like the golden days of the oughties. Some enquiries were regulars wanting to reconnect but I was also receiving enquiries via email daily from newbies and for advance bookings.
It dropped off for me March/ April 2023 and these days I’m lucky if I receive more than one email a week for new business
I have a couple of theories:
1) The boomers with their gold plated pensions have been propping up the industry and are now either retiring so can no longer provide a cover story at home or are unable to perform with age so some don’t see the point in booking a lady or are sadly passing away.
2) Younger clients just don’t seem to have the disposable income to see us as much as they’d like to and also, have got so used to watching porn and being able to ‘DIY’.
3) The industry is now saturated with us ladies so chaps have so many more profiles to trawl through.
Here’s hoping as the younger clients become more financially secure they choose to spend their disposable income on us.
Stay safe
For those who have noticed a decline in inquiries/bookings/waiting lists:
When would you say that decline started, was there a specific point?
I’ve noticed gradual decline since September 2022. Very few advance bookings, fewer returners, or returning less often and booking shorter durations.