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Author Topic: Slow at the minute or just me?  (Read 3559712 times)


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14535 on: 20 March 2024, 12:47:12 pm »
Hi to all,
In central London and busy although i do this job part time. So some days are better than others but always meeting nice punters.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14536 on: 20 March 2024, 03:13:35 pm »
Absolutely dire in Ipswich this month, due to a massive influx of touring girls. Barely seen a soul, save for a few regulars. Nothing but timewasters on the phone, I'm blocking 5-6 people per day currently! Ridiculous.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14537 on: 20 March 2024, 04:54:12 pm »
I’m based in Liverpool City Centre and always find it slow here for clients during the week. Weekends are generally much more promising but midweek here is usually dire. It’s probably as Liverpool now has a reputation as a ‘party city’ especially in the city centre. There’s just not the same level of business men here during the week as there is in other nearby cities like Manchester. It could also be that I’m more busy on Saturday nights here as I’m trans, so men are more likely to find the courage to want to try something ‘different’ at night time on the weekend. I also find scouse men a lot more nervous about seeing me as a trans woman than men in other cities, possibly due to the heteronormative, masculine culture here amongst ‘scally’ men. I generally find I do much better on tour being the new girl in town but I still find that I can make more profit at home due to most of my money on tour going on hotels and touring expenses. I’m generally busier when I come back to Liverpool after being on tour. I was just wondering if anyone else on here who either is based in Liverpool / the north west or has toured here has found Liverpool to be not very reliable for clients during the week and lots of time wasters? There is a big influx of Brazilian trans escorts here at the moment but they probably won’t last here for long once they realise there just isn’t enough work here for all of us. I know Liverpool isn’t the most wealthy of cities but neither is Birmingham and iv found I do much better in Birmingham than Liverpool as I’m particularly popular with the Asian men there but I wouldn’t tour there during Ramadan as I did that last year and it wasn’t good. Iv also been escorting in Liverpool for 5 years now and always find I’m more popular here when I get back from a tour as the scarcity seems to increase client interest. Once tourist season gets under way I should start doing better here but it’s just quite annoying how quiet it can be here.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14538 on: 20 March 2024, 06:49:24 pm »

I can't read the above and I doubt I'm the only one - could you please use paragraphs?


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14539 on: 20 March 2024, 08:00:27 pm »
I have always found Liverpool not to be very busy. I live twenty mins away from Liverpool and it's also not the busiest. I used to have a flat in Walton/ Andield and have tried the city centre. I found Birkenhead to be busier than Liverpool. I'm not a party girl and my prices  are reasonable

I’m based in Liverpool City Centre and always find it slow here for clients during the week. Weekends are generally much more promising but midweek here is usually dire. It’s probably as Liverpool now has a reputation as a ‘party city’ especially in the city centre. There’s just not the same level of business men here during the week as there is in other nearby cities like Manchester. It could also be that I’m more busy on Saturday nights here as I’m trans, so men are more likely to find the courage to want to try something ‘different’ at night time on the weekend. I also find scouse men a lot more nervous about seeing me as a trans woman than men in other cities, possibly due to the heteronormative, masculine culture here amongst ‘scally’ men. I generally find I do much better on tour being the new girl in town but I still find that I can make more profit at home due to most of my money on tour going on hotels and touring expenses. I’m generally busier when I come back to Liverpool after being on tour. I was just wondering if anyone else on here who either is based in Liverpool / the north west or has toured here has found Liverpool to be not very reliable for clients during the week and lots of time wasters? There is a big influx of Brazilian trans escorts here at the moment but they probably won’t last here for long once they realise there just isn’t enough work here for all of us. I know Liverpool isn’t the most wealthy of cities but neither is Birmingham and iv found I do much better in Birmingham than Liverpool as I’m particularly popular with the Asian men there but I wouldn’t tour there during Ramadan as I did that last year and it wasn’t good. Iv also been escorting in Liverpool for 5 years now and always find I’m more popular here when I get back from a tour as the scarcity seems to increase client interest. Once tourist season gets under way I should start doing better here but it’s just quite annoying how quiet it can be here.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14540 on: 20 March 2024, 09:07:39 pm »

I can't read the above and I doubt I'm the only one - could you please use paragraphs?

Sorry I do realise it’s a lot of writing but it’s still perfectly readable but it probably would have helped if I did use paragraphs! I just didn’t see any natural breaks in the writing before to use paragraphs and also as a university student, we often have to write long paragraphs in our essays.

I’m based in Liverpool City Centre and always find it slow here for clients during the week. Weekends are generally much more promising but midweek here is usually dire. It’s probably as Liverpool now has a reputation as a ‘party city’ especially in the city centre. There’s just not the same level of business men here during the week as there is in other nearby cities like Manchester. It could also be that I’m more busy on Saturday nights here as I’m trans, so men are more likely to find the courage to want to try something ‘different’ at night time on the weekend.

I also find scouse men a lot more nervous about seeing me as a trans woman than men in other cities, possibly due to the heteronormative, masculine culture here amongst ‘scally’ men. I generally find I do much better on tour being the new girl in town but I still find that I can make more profit at home due to most of my money on tour going on hotels and touring expenses. I’m generally busier when I come back to Liverpool after being on tour.

I was just wondering if anyone else on here who either is based in Liverpool / the north west or has toured here has found Liverpool to be not very reliable for clients during the week and lots of time wasters? There is a big influx of Brazilian trans escorts here at the moment but they probably won’t last here for long once they realise there just isn’t enough work here for all of us.

I know Liverpool isn’t the most wealthy of cities but neither is Birmingham and iv found I do much better in Birmingham than Liverpool as I’m particularly popular with the Asian men there but I wouldn’t tour there during Ramadan as I did that last year and it wasn’t good. Iv also been escorting in Liverpool for 5 years now and always find I’m more popular here when I get back from a tour as the scarcity seems to increase client interest. Once tourist season gets under way I should start doing better here but it’s just quite annoying how quiet it can be here.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14541 on: 20 March 2024, 09:19:01 pm »
I have always found Liverpool not to be very busy. I live twenty mins away from Liverpool and it's also not the busiest. I used to have a flat in Walton/ Andield and have tried the city centre. I found Birkenhead to be busier than Liverpool. I'm not a party girl and my prices  are reasonable

Yes it’s strange I wonder why Liverpool is that way? The market here is quite saturated but Manchester’s market is even more saturated and I did better there. Iv found I also do better in Chester. That’s surprising that Birkenhead is busier than Liverpool as I would have thought that most punters on the Wirral would commute to Liverpool city centre. As iv had quite a few clients travel to me from the Wirral for in-call’s. I might have to try Birkenhead then! Even though there aren’t many big chain hotels there either. Iv done quite a few Outcall’s to the Wallasey area and the West of the Wirral but never to Birkenhead as I don’t really think it’s affluent enough to have the demand for that kind of service unlike those other places on the Wirral I mentioned.

There is also a stereotype of scousers being quite tight with their money so perhaps that’s also another reason why they aren’t as willing to spend their money on our services.

I also recognise that what I offer is quite a niche gap in the market and Liverpool isn’t that big so I may have simply exhausted most of the local client base! Bring on tourist season! 🤣


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14542 on: 20 March 2024, 09:25:43 pm »
Gigantic blocks of unbroken text are not the same as 'long paragraphs', which would be a paragraph longer than around two hundred words; like posting in all capitals (which is against the rules here) they make it more difficult for others to read the posts. This in turn means that you're likely to get fewer useful replies. HTH :)

I worked in Liverpool city centre twice albeit a long time ago, and found it terrible for timewasters, although the genuine punters were lovely which is why I went back. This was over ten years ago though, so you would hope things had improved a bit.

Have you thought about Belfast? The timewasters there are beyond horrendous, but if you've had practice at spotting them that ought to cut it back a fair bit and TS providers always used to do well there. It's a very short flight from Liverpool (as is the Isle of Man, which is also worth a shot if you haven't tried it)?


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14543 on: 20 March 2024, 09:50:38 pm »
Gigantic blocks of unbroken text are not the same as 'long paragraphs', which would be a paragraph longer than around two hundred words; like posting in all capitals (which is against the rules here) they make it more difficult for others to read the posts. This in turn means that you're likely to get fewer useful replies. HTH :)

I worked in Liverpool city centre twice albeit a long time ago, and found it terrible for timewasters, although the genuine punters were lovely which is why I went back. This was over ten years ago though, so you would hope things had improved a bit.

Have you thought about Belfast? The timewasters there are beyond horrendous, but if you've had practice at spotting them that ought to cut it back a fair bit and TS providers always used to do well there. It's a very short flight from Liverpool (as is the Isle of Man, which is also worth a shot if you haven't tried it)?

I understand. I just wanted to get my points across and it was my first time ever posting on here. At least I know that for future. I find this form very useful to read for tips on escorting. I’m glad I found it through Reddit. Im also on a mobile rather than a laptop.

Yeah it can be awful here for time wasters. I try asking most clients for a £20 deposit before meeting them for in calls but 90% of the time the response I get is “I only have cash” or “I have a joint bank account” or “I want to be discrete” so that doesn’t usually work. So sometimes I even ask them to arrive, pay the £20 deposit in cash and wait while I get ready (but not in my apartment!) 🤣 I just can’t deal with spending a long time getting ready for no shows. On days I know I’m going to be busy though or when I’m already ready I just don’t bother getting a deposit. But I wouldn’t do an Outcall without at least a £50 deposit as I don’t drive so rely on taxis / Uber.

Yes the genuine punters here are lovely and I feel a lot safer here than in some other cities I have toured. However, some of the punters here can expect too much for their money, especially since the cost of living has gone up and I don’t like that.

I actually get a lot of Irish clients here in Liverpool as a lot of Irish men who come here, feel more confident to see a TS escort on the big island than they would on their smaller island! Almost as if they are living a double life. I find Irish clients can be very lucrative. I was expecting this St Patrick’s day to be busier though but I didn’t even see one Irish client in Liverpool this St Patrick’s weekend which is unusual. Possibly as it fell on a Sunday and Sunday day time is generally always quiet for me in Liverpool.

I’d love to try Belfast. Iv done very well in Scotland in the past as well as Scotland is slightly more progressive for trans people than England. The only thing putting me off Belfast was having to get a flight there and not being able to drive or get a train and also because it’s not as affluent as nearby Dublin even though Dublin is much more expensive for hotels so that would probably balance things out more. The Isle of Man also definitely sounds worthwhile since it has a good economy and is not far at all.


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14544 on: 23 March 2024, 09:16:58 am »
I've been doing this for many years and for myself I have found a pattern... for context I am south asian and based in the city of London Monday-Thursday and Birmingham on Fridays. I also use to be very active in Heathrow but since covid it hasn't been busy anymore so I have stopped going.

I find the third week of the month is the quietest week for me.... I think because its a week before payday.

When it rains it is also very quiet - clients do not like to come out in the rain but even if they drive they still do not come out lol you would think it's only a bit of water and it isn't going to harm them but I've honestly never been busy on rainy days which sucks as half the year in England rains! let me know if any of you girlies still get work during rainy days.

It is also very quiet during school holidays no matter where I am - so I believe it will be a busy week W/C 25/03/2024 but once school holidays start on Friday it won't pick up til mid April when it ends.

All I can do is try my best to take holidays/rest days during these quiet times. It gives me a lot of anxiety though when it suddenly rains as English weather is so unpredictable.

It really sucks though... it is just so unpredictable now, I have had to get professional photos done which are VERY expensive every 6 months, whereas before covid a few phone selfies would get me loads of work!!!


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14545 on: 23 March 2024, 10:35:42 am »
I’ve had the worst week I think I’ve ever had in all my 10+ years


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14546 on: 23 March 2024, 10:44:31 am »
I thought it was just me - sacked of the rest of the week. Will work pay day week and see if any change


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14547 on: 23 March 2024, 12:46:27 pm »
Yeah, I rarely have a really bad week but this last one was shite. I've found that a crap week normally follows a busy one though and the week before was good.

Miss star

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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14548 on: 24 March 2024, 11:53:56 am »
Terrible weekend so many cancellations
Hope next week picks up.
Not sure if I should tour next weekend with it being Easter


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Re: Slow at the minute or just me?
« Reply #14549 on: 24 March 2024, 12:40:20 pm »
Terrible weekend so many cancellations
Hope next week picks up.
Not sure if I should tour next weekend with it being Easter

I think that depends on where you were planning to go, but bear in mind it's also Ramadan and scbool holidays so like a holy trinity of nosebleed hotel prices  :-\