I seem to have plenty of enquiries as well, but they've all come at times where I've missed them

Gutted my favourite reg I only just managed to see for a shorter time than planned cos I couldn't get out of bed on Monday. He text me first thing and I didn't see the message till hours later.
Then I had someone want a booking just as I was waiting for another reg.
Then I missed another reg cos he called when I was upstairs and didn't hear my phone. That was only 20 minutes before I realised but it was too late then. I couldn't get hold of him.
Had a message off someone else last night and got back to them within the hour but again that was too late.
Scheduled a booking on Wednesday for him only to pull a no show. And someone was meant to confirm an hour on Wednesday but didn't. Then Thursday someone was meant to see me but never heard anything back.
So yeah, been a right shit show of a week

March has been utter shit though for a variety of reasons. I'm glad to see the back of it!