If £400-£800 a week left over after rent isn't enough for you Lorena I sympathise - your living costs must be horrendous.
Tickle, I realise you're likely to have personal commitments and a support network at your current location, but if not I would maybe think about trying somewhere else? You've mentioned wanting longer bookings with dinner and so on rather than straightforward bread-and-butter ones, but whilst the market for these certainly exists, it's vanishingly small and the punters who book them are - by and large - not scratching about on Adultwork.
I moved nearly 300 miles to get the sort of business I wanted, so I do have some idea about the frustration of spending time and effort on good marketing and a decent service offering just to get whinging hagglers and unhygienic, pig ignorant bigots who could barely string a sentence together and I couldn't continue as I was, but obviously I know it isn't that easy for everyone (and I also know that these punters would be perfectly fine for somebody else, just not me). Sometimes you have to recognise that your market isn't accessible to you in your current situation and then you can work out ways of making it so, if that makes sense?
I'd also suggest that if you want 'dates', forget about getting them through punters and just go on some dates
